
Absolute Infinity System

Journey Along Nova as he discovers more about the Infinity System as well as many things. Watch as he ascends to Infinity.

Archlegion999 · 奇幻
14 Chs

Chapter 6- Leon's Plight

From the entrance of a large anthill,

a boy came out.

He looked completely covered in what seems to be blood, guts and other organs. He also wore a chestplate which had an intricate bear design in the middle while having a beautiful patterns all over with bright brown colors. His chest plate looked dented in many places with claw marks here and there and even bite marks if something could leave bite marks on steel chestplate it could only be something monstrous.

His shoulder pads also seemed to be covered with blood and is also dented alongside his face which if one looks properly they could easily tell that the boy looked very handsome and if one looked even closer they could even tell he was reeking an extremely sharp murderous aura.

His entire build seemed lean and even his armor couldn't hide his masculine body which seemed to merge perfectly with his build. He also had a sword in his hands a short sword which looked like it had seen better days as it was battered, chipped and completely unusable it would be surprising if it could even cut a vegetable anymore.

The boy also held another sword in his other hand which had very sharp aura about it and looked like it was just forged yesterday and it was glowing in a ghastly blue color. The boy though seemed indifferent about his appearance and quickly unequipped his armor and weapons and threw them near empty air but they disappeared immediately.

The boy raised his arms up in the air and soon a blue blob of water quickly formed in his palm. It eventually spread throughout his whole body cleaning every part of it and after it washed away all the blood and guts it dispersed as if it never existed the boy also soon disappeared as if he was never there in the first place.

This Boy was Nova after spending about 4 hours inside the anthill. He finally got out.

Nova then returned to his room exactly at the same time he was gone not a second late apparently this was a feature of his sub-dimensional dungeon.

He then took a quick shower despite using magic to wash him as it just felt better.

After showering he started to recount the things he went through in the anthill.

After reaching lvl 8, he went further deep inside killed a couple more groups of Doom Bears. Then he eventually reached another clearing where more tunnels branched off in different directions. He also found a treasure chest as well as many rooms filled with loot but also new types of monsters.

Nightmare Wolves. He fought with this type of monsters on one of the branched tunnels. These wolves were big as lions and their speed was incomparable than that of the bears. Although Nova had difficulties killing them in the beginning he eventually was able to just shoot them down using Mana projectiles from far away. These Wolves only had good speed and fast attacks and their defense was pretty much zero.

After that he also found Doom Centipedes. These insects were bigger and more disgusting than regular insects. They also looked like they came straight out of hell. Repulsed to fight against such monsters Nova just Bombed them to smithereens.

He also received another spell from those disgusting monsters. A very generous spell its applications are also huge.

"oof after fighting for so long inside a that place I really just wanna sleep but I should check my status before I do though to recount all my harvest today.

" Status".


(note I've decided to change the HP stat)

Hp- 250 MP- 654/31 per sec

Level- 12 Exp-(350/1300)

Strength- 31

Stamina- 21

Intelligence- 32

Constitution- 20

Vitality- 15

Luck- 10

Wisdom- 19

Charm- 8

Magical Skills-

•Mana Projectile lvl.5 (15 mp)

•Mana Fusion lvl.6 (N/A mp)

•Mana Bomb lvl.5 (100 mp)

•Mana Light Orb lvl.7 (5 mp)

•Mana Shield lvl.5 (50 mp)

Magical Spells

•Tough Bear Skin lvl.3

•Basic Elemental Control lvl.2


•Scholar •Magic Archer

Class Skills- [Magic Archer]

•Magic Bow

•Magic Arrows

•Elemental Arrows

•Critical Shot

Class Skills-[Scholar]

•Swift Understanding

•Academic Knowledge

Nova's POV.....

"Ahh.. well that adventure was a rollercoaster". I learned many things this day. Including that apparently every anthill has a rare chance of spawning with a class change reward and to get it i would either need to get to the end of the path of the anthill where the boss monster lay or by killing all the monsters.

I thought that I might feel bad or something while killing these monsters but I don't it seems I didn't know my inner self that good. Also It was very time consuming to pick the loots and anything useful by myself. The dungeon it self is very dangerous that I learned today. Could I actually go to these places with someone or is it only accessible to me.

[Negative. Host can bring in magical pet beasts or your subordinates inside to help you]

It seems the system read my mind.

"I can understand Magical pet's and minions but what does bringing in subordinates mean"?

[The host can choose to bestow a sub-system to another trusted person of the host and then that person will also have sone abilities of the system. Then he will become your subordinate. Subordinates also cannot betray the host ever. Also every exp and gold the subordinate earns the host will also receive 5% of it. The subordinate also gains 10% of the host's total power.

If host's wants to quickly become strong It's recommended to have lot of subordinates.]

