
Elder of the Soaring Cloud Sect

Chapter 9: Elder of the Soaring Cloud Sect

***Gold's room***

The sun was in Gold's face as he woke up to his mother's yelling.

Athena: "Gold get your ass up it's time for breakfast!"

Gold: "Breakfeast? We never eat breakfast together."

Athena: "Snow made it because we have a guest."

Gold: "We do?"

Athena: "Yes, I'll introduce them to you while we eat."

Athena then left and went to the dining room. Gold then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready.

After Gold finished showering, brushing his death, and what not he finally walked to the dining room.

As he was entering the dining room he saw a lady sitting at the table talking with his mother.

Athena: "Gold, your finally here! Meet Senior Jane, she's my old friend and she's an elder for the Soaring Cloud Sect."


Age: She looks about 30 but looks can be deceiving

Weight: Unknown

Height: 172 cm

Appearance: Jane has a sexy slim figure.

She is very pretty and has a noble aura that go with her intelligent eyes.

Summary: She is an elder for the Soaring Cloud Sect. She is an old friend of Athena and they seem to be close.

Athena: "Senior Jane is here for the the diciple recruitment test. The test will be at the beginning of next month. Gold and Snow you'd better pick up the pace."

Gold and Snow: "Got it."

Athena: "I've also asked Jane to personally help train you guys and answer your questions about cultivation for this month.

Gold and Snow both bowed at Jane respectively.

Gold and Snow: "We thank Senior for this opportunity.

Jane: "No problem."

Everyone then started eating and having conversations.

Snow: "Gold where are you at in terms of cultivation."

Gold: "I just reached the First level of the Body Enhancement Stage yesterday, you?"

Snow: "I haven't reached the First level of the Body Enhancement Stage yet but I should be there after one more cycle of refining my body.

Gold: "Nice, you better catch up today before your can't reach my level every again."

Snow: "Oh whatever."

Gold: "He He."

After breakfast Athena told them that they would start training in the main courtyard with Jane every day for half a day besides Saturday.

***At the courtyard***

Jane: Gold and Snow what techniques are you learning right now?"

Gold: "The Star Slaying Technique."

Snow: "Im using Moon blade."

Jane: " Hmm interesting. Ok then where are you both at right now?"

Gold: "I have finished all the part requiring the body but now I need to learn how to control my ki."

Jane: "Well then I'll teach you some ki control tips to help you have better control. Now how about you Snow?"

Snow: "I have also completed the physical requirements but I need to reach the First level of the Body Enhancement Stage before I can use ki withought straining my body."

Jane: "Well then Snow first you should break through and then I'll teach you some ki controlling technique."

Snow: "Yes teacher."

Snow then got up and sat in the corner trying to relax her breathing. Gold and Jane looked at each other and decided to head to Gold's courtyard to let Snow concentrate easier.

Jane: "Gold here is the trick I will teach you. Since you cannot shoot out ki yet and you must touch objects to let it use your ki. Sit down and concentrate your ki in your hand then start forming a creature drawing out of ki on your palm."

Gold sat down and started to relax. He then started to try and form a dragon out of ki but it just dissolved.

Jane: "Since you cannot use ki well you should be drawing simple creatures first like a dog or monkey. Only in the future can you do something like this."

Jane then proceeded to draw a dragon breathing fire into the air.

Gold: "Woah that's cool."

Jane: "In the future you can do something like this too."

Gold then started concentrating and picturing a cat in his head. As he was picturing in his head the ki drawing started to form and a deformed picture of a cat appeared.

Gold then frowned at the picture wondering why he was so bad.

Jane: "It's fine it'll take about 1000 tries to improve even a tiny bit. You may improve only a little bit with the drawing but your ki control will increase drastically."

Gold ignored her and started forming the cat again but it was deformed like the first one. Gold's face started twitching with anger and started yelling.

Gold: "I will not lose to you!"

Jane shook her head and walked away to check on Snow.

***Main courtyard***

Jane walked in and saw Snow sitting there enjoying the comfortable feeling a letting her muscles absorb the ki.

Jane nodded her head in approval towards the young servant girl and walked over to Athena to talk with her.

Athena: "Those kids are talented aren't they it took them less than 3 days to start their cultivation but it would take those specially raised geniuses years before their start of cultivation."

Jane looked silently at Snow and nodded her head showing her belief that these kids were geniuses.

After and hour of talking with Athena Jane the decide to go check on Gold and see if he made any progress yet.

Jane walked into the courtyard and had her mouth opened wide


Long chapter cause I felt like it.