
Althea: A Tale of Vengeance and Love

Love is a double-edged sword which cuts through the bravest hearts. In the battlefield of love, one emerges victorious while another is left defeated to bear the scars of emotional atrocities. The cruel game of life dictates a winner and a loser, an unspoken rule of strength and weakness. The loser in love, like a wounded warrior, endures every trial, crosses burning bridges, and goes to extremes for a taste of love, even if fleeting. Althea Hamilton, the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Helenia, had one wish– to be recognised by her father. For this wish, she burned all the bridges, took all trials of life and bore all the atrocities. However, her wish for her father's love or attention never came true. It was only after his death, her half-brother came looking for her. Thinking that she might have a shot for family, she trusted the wrong people, only to be sacrificed by the so-called family for a marriage alliance. Althea was always the loser in love, be it her father's love or her husband's love. When she thought that her story ended when her husband threw her to be eaten alive by a human beast, she was given a bizarre and unexpected second chance at life. This time, Altha chose to cast her heart into a stone that no healer could heal and avenge her dishonored self. She swore to give the worst possible punishment to her culprits. Yet, as she treads the dangerous path of vengeance, unexpected blossoms of love complicate her journey. In this tale of scars and second chances, the question looms: Will Althea emerge as a winner or succumb once again as the loser in love?

tanu_sam · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

The one against Heavens Will

In the vast Solistelle Empire, the sky appeared to have broken into a captivating spectrum of colours—red, blue, green, and virtually every hue imaginable. This celestial display unfolded seamlessly, with each colour interweaving among others, creating a breathtaking spectacle. However, this phenomenon could only be discerned by human eyes when illuminated by flashes of lightning and moments later accompanied by the resounding echoes of thunder.

The eerie sounds of this natural occurrence resonated alongside the anguished cries of birds, animals, and the less fortunate. Meanwhile, the affluent members of society—the wealthy, nobility, and royals—relished the extraordinary panorama from the comfort of their windows.

The Solistelle Empire found itself in the midst of an unprecedented event, sparking widespread curiosity among its population. The population pondered the reasons behind this unique celestial phenomenon that had never before graced the imperial skies.

In the Soleil Palace, the official residence of the royal family, a man was standing in front of the gigantic window, looking at the interplay of magical lightning. He seemed to be staring at the sky with immense curiosity while waiting for the news. 


The man heard and instantly turned his head back. "She is saved."

"How?" The man asked with intense curiosity. 

He was answered, "It is a miracle." 

The man chuckled, "Miracle?"

"You want me to believe this, "He asked, his former chuckling face, breaking into an intense angry one. The subordinate didn't say anything as he did not have a satisfying answer after all. Once again looking at the phenomenal sky, he said, "Aleah Huntington, you are the one to defy death, aren't you?"

"We shall see for how long you will be able to defy the will of the heavens."


On the other hand, a young woman was lying on the bed, and a group of people who were eating white robes with a golden crest imprinted on it, gathered around her bed. They were born other than healers who were using their magical abilities to treat the girl lying on the bed. These healers were not ordinary healers, only the affluent people could have them treat people. Then again, the lady on the bed wasn't just anyone. She was someone that even the enemy was attempting to save. However, it was the heavens that wished her dead. 

It became a question of great importance: Why did everyone want to save the lady who should not be alive? What was the cause behind it? 

"Ah!" The young woman opened her eyes suddenly and opted to breathe. She felt as if she was drowning in water. As she came out of the water with force, she inhaled as much oxygen as she could. 

"Lady Huntington!" The onlookers were stunned, struggling to comprehend the unfolding phenomenon before them. It was similar to the one happening in the sky. 

"How is it possible?" One of them whispered. "We just felt her heartbeat stopping."

It was none other than their leader who declared her pulse stopping and before he could declare her dead, she was here breathing again in front of them. 

What were the heavens trying to do here?

"Hush, you fool!" The older man reprimanded. "Don't let the leader listen to you. If you speak like this, it will mean that you are wishing death on Miss Huntington. Nobody will be able to save you from the wrath of House Huntington."

"Yes, master."

"Lady Huntington, can you hear us?" The leader of the group with white hair that matched his robe asked. He was the leader of the entire group of people standing there. Although he was shocked like everyone, his experiences let him mask it well. In his entire life, he had seen many miracles to accept this one too. 

The young woman on the bed blinked her eyes as if she could not understand who this man was referring to. 

"Lady Huntington!"

Suddenly, a blinding light entered her eyes through the window and she fell back on the bed, unconscious. 

"Lady Huntington!" They yelled as they witnessed this scene. 

"Someone, call Duchess Huntington and inform her that Lady Huntington got struck by lightning!"

There were screams and hustle and bustle in the room where Lady Huntington was getting treated by the royal Healers. The servants began running here and there in panic. One of them heard that Lady Huntington woke up only to be struck by lightning. It was deemed the prophecy done by the highest priestess was true. 

One of the servants reached Duchess Huntington to inform her of the affair in the infirmary. 

"What do you mean she was struck by lightning?" Duchess Huntington asked, shocked. "How could lightning enter the room? The household is protected by the barriers created by no one else but my father, the genius of history."

"Your grace, His Grace has been gone for a decade. Many wizards might have surpassed him by now, "The maid dared to say, lowering her eyes. She received a glare in return. 

The other maid came to the rescue and said, "Your Grace, we shall see Lady Huntington."

"I knew those royal Healers were of no assistance, "Her Grace, Duchess Estelle Huntington of North said with regret and bitterness lacing her voice. "They could not assist my sister! Nobody could! They could have just let her die in peace! For weeks they prolonged her peaceful death for their absurd experiments. I will never forgive them! I will never forgive what they all had done to my family and sister!"

The Duchess broke down, thinking about her parents who entrusted the responsibility of her sister to her. If the royal family had not intervened, her sister would have died a peaceful and dignified death. 

"Oh Aleah, what sin have you committed that even death is not taking you?"

"Your Grace, please stay strong, "The maid whispered. "You're our strength."


A/N: Hello, Everyone. This is the first chapter/beginning of the story Althea: A Tale of Vengeance and Love. The six chapters before it were a reflection of Althea's first life. Well, I could have just moved on with the present but I thought it would be good if readers had an idea about what happened in her past life. This is going to be a fast paced story unlike my other stories. And you know what? It's my debut fantasy romance novel. Please welcome and support me. 

Meet our important character Estelle Huntington, the strongest woman you will ever know. She is strong and resilient. Let's cheer for her and Althea!