
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · 现代言情
190 Chs

Chapter 22

After eating, they were now outside the restaurant.

Istel was thinking hard about money. Obviously all of them didn't take money because of the abrupt mission, and now... they were regretting for not thinking precisely regarding their things.

Thereafter, a notification ranged in their phone. All of them was shocked 'coz it was sent at the same time. That would be suspicious if they act that obvious.

The money were from Spy Corp. Finally, they sent them money. The money were a little bit of a lot... and they were very elated about it.

Now, they didn't need to ponder if they doesn't have money, beside, they were sure the Spy Corp. Would send them a helicopter to go back to the country.

The glanced to each other with nods. They couldn't believe their salary would be sent after one day when they finished their mission.

They were very happy thus even smiled to the two highnesses beside them.

Then again, a notification was sent again to them. It was from Spy Corp. telling that the money were for their flight and their allowance to go back to their respective house.

All of their dreams were shattered at a span of 12 seconds. It wasn't their salary rather, money for them in order to go home. Argh.

All of them helplessly sighed and Istel rolled her eyes madly.

Sure enough, her day was just so perfectly bad.

Felix looked at them, "By the way, did the majesties know that the Third Princess was out of the country?"

Istel simply nodded. How sad it is for them to not have money after a lot of hardwork. When can they receive their money??? Sad...

"... Did my mother lend you a helicopter?"

'Wow, helicopter...' Istel thought.

She looked at her to his eyes, "No. She didn't." If she had, she wasn't sad and mad to Spy Corp.

Felix blinked his eyes. "... Ahh. I see. You all can go back to us. There are free seats there." He said.

"Really?" JinJin said.

"Mm." He simply replied. Jason and JinJin hi-five and William glared at Jason darkly. Jason just laughed.

They went to the airline, go to Felix's private airplane and sat there.

Truth to be told, the free seats were only four, enough for them to sit. Really just four.

Istel was planning on sitting beside Jason but Felix pulled her, put her beside him and leaned his head onto her shoulder.

That time, Nilet was also planning to sit beside Felix bit because it was stolen by someone else, she doesn't have any choice but to sit beside Jason.

Jason smirked. "Ahh... so this is how it felt like to sat beside your highness."

Nilet gazed to him. "Watch were you saying."

Jason let out a noise from his mouth somewhat laughing, "Did I said something wrong? That one was a compliment."

Nilet rubbed her temples. "Is it? I don't think so."

"Then believe what you want. I cannot do anything about it anyways." He said sarcastically.

Nilet was speechless that all she could do was to stared at him. Earlier, she was fed by Istel's thick-skinned face and savage words, and now, she was roasted by this man?!

"How impudent." She said as she put the snacks inside her bag.

"What a... word... to describe me. I am hurt." Jason blurted out.

"I don't care what you feel." She said really mad now.

"Did I told you to care about it?" Jason asked her as soon she finished her words.

Nilet bit his lips looking at him. "What did you say?!" She was fuming in anger now. When would be the day that all of them just leave her alone instead of making her day bad all the time.

"I said, I am handsome." He said slightly smiling.

Nilet slapped the chair. "How arrogant!"

Jason looked at her. "A royalty should know how to act nice even when they are mad."

"I don't need your opinions about how I act, okay?" She said emphasising every word.

"That's what you told to Istel though."

"And so?"

"Don't judge others when you knew to yourself that you also couldn't do it." He counselled nicely.

"..." She lowered her head and inhaled.

William and JinJin was busy playing with each other. Actually, Istel was watching them but she stopped when she noticed that they were sweet and... like... making her jealous.

'I have my husband, ok? Don't act so sweet... it's... waaacc.' She said in her mind.

When did her husband became so clingy? Why?? Look, look, look now. He was holding her arms while trying to lean his head on her shoulder as she was stopping him because she doesn't like this... annoying... movements. It's... so weird.

Istel slapped his hand and he glared at her. He bit his lips and took her arms then linked it with his arms.

Istel was controlling herself to not punch him, because the scene after pinching him would be... very... accurate. She supposed it will be; he'll be either paralyzed or dead.

No words, that just how it is.

Istel wetted her lips desperately. Does this man doesn't know how uncomfortable and strange the thing he was doing?

"Hey... don't you know?"

"What?" Felix replied leaning on her shoulder.

"What you're doing was so... annoying."

"Then get use to it."

"What?!!" She yelled lightly enough for him to hear it.

Felix shrugged his shoulders. "There's nothing in married couple the word uncomfortable. What we're doing was far away of what the married couple should be doing."

Istel frowned. 'What do you mean... married couple should be doing?' She glared at him darkly. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean like, you should be thankful that I am thoughtful about you."

"What's thoughtful in you, exactly where?" She asked looking at his eyes. By this time, he was looking at her eyes too.

Felix looked down then to Istel. "You don't know.. or... pretending not to?"

"Why would I pretend to something I really don't know?" She said with sarcasm.


"Tch too!"

"Now, don't move! I am sleeping!" He said whose successfully leaned on her shoulder.

Istel pushed his head but his head doesn't move so she... flicked it really hard. Felix hissed but didn't give up and still leaning on her shoulder.

Istel rolled her eyes. 'If this man didn't take off his head from my shoulder... I would... kill him. Nahh.. it's a joke. If I kill him, that would be the end of my life 'coz the palace would be after my life.' (Run away)

She crossed her arms. She then gulped and looked at the man beside her. His hands was holding her arms really hard. His right hand on the other side was, really uncomfortable thus she held it and put it on his legs.

Felix felt a touch on his hand and peek. Her face was so near from him that he blushed and gulped with a lot of difficulties.

'How can she suddenly held my hand?? It's unfair!! I wanna hold her hands too eh!!!' He whined in his mind.

As time goes by, Istel finally got to sleep on his head while leaning to her shoulder.

Old Man Lee captured that very moment. He smiled then told the Bodyguards to take care of them.