
Chapter 2

"Hey, your okay?" A hand was being waved in front of me. Mai looked at me a bit annoyed

"Yeah just spaced out for a second but all good" I said shaking my head. I have been spacing out lately not like I want to, it just happens and I have no control over it. So to conclusion, yes. I'm an overthink and i play over different scenarios in my head. I don't know why it just happens and my overthinking is never a good thing. If you know what I mean.

"What's with you and spacing out all the time. You have been doing that for a while now" she says while going back to greek salad. She's trying to lose weight again. Looking back at my lunch I notice my doughnuts are missing

"Mia! Really! My doughnuts. You know I don't share those" I grumbled. How the hell would share them with anybody plus wasn't she t whining about losing weight for Trey Thomson's party?

"I asked and you didn't say anything so I just took some" she smiles at me. She didn't just take some, she took all of them. All three of them! Some people are just plan ass greedy. Like honestly why the hell would you take all of them.

"Mia you took them all not some. ALL OF THEM" I point out. How the hell are you supposed to lose weight (for a stupid ass boy might I add) of you keep on eating things that aren't yours. I really wanted to yell at her or even strangle her but I don't want to end up in prison for murder. I take a deep breath trying to keep calm and not reach over and kill her. That's also been happening a lot lately. I barely get angry or mad at stupid things no matter what but for the past few days I have been moody and cranky

"They were too good and you didn't even notice you could go buy some more anyway so stop making a big deal out of it!" She said harshly. Let's just say. She got pissed off because I have been getting mad over small things.

"Whatever. I need to get to class anyway" I said getting up from my seat.

"Really over stupid doughnuts. Fine I'll buy them for you. If I knew you were going to make a big deal over nothing I wouldn't have even bothered!" She grumbles. I don't pay attention to her and start making my way to class. We have also been fighting a lot more lately but that's just puberty and growing up

Walking in. No one is here yet. Meaning I have a few minutes to myself before class starts. Mr Baker our biology teacher is always late for his classes anyways. Taking my phone out I see it fifteen minutes past ten

"Great 45 minutes all to myself" I said happily. I take my earphones out of my bag and put one of my favorites song. Army by Ellie Goulding.

I know that I been messed up

You never let me give up

All the nights and the fights and the blood and the break ups

Your always there to call out

I'm a pain, I'm a child I'm afraid

I start humming along. Calming me. Music has always had that ability to calm and relaxed me. If not music then rain. If not rain. Then mother nature herself.

Looking out the window I see the school garden, the rose bush, the trees and most importantly my crush. Sean Zachary Cross. Unlike every idiot in this school his different. His not into playing girls or even looking at girls in that type of way. He keeps to himself but that doesn't mean he doesn't have girls following him around.

From what I have discovered over the years it's how he portraits himself, his an old soul. The way he acts and the way he walks is godly like. His artistic. He loves art but don't ask him to draw, that would be nothing but a disaster but ask him to write a poem and he'll sweep you off your feet. His a rapper, I guess that's what he wants to do after graduation. That's in two years from now and knowing how boys are, he could probably change his mind any time he wants.

He has dark brown hair, tanned skin, Hazel light eye's full lips and perfect jaw line and let's not forget his physic. You could tell that he works out but his not one of those crazed about being all fit and all that nonsense, his just lean but has a bit of muscle to attract the female population not that he need to it. His looks on they on would make you swoon. His the future beta of my pack and let's just say his mate is one lucky girl. His already 16 and everyone in school know that his been looking for her and I have never heard a rumour of him sleeping with anyone meaning his saving himself for her. See how fucked lucky he is. Like honestly in our generation the males are nothing but man whores like literally. They stick their dick in anything that moves. Not all of them but most of them.

Around him. Is he group of friends. Luke Morgan, Aron Douglas, Trey Thomsons and last but not least. Jack Davis

Trey Thomsons

Future Alpha

The leader

Play boy ( man whore 1)

Sandy blonde hair

Chocolate brown eye's

Buff but in a good way I guess

Tan skinned

If you couldn't tell he gets all the girls in town to drop their pants

Aron Douglas

Alpha's best friend

Party animal

Playboy (man whore 2)

Dirty blonde hair

Blue electric eye's

Lean but muscular

Tanned skin

If there's a party his there. Want to set up a party? His your guy

Luke Morgan

Future Gemma

The smart one. His pretty quite

Playboy (he plays around but he doesn't fuck everything that walks)

Pitch black hair

Grey steel eye

Very lean but muscular ( his a warrior so he takes good care of his body)

Pale white. (Totally god)

His the mysterious but mean guy in the group. Kinda like the bad boy genius

Jake Davis

Aron Douglas best friend ( might as well be his twin. They could be the twin of mischief together)

The prankster

His actual a teddy bear

Light brown hair

Light blue greenish eye's


A bit tan but not like his other friends

His all around a fun person, sweet, caring and knows half of the school. That's how sweet he is

Shaking my head I look though my phone. My birthday is in two weeks that means I can finally shift and maybe I'll find my mate. As much I hate the thought of being mated to one of these jerks here at school I can't help the smile on my face. I'll finally have a mate. Someone to call mine. Someone the moon goddess has given me. I have seen the way my dad looks at my mom. The way my big brother Cam looks at his mate Lory and I can't wait to be looked like that by my mate.

I'm pretty average. Expect for the hair and the weight

Dark brown eye's

Dark brown curly hair

Light caramel chocolate skin

I'm curvy but sometimes I look fat. Maybe cause I am fat.

