
Alexander Creed: Re-Life

From collecting to haphazard experimentation, Alexander Creed briefly peeked at the secrets of existence in an incident involving chaos. Having been given the chance to relive his life, Alexander decides to move out of his reclusive comfort zone and test how far his methods would change the world. From this, he becomes a Chaos Butterfly whose wingspan encompasses everything from comic books, toys, animation, tv shows, video games, movies, music, even beauties... and MORE. More often than he'd like to admit, Alexander Creed's re-life was clearly inspired by a Hollywood Creed. ------- This is a semi-Hollywood story if that's what you're wondering. This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much. Also, this is just a fictionalization of things for entertainment and just sharing for free. Hope I don't get into much trouble for it and hope I don't get sued or whatever. --------

UniVerseLessOne · RPS同人
455 Chs

Farewell, Old HQ

The rest of January wasn't as hectic for Alexander compared to how the previous months had been.

Of course, all is relative as a lot was still bound to happen. Just as how the Creed duo sculpted out their 1985 plans during the 1st day, the rest of the 1st month was setting the groundwork for it.

As real life finally woke people from their holidays, everything was back on track for most of the things.

January was a bummer of a month for abruptly halting your fun days at home or someplace exciting one has traveled to. However, nothing could be done for that as the world's going to let one re-learn how stressful everything truly is.

As for Creed Comics, the regularly scheduled single issues were bound to continue as issue #11s and #21s are back on track.

It would come as a surprise to many how single issues are still in fashion when Volume Books are the most economical choice. However, it had to be said that single issues are even more cheaply economical given their throw-away design.

Whatever the case may be, the new Creed single issue releases are bound to sell once again as it is still the most popular series titles to subscribe to.

It would mostly stay that way for the rest of the month though as Creed Headquarters has many major movements to implement.

As stable and successful everything is to the comic book world, changeups, and upgrades needed to be done to integrate what the Creed bosses have in plan for everything.

The direction in which the company would go through is largely reliant on the old boss and little boss after all.

While old boss Sullivan is busy handling the major stuff, it was up to little boss Alexander to manage the integrated Creed Comics and Creed Toys in the meantime.


In front of Creed HQ, a group of people was huddling outside an impromptu assembly area as they gazed at the warehouse-like building.

They weren't really needed to be present during this day as their vacation days are only due until later in the month.

Still, they wanted to be present as everything was about to be heavily shifted.

While the Creed fans are going to enjoy the pre-delivered single issues throughout the regular four weeks, Creed employees are set to relax but also in relative turmoil.

It was a shame that popularity posters and surveys are going to have a hiatus but nothing could be done.

Creed HQ was going to be HQ no more. Every employee was still in a wait-and-see for the new headquarters and designations.

January 5th was a Saturday but it was also scheduled in the memorandum that it was the true moving day.

While some wanted to enjoy their break, a wave of sentimentality suddenly hit most of them.

The ones among the huddled group of people are the sentimental ones as they silently looked on as professional movers fiddled with equipment and desks that they've been accustomed to using.


Of course, Alexander had to oversee most of what was happening so he was among the spectating bunch.

"Are we really moving base of operations, little boss?" Mr. Advertiser asked. He had been the one to accidentally expose the address of this place after all and was still feeling guilty over the mail accident.

"It can't be... because of my... uhm... mishaps that were forced to move." Mr. Advertiser could only voice out his suspicion with deep hesitation. "Right? Little boss?"

"It's not that, stupid." Ms. Marker, also considered to be Mr. Advertiser's rival, stepped in. "We've just overgrown the place and the bosses have a much grander outlook on things. Haven't you read the memo?"

"Right... right... Just curious and guilty, that's all." Mr. Advertiser had no motivation to deal with this female adversity of his at this time. He didn't want to embarrass himself by bickering as an adult.

Their young boss was way too composed and fighting with Ms. Marker would just shame him of his immaturity.

Alexander nodded in understating of the duo's plight while also keeping the much miser-like reason to himself. While it was true that they've overgrown the place, it was also coincidental that old Mr. William's free rent grace period of one year was getting close to its expiration date.

It was better to move out earlier before a new wave of rent fees are bound to be hiked up by the owner. As Creed Comics was earning loads of money, the warehouse owner was adamant in saying that the success was due to his building's auspicious luck and wanted a piece of the profit.

The Creeds simply don't want to deal with the envious man, who also happens to be a feng shui enthusiast, any longer.

While Alexander was musing himself with true company secrets, Mr. Security could only shake his head in melancholy. "It may not have been that long of a time but the place has really been a part of my life."

"You could still guard it if you want." Mr. Advertiser found a person to vent his frustration towards and joked on. "There's bound to be a new business to move in the place and they might need a guy like you."

"Uhm... no... I think I'll pass as it is Creed companies that I truly belong to and not the crappy building." Mr. Security hurriedly corrected lest his little boss truly decides to kick him out.

"Huh... not much backbone." Ms. Marker was womanly face-changing as can be and piled on. "How could Mr. Security even back out when he is set to have an upgrade in his job description?"

The rest of the crown could only chuckle at that and Mr. Security had no time to bicker back as he imagined his upgrade to Mr. Head of Security.


In any case, the sweeping of Creed HQ went on and the group also decided to help out the moving team.

They were much familiar with how everything was spaced out and they also had the chance to walk the HQ floors once again to pointlessly reminisce.

At least, with their help, the security of the important documentation and the art vault was set straight.

Alexander's boss room was also back to the blandness that it had been when he first moved in.

Fortunately, the stuff inside the warehouse wasn't that much and they were done before lunchtime could even onset their pangs of hunger.

The melancholic group even took a photo to commemorate the move along with the torn-down Creed Comics signboard.

As for making a museum of sorts to the place, that wasn't put much into consideration. It was uneconomical given the situation but they at least gave the place a proper farewell.

That eventually closed down the chapter for the Troy-jan Animation warehouse and the debut operations of the sensational Creed Comics and a bit of Creed Toys.

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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