
Althea: A Tale of Vengeance and Love

Love is a double-edged sword which cuts through the bravest hearts. In the battlefield of love, one emerges victorious while another is left defeated to bear the scars of emotional atrocities. The cruel game of life dictates a winner and a loser, an unspoken rule of strength and weakness. The loser in love, like a wounded warrior, endures every trial, crosses burning bridges, and goes to extremes for a taste of love, even if fleeting. Althea Hamilton, the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Helenia, had one wish– to be recognised by her father. For this wish, she burned all the bridges, took all trials of life and bore all the atrocities. However, her wish for her father's love or attention never came true. It was only after his death, her half-brother came looking for her. Thinking that she might have a shot for family, she trusted the wrong people, only to be sacrificed by the so-called family for a marriage alliance. Althea was always the loser in love, be it her father's love or her husband's love. When she thought that her story ended when her husband threw her to be eaten alive by a human beast, she was given a bizarre and unexpected second chance at life. This time, Altha chose to cast her heart into a stone that no healer could heal and avenge her dishonored self. She swore to give the worst possible punishment to her culprits. Yet, as she treads the dangerous path of vengeance, unexpected blossoms of love complicate her journey. In this tale of scars and second chances, the question looms: Will Althea emerge as a winner or succumb once again as the loser in love?

tanu_sam · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The one with Magical Powers

Estelle Huntington wiped her tears and gracefully walked to the chamber where Aleah was getting treated by royal Healers. This was not the time to cry. It was time to fight and come back alive. 

"Your Grace, the other Dukes are here. They are requesting your presence, "Another maid came running and said in worry as she saw the Duchess going the other way. 

The Solistelle Empire consisted of four dukedoms that were situated in the cardinal directions, all named accordingly. Despite their geographical dispersion, the duke's households were proximate to the capital region, where the Royal family resided. This arrangement had always fostered the close proximity between the nobles and royalty.

"Your Grace, we are trying our best but we can't control them from approaching you, "The soldier guarding the door said. A while later, the four dukes along with their closer aides approached Estelle inside her house, destroying everything and everyone stopping them. 

"Estelle Huntington, you must give us an answer!" One of them screamed at her. This was not how a noble should conduct. But they say you forgot your conduct when the enemy is wounded and weak, "We are arresting you for starting a rebellion against His Majesty." Before the man could touch her, Estelle formed a barrier protecting herself and her people. She put most of her mana inside the barrier that was protecting everyone and easily stepped out of it. If it was someone else, the barrier that looked like a bubble would have burst but since it was made up of her own mana, it let her exit it without any problem. Yet, not everyone could do this. It was a special technique that she had learned from her late father. 

Estelle collected the remaining mana in her hand while chanting the spell and froze the hand of the man which was coming to hold her. 

"You!" The Duke cursed. He became weaker with every passing second. The ice was sucking his strength. 

"If any of you dared to take a step ahead, I will do the same to you, "Estelle threatened each of them gracefully. "You must not forget that I have nothing to lose now. My parents are dead. My husband has been brutally murdered. My sister is on the verge of death. I have nothing to lose if you declare a battle on House Huntington. I might not win against all of you but I will cause severe damage that will take you all of your lifetime to recover."

She raised her purple eyes that were shining as she was using her mana and said staring at all the men in the room. "Unless a royal warrant comes to arrest me or any member of my household, neither a noble nor a royalty could enter my threshold. If something like this happens again, we will withdraw support from the Celestial Hall."

The dukes knew that if House Huntington withdrew their strength from the Celestial Hall, it would collapse as House Huntington had military background and none of the other dukes could do anything about it. 

After this, Estelle walked out of there. The barrier was still intact and she gracefully entered the infirmary where the Healer was standing on the door as if waiting for her. 

"Your Grace, "The leader greeted her. 

"You all may take your leave, "Estelle Huntington said, not looking at them. "Feel free to not return again."

These lapdogs of the royal family had no place in her household. If she didn't have respect for their old age and talent, she would have long thrown them away. 

"Your Grace, "Her maid whispered, staring at one direction. 

Estelle looked at the direction where her maid was pointing at. She stopped breathing for a moment as she witnessed the scene unfolding before her eyes. Aleah was sitting on the couch against the window and witnessing the magical phenomenon occurring in the sky outside. 

"Aleah?" Estelle whispered, unable to tear her eyes. 

The girl blinked her eyes that resembled Estelle's but darker and empty. 

"Your Grace, I…"The healer tried to speak but Estelle raised her hand, gesturing to him to follow her order and leave the room. 

"How?" Estelle asked her sister who seemed to have no clue about the same. 

The room was emptied without her speaking. She approached Aleah after that and asked, "How is it possible?"

"I don't know, "The girl whispered, staring outside the window. She was unable to meet anyone's eyes. She was just as shocked as them. 

"How are you alive?" Estelle whispered again.

 It was the prophecy of priestess Roseline that Aleah would not live a day more than the said because of the unforgivable sin committed by the latter. About the unforgivable sin, neither she nor anyone had any clue. She had begged her sister to tell what it was before her death but…

"I don't know, "The girl whispered, still staring outside. 

An eternity of silence passed between the two of them. When neither of them could avoid fate, one of them broke the silence. 

Aleah Huntington was alive and it was the ultimate truth. She rebelled against heaven and came back to life. 

"Who are you?" A moment later Aleah asked Estelle. 

"Who am I?"


A/N: Any thoughts until now? Well, the story is going well. Or that's what I hope? Guys, I am asking for some comments as they are my motivation! See you soon! More chapters on the way! This is my first fantasy novel. Please go easy on me.