
(6) The Golems

I jump to the side and dodge in the last millisecond.

The place where I was now had a gigantic stone hand. The fist of a single golem shook all the land around me

My first action was to move away. By sheer luck, I only activated one of the golems...Man, for giant stone statues, this thing is really, really fast.

It seems that I gained a physical strength upgrade, but even so, that punch missed me by a few millimeters.

I don't think I can cut this thing, so I decided to turn the sword into a long-handled hammer. Probably blunt weapons are more efficient...Well, I guess. I'm not a battle expert.

I ran around the golem, looking for a blind spot,After all, even though this thing is fast, it can't follow me with its eyes.

So when it couldn't see me anymore, I jumped on it,lifting my hammer.


It didn't have the effect I expected. Without looking at the hammer, the golem raised its hands, blocking my attack.

I heard a *crack*, but nothing more.

-Battle-proficient intruder. Switching to the elimination protocol.

No, I am not a "Battle Proficient", whatever that is. Give a man super strength, and if he still can't fight, he's useless.

I think I should pay attention to this "Elimination Protocol"

With a greater speed than before, the golem approaches one of those arches. And breaking it, it reveals a gigantic stone sword, bigger than mine.

I don't think it will cut me, the blade has no edge, but it can do some damage.

I try to use the same tactic as before, running around the golem. But this time he keeps following me with his gaze no matter how far I run.

And without wasting any time, he lands a downward slash with his sword, which again I narrowly dodge.

The floor at the entrance to the pyramid was already completely destroyed by this point.

-Tsc, this thing is very strong, maybe I better back off and…

My spine freezes for a second, telling me to jump to the side again. The golem's punch passes very close... not the first golem, but the second.

-Dammit dammit dammit!,did this thing activate silently?

Things had gotten too bad, I couldn't deal with one before, now two was impossible. But it could still get worse, I got too distracted thinking, and when I came back to reality


The first golem's sword, in a side slash, had hit my leg hard, bending it immediately. I'm sure I broke it, because I heard the sound of bones.

With the force of that blow, I was simply thrown away. I rolled several times on the ground, until I returned to the edge of the forest, where I was previously. 

All I could do now, with my leg crushed, was drag myself to a tree, and I sat down, my back against the trunk.Luckily, the golems are defense mechanisms, so they won't follow me to kill me...

-Ah, now I realized, it wasn't the golems getting faster, for some reason I was the one who got slower in the during the battle...tsk

My vision began to darken, I was probably going to pass out from the loss of blood. My leg stopped hurting a while ago, now I don't feel anything anymore

-Maybe I should have stayed in the kingdom, maybe helped them, would it be better than dying here? Nah, I'd rather die anyway

My last vision was of this strong sun hitting my face...For some reason,I cannot consider the sun beautiful. It just bothers me.

-Damn, how did the situation get this bad?

My vision completely blacked out and I passed out. 


Inside the pyramid, someone watched

-Eeh, did he die?...I thought he would do more. He used a skill I've never seen before...Or maybe it was a magic weapon, to change shape like that. But I'm pretty sure I saw black mist coming out of his hand...Well, not that it matters now.

Outside, the golems were returning to their original position, and dozens of floating stones with eyes - Mini golems that look like drones - were repairing the entrance.

-But in centuries he was the only human who got here, what would he be looking for? Besides, to break my sensor like that, it must have a lot of magic power...but he didn't use it,why?

She decides to look at the recordings, in a kind of light blue floating panel, which was in front of her.

-Maybe if I analyze the magic frequency of the image...wait, what? When leaving the forest, it starts to release an absurd pressure... as if it were leaking...

This is technically impossible.

Any being's body keeps its magical energy contained within it. Losing energy at levels like that would lead to death in minutes.

-Could that be why his speed and strength decreased? How did this guy not die?

Furthermore, analyzing the image of the fight better, she realizes an even more disturbing fact.

-That is, skin? Dead skin? 

Yes, during the battle, that man just started to break down, his skin was peeling off. And he hadn't even noticed.

-His leg, before breaking...already had part of the bone exposed, seriously, is this guy human?

She spent a few minutes analyzing and theorizing the bizarre battle she had witnessed

-Well...I could take his body for studies, but I think it would be more respectful to bury him anyway.

By this time the night had already arrived, the sky was with a beautiful moonlight, but with many clouds,and for a moment, a cloud blocked the moon.

So, in the place where the corpse lay, great power began to arise. Along with large amounts of black mist, as dark as night itself.

-What is it!?