Despite fierce competition from rival clans, the Yuki Clan managed to acquire the mysterious "Star" from the Land of Bears. Tatsuya wasted no time, sending the artifact to the clan's Scientific and Medical Department. His mind raced with possibilities—the "Star" held immense potential, and he wanted to harness its power for the clan's future.
One idea stood out in his mind: incorporating the "Star" into a powerful summon beast. He envisioned a Polar Bear with ice attributes, one that could serve as the Yuki Clan's ultimate weapon in battle. He relayed the concept to the scientists, instructing them to experiment with the fusion of the "Star" and the chosen animal. If successful, this would produce a creature that could manipulate the cold like no other, serving as a guardian and weapon for the clan.
Meanwhile, a personal journey of power was beginning for Tatsuya. During meditation, he felt a surge of energy and awareness like never before. The final gift he had received before reincarnation—the Zodiac Talismans—were beginning to awaken. Each talisman represented a unique power, and Tatsuya could feel their influence, but mastering them would require time and focus. The path to controlling their full potential was not a simple one.
The Horse Talisman bestowed speed, the Tiger Talisman granted balance between spirit and energy, and the Ox Talisman gave immense strength. Each time Tatsuya connected with a new talisman, he felt closer to understanding the depth of the powers he had been granted.
Upon waking, Tatsuya felt the first stirrings of these talisman powers within him. He realized that his journey had only just begun. He would need to master not only his ice-based powers but also the incredible gifts tied to the Zodiac Talismans if he was to achieve his ultimate goal: to elevate the Yuki Clan to a level where even the gods of this world would tremble in fear.
However, the road to mastery was just beginning. The Yuki Clan had found new strength in the "Star," but the challenge ahead—Tatsuya's awakening of the Zodiac Talismans—would decide the future not only for him but for the entire clan. His journey to control these ancient powers would shape the destiny of the Yuki in the coming years.