I'm short as fuck. It's not even look attractive.

Sighing and look out the window again. My long time crush and his friends are nothing short of godly. But vampires are better. What I have a thing for vampires and demons. I guess you could say that I would love to fall in love with someone who would protect me from myself, protect me from my problems protect me from the whole world and their harsh words and just love me the way I'm supposed to be loved.

There are vampires, demons, angels, witches, sirens and mermaid. Every supernatural creature is here. There are no humans in this school. They would freak if they ever knew that we weren't just fairy-tale's 

The bell rings. I guess lunch period just ended. It doesn't take long for students to fill up the class. Since it's biology period I take out my textbook and my note pad for the lesson. Pulling out my earphones I shove them in my bag. Lowering my head so that I'm not notice or I try not to be. I sit at the back so that I'm not bothered and picked on.

Everyone settles down and they start chatting amongst themselves. I haven't shifted yet so I don't have my keen sense of smell or enhanced hearing not even the whole thing of being able to look from a distance. So right now I'm a basic human. Nothing I can do about it until my birthday

A squeal gets out of my mouth when I notice I'm floating. I look down at the person responsible and it's non other then the dark witches and some demons . The whole class is laughing at me

"Oh look. At least you not so fat that you can even be lifted up!" Yells Tessa. Everyone laughs harder because of her joke. Tessa Blue Kennedy is one of the schools whores. Also the alpha one of many play things but since she's his favorite toy she thinks she's queen bee. She's nothing but a bitch literally. Okay now I'm also disrespecting the whole female population of werewolves. She's nothing but a stupid bimbo! That's what's she is. She bullies anyone who doesn't praise her or looks different or even act differently than her. An I have been one of those people. You could say that I was into the whole follow the leader type of thing

"Put me down! It's not funny!"I scream wiggling in the air trying to get out of the floating spell. I'm afraid of heights and the fact only a fucken floating spell isn't helping. Wiggling and trashing around I try to get out of it. My heart beat quickens and I start shacking more and more the futher up I am from the floor. I know that this is not one of my best moments or my best ways to try and defuse the situation but all I can think about is me falling out of his hold and falling to my death.

"Look at that. Are you sure your even a werewolf. I mean come on look at you!" One of the demons point out. Looking at him. I don't even have the slightest clue who the fuck he is but his friend has my life in his hands and the mere thought of dying bring tears to my eyes but what makes it worse is being judged while being threated

"Please put me down!" I scream pleading again. I'm touching the ceiling now and that's not a good thing. The only thing I can hear is my loud heart beat in my eyes and laughter. I feel my anxiety coming close and I'm trying my best to breathe

"Look at that fatty can fly!"

"Aren't you happy that someone can finally lift you up!"

"Is the fat pig gonna cry!"

"Okay then. Gary you heard her" Tessa looked at me with a sinister smile." Put her down"

The spell that way holding me broke and I was falling. I scream the very moment I start falling. I prepare myself for the hard fall only to be caught in mind air.

Crimson Daniel Laderinth King. Is the one that stops my fall. Looking at him I'm shacking in fear. His not only a demon but his next in line to take the throne of the under world. His non other then Lucifer's son.

"Could you shut up. Your hurt my eardrum with all you screeching!" He hissed. I was about to chock out an apology when I noticed he wasn't looking at me but at Tessa. Tessa thinking that Crimson was talking to me laughs out loud and so do her barbie doll friends but the witches and the demons in the class don't laugh nor do they look up from the floor. Tessa stops laughing when she notices that the class wasn't laughing with her.

"What's with your fucken voice. It's nothing but annoying" he hiss again. Looking straight at her with his now pitch black eyes with blood red pupils. Seeing that the comment wasn't meant for me but for her she quiets down and doesn't even look my way.

"Do you idiots know what you could have done!" He yells turning around to look at the dark witches and the rest of the demons who looked nothing short of terrified.

"If she had fallen and broke her neck and died what the fuck would you say for yourselves!" He hissed out again. You could feel his dark aura all around. And the power he had.

"Do you think this flimsy Slut would help you in hell!" He straight out yelled. The class shook.

"You do realize that this werewolf hasn't yet shifted deem wits!" He roared. And I could have sworn there was an earthquake! He turned around and looked at me. Before setting me next to my desk. I was still shacking fear was rolling off of me. Not only was I close to my death but now I stood close to one of the most deadliest beings. As much as I would have laughed and pointed at them I couldn't all I could think about was not to cry, not to faint and most importantly not to shitting my pants!

"This better not happen again. Incompetent deem wittes fucking demons are nothing shitty ass morons. Instead of doing floating spells why aren't you practicing how to control motherfucking shadows." He hissed as he when to his side of the class. And sat down. " What are you all waiting for. Sit you asses down so you can finally understand the reason for why your stupid ass is still alive and not dead otherwise I'll kill you myself!"

That got them moving and sitting very quickly. It also got me moving. But not for my seat but to the door. I couldn't and I wouldn't be able to deal with class after what happened. I went straight to girls bathroom into one of the toilet stales and my tears just flowed down my face quicker then I ever thought possible. I quietly cried.

My heart was still beating fast and my anxiety was still there. The more I cried. The more I couldn't breathe. The more I tried to breathe was the more my nose closed up. I couldn't breathe no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stop the anxiety. I couldn't stop anything.

Darkness was close and I surrender myself to it and let myself be carried into nothing but darkness