
An Undead Hero in Another World

Axidriel was just a street thief, until he was stopped by some teenagers on a train, trying to rob them. A bright light appears, and everyone is summoned to another world. However, unlike the other three, Axidriel receives a power on the way to this world. The power to control all darkness, in its physical form And so, instead of being a hero and defeating the Demon King, he just walks away, and decides he's going to live life the way he wants to, with this newfound power. (Please join our discord server! he is half dead,but if more people enter, I guarantee it will become a good place for the community https://discord.gg/gnF3Gfx9KY (unfortunately the link is not clickable...I suggest copying it))

Lorde_X_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

(5) The Pyramid

I was on the ground, leaning my back against a tree.

There was blood everywhere, and one of my legs was completely crushed.

For some reason, my mist comes out of the destroyed leg....Well, it shouldn't be so bad as to make my current situation worse.

-Damn, how did the situation get this bad?


I decided to keep flying,it would be good to attract attention by descending from the sky with two giant black wings.I would probably go on and on until I got tired, then stop in some forest.

A few hours had already passed, and I didn't feel hungry or thirsty, probably because of what Mr. Voice said. That energy alone sustains my body, so that must be it.

I must be in some city right now, but I'm not sure. After all, since I don't want to attract attention, I'm flying above the clouds.

It's impossible to see me from down there in the middle of the night, but I'd rather not risk it.

What I could see was that I must have passed through a big desert a few hours ago, but I didn't pay attention, since there can't be anything interesting in a desert.

The funny thing is, the way I got through the desert, I'm flying extremely fast. I even need to look down, so I don't have the wind hitting my eyes.

There's not much to do, maybe my new power gives me more stamina, and I'm not tired for that reason.

I guess I'll just keep flying and see what happens,maybe this fantasy world is flat land, and I reach the edge, you never know what I might find there. 

Thinking like that, a whole day passed. Now the sun was already coming up.

I never thought it would be so bad not to get tired.

-Right right, damn it, I'm going down, I don't care anymore if there's a city there or not .

I start to fly down,and my speed increases exponentially.

If someone was watching from the ground,they would probably see a black line across the sky, like a meteor.

*BOOM* ,the earth shook with a great crash. I could go down slowly but it would take too long and I was irritated.

Man...I don't want to fly for a long, long time.

I was a little sore from the fall, but nothing too serious. With the mist from the wings, I created a big sword, just for fun.

-Eh, is it a forest? well,that's what i was looking for

I start to walk a little way, but I realize how difficult it is to get around in a dense forest...

So a stupid idea comes to my mind. 

-I can try to break through with my sword...

I fill the blade with energy, and slash towards the plants getting in my way. As if I released too much energy at once.

Maybe I absorbed too much energy in that spot?...wait, I'm not wasting that energy for nothing, am I?

-Ok...I think I need to control it right

In this little prank, I ended up cutting three trees, so I decided to cut the plants without power. However, I feel a little itch on my neck.

When I scratch it...

-Ew, dead skin? Did I burn myself in the sun? My neck is peeling...Well, it doesn't hurt, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Walking for about 20 minutes, I arrived at a clearing, where I can finally see a little bit of sky and…

-What the hell is that?!

Something I didn't see while falling...Well, when I fell, I didn't see anything, my eyes were closed because of the air pressure on my face.

Far away from here, there was something bizarre, a kind of gigantic pyramid,probably two or three times the size of the Pyramid of Quéops,in Egypt.

But it wasn't made of sand. Looking from here it looked like some kind of white marble, or metal

I'm too far away to have any idea...Also, it doesn't have a perfect pyramid shape, it looks like some kind of temple, like an aztec pyramid...yes, that is probably the best definition.

To be hones,I'm very curious, but I guarantee something will happen if I get too close...

By the way, I don't even know where I am, but this here seems to be far from any civilization.At least suspicious.

But I don't think there's anything else to do. I decided to just go there, and follow the event.

It took a few more minutes, but I finally arrived at a large open area that surrounded the pyramid. And from here I could see better, it was really a kind of temple.

There were arches at the entrance, and a beautifully decorated pathway.

And from here I could already see something at least creepy, two statues, similar to giant golems.

These things were at least 20 meters high each, and there were two in total, one on each side of the entrance. It's already obvious that these monsters will move as soon as I get close, I'm not stupid at all.

-Damn,they're just stone men, come on Axidriel, be brave.

And I did, I started walking, and for every arch I passed, I felt a strange vibration.

Maybe it was sensors that detect intruders...or maybe not,I don't know anything about otherworldly magical security systems

Standing in front of the door and among the golems, all I see is a strange pattern on that gigantic door.

It has letters I can't make out, and several bright lines spread out from the center of the door, where there's a small, flat space.

My first thought was to touch it, maybe it was some magical fingerprint sensor. But nothing happened 

-The voice said that my energy works like magic power in this world, maybe if I spill a little…


A noise coming from my hand.

The sensor just cracked

Maybe I put too much power?

Anyway, the statues that had been standing and watching me until now spoke...

-Temple damage detected, initiate threat containment.

Damn, if I had just clapped my hands, maybe someone would have opened and this wouldn't have happened…