
American History 1988

``` Debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies, anti-government, freedom. At the end of the 1980s, a wave of change encompassed a country boy from the Rust Belt. As the gate for upward mobility was on the verge of closing, he struggled to move forward. College, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship; HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become part of the 1%, or even 0.1%, he sacrificed a lot, but also gained a lot. ```

Quiet thoughts · 都市
385 Chs

Chapter 183: No Respect for Martial Morals

"Boss, there's good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"If you're not calling me at a critical moment, then it must be good news."

Dean took a sip of the red wine from the nightstand, the rich flavor soothing his mood slightly.

"Uh... Boss, sorry to disturb you..."

"Alright, tell me the bad news first. I need it to help me cool down." Miranda's languid posture made Dean feel an unbearable heat.

"The bad news is that our original plan to distribute Teams software with PC World magazine has fallen through, Microsoft has stolen our business."

"Microsoft?" Dean was somewhat surprised by this sudden competitor.

"Yes, they stole our idea."

"Be more specific, Jim." Dean had just heard the word "stolen."

"The people from Microsoft took our advertising concept while we were negotiating the disk advertisement with PC World magazine."

Byte Company was the first to contact PC World magazine and shared the plan for the Teams software free trial with them.