
Adventures of a Hell Cat

This is the story of a poor soul who has reborn into a strange world. He has no memories of who he was,, but knows that he is in a world that he does not belong in. He dreams of being powerful, but to his dismay he is reborn as a feline. I do not own the cover

Steven_Andy · 奇幻
34 Chs


The Accademy, like most of the city, was underground. It did not stand out in anyway from the outside, it was simply another door that had been carved into the ground. However when we went through that door the accademy came completely into my view.

While it could be said that magic had not reached a point where it was comparable to technology, that did not mean that it had no merits, and the accademy was proof of that. The accademy was located in a conquered dungeon. The subspace had remained, but there was no longer any monsters that inhabited the area.

Not a single sign or technology could be seen, and the accademy seemed like something from a mideval era. There was a large castle not too far in the distance, and the area around it was filled with plant life. There were trees, grass and even flowers.

I was pulled out of my revere by Serena's voice. "Beautiful isn't it? They say that the entire world once looked like this. Before the monster outbreaks."

I nodded, I could vaguely remember something of those days, and only the nicer parks truly looked like this.

We did not admire the view for long, and Serena soon led me to the castle. The gates stood open as we approached, and I was surprised to see that their were guards posted at gates. I could not sense their power level, but Serena explained their existence.

"These students are part of an extra curricular program. They earns credits and experience for standing watch here, and it can be helpful for gaining work under one of the noble families."

I nodded, but my attention was on the plethora of students who were just beyond the castle gates. The vast majority were human, but there were many beastkin as well. The last group of people were different from the rest, and resembled the sentient races from Rpg style games. Elves, dwarves, orcs and gnomes.

When Serena responded to my gaze I had begun to expect she was a psychic.

"The races you are seeing emerged after the first dungeon appeared. Humanity began to mutate, and much like the beastkin, these races took root in our world. Much like the beastkin they are an evolution of humans, and can be considered in a way to be genetically superior."

I looked at her oddly for a moment. The words that came out of her mouth seemed reminiscent of a certain dictator that had conquered half of Europe in the 20th century. She seemed to have noticed my reaction, but did not change her words.

I could only shake my head at her obvious racism. I could not say anything, as I myself knew I was far superior to humanity, at least as far as genes went. Even if I wanted to protest, the looks of disgust the humans gave me curbed any desire I had to defend them.

She led me through the throngs of people, and we eventually entered the actual castle. Inside the castle resembled a University, if a university focused more on physical education. There did appear to he actual classrooms, but they were not nearly as numerous as the large open gym like rooms.

Eventually we approached a room with a sign labeled 'Student Affairs'. The room appeared to be closed off, with one of those half door things, with the top part being a counter. A large brown haired woman with round bear like ears on the top of her head, stood on the other end of the counter. Looking at her I could not help but think that if she had a hair net on she would look like my lunch lady from back in my school days. Minus the bear ears of course.

The woman smiled as she saw Serena approach, her gentle voice stood in stark contrast to her appearance.

"Its always a pleasure to see you here Serena. And who is this? A new boyfriend?"

Serena blushed at the question, but did not bother to answer as she introduced me. "This is Sebastian Blackwater, he is a guest of mine and will be attending the accademy starting today." She handed a file over to the bear lady as she spoke.

The woman's attention was fully engrossed in the file, and minutes later she finally stood up. She went to the back of her office for several minutes before bringing out three books.

"New students who enroll in our accademy are gifted a single skill book upon entrance. You will be able to obtain more, if you have the merit points to purchase them. These three books are the skills the accademy has to offer that I feel would be the most useful for you."

I looked at the three skill books, noticing that one of them had a large skull on it, with a red circle around it with a slash going through it.

"Why is that mark on this book?"

The woman looked at it for a moment before speaking. "Books with this symbol are called 'Suicide Skills'. They have great power but use HP as a cost, not MP."

I nodded as I examined the three skills.

[Blood Sacrifice] (considered a suicidal skill)

Does constant damage to user but causes a portion of the damage user deals to be 'true damage' (1 hp per second= 1% true damage(ignores defense and resistances) also increases damage. hp cost, damage and true damage go up with Constitution. 10 points of constitution = 1 hp cost: 1% true damage 10% increased damage.

***Basically the cost is always equal to 1% of the users hp per second. 10 points of constitution = 100 hp with a cost of 1 hp per second. At 200 hp or 20 con, the cost would go up to 2hp per second, but the benefit true damage and bonus damage would increase. ****

[Mana heal]

Passive skill that uses users mana to heal hp. (1 point of mana to heals 1 hp)

[Mind over matter]

Your intellict raises your physical damage. 10 points of intelligence = 5% increased damage

****FyI 10 wisdom= 1 mana per second****





Ok guys, Its time to vote. The next chapter won't be released until one of the three options has been voted for 10 times. Vote in the comment section. I will make 3 comments, and simply like the one you want him to get.

(A) Blood Sacrifice

(B) Mana Heal

(C) Mind over matter