" hmm... that's nice to know... actually i do know someone that can qualify as a subordinate and i trust the guy a lot as well so i might as well do it".

Nova went to sleep after that conversation with the system.

Nova Soon woke up fron his short nap and called the only person he'd call his brother. He always got along well with this guy and last he heard he got a girlfriend after that they didn't have a lot of chances to speak.

A sad almost crying sound came from the other side of the phone "Who is it"?

" Hey bro It's me Nova...what happened to you man you sound pretty depressed"

"Bro It's you...holy shit finally! i thought that witch deleted and blocked all my numbers but thank God"

"Wait Leon... what happened? why are you speaking like that?....and what witch are you talkin about, you high or something man"?

" No bro... you know what come to 'Xxys'

We'll talk there..i Don't think talking to a phone will help you understand everything that happened".

"Okay I'll get there you... you just stay tight bro".

No answer. After that whole episode Nova got up from bed put on his clothes and went to Xxys while riding on his bike.

After Nova arrived he saw his friend 'Leon' was sitting in a lone table while looking like he cried a lot and probably Didn't sleep properly either. So he approached and sat at the table.

Infront of Nova laid a boy who looked fairly handsome with blonde hair it also had some small shades of red here and there as well with blue eyes. The boy named Leon also possessed a sharp jawline and his face was devoid of imperfections he also looked lean and not very masculine but you could see traces of training. All in all he could have looked like someone who had a good like and everything a boy needs if not for pathetically depressive state.

" Bro Nova is that you.... you've changed a lot bro i thought someone else sat at my table but to think well anyways it seems like your doing good"

"yeah you could say that... but what happened to you, you weren't like this when i met you last time".

"its a long story but I'll tell you anyway i know you hate cliffhangers".

one hour later. " That bitch actually did that how the frick did i never noticed that she was a two faced girl...what the heck bro you should've just called me".

"No bro, it was my problem.. i Didn't want to drag you in it".

" Okay So this Roy guy is the one messing with as if seducing and stealing your girlfriend wasn't enough he also tried to bully you know! and that bitch just let it happen to her what did she like his d**k that much... She's fallen i know she wasn't like this she was much better in the past".

Leon replied "That's also what i told my self in the beginning but Aria's gone too far now i don't even like her anymore..."

Nova then thought about all this in silence he was fuming inwardly. His friends girlfriend Aria betrayed him and now even joined with his bully to kick him while his already down and to add the cherry on top the bully is also the guy who stole that her.

Alright these guys no longer deserve mercy from me they downed my bro to this level. Let's see he thinks he has a lot of power then lets show him rightful place Oh It's going to be very satisfying...

"Okay Leon you have done enough It's time for me to take it over.. i mean that's what friends are for".

Leon replied in a defeated tone " Thanks Nova really am glad to have friend like you bro".

After promising Leon's revenge he also received a quest.

Ding! Quest- Take Revenge on the people that have wronged your friend!

Number of people Revenge Taken on (0/2).

"Well if I'm correct than that mob should be at the playground i heard from Leon he goes there to smoke with his fellow degenerates".

Nova quickly reached the playground and he immediately saw a group of kids messing with two girls that were trying to defend themselves fron the group of degenerates

" These mobs really like to annoy people a lot well any last shred of mercy i had for them just went down the drain now".

Nova walked towards the group of boys calmly with high confidence soon they noticed him.

One of the guys there with spiky dyed blond hair saw him coming to them and then warned the group. They all then slowly turned towards them including the girls they were harassing moments ago.

Another boy with an athletic and handsome build who looked to be the leader of the group spoke out to him.

"Hey little shit you got lost or something or do i need to remind you this place Isn't a gathering for shits like you who haven't even grown a hair down there".

All the boys behind him laughed at his remark and the girls also frowned at his behaviour. The girl who seemed the most annoyed among the two of them politely spoke to Nova.

"You Don't really have to try to be a hero,

okay we arent completely helpless so you Don't need to mess with them and make the situation even more annoying than it already is".

Nova's Pov.....

Nova Didn't reply to the girls nor the provocation of these guys he just wanted to ask the name of the guy he was searching for thus he replied apathetically " Who among you is Roy?"

The group of boys were confused but then the guy who talked to Nova first replied "That's me shit head, what do you want did i f**k your girl by mistake?" the boys around Nova laughed hard for another round.

Nova also saw that the girls were frowning even more.

Nova calmly replied "Then this makes it easier...Roy was it well at first i thought I'll let you go with near death beating and warning but now you aren't leaving this place in one piece".

Nova's Pov End.....

Before the guy named roy could react or even make a comeback. Nova quickly gave a low kick to his knees Whilst controlling his power, with his increased stats breaking through concrete was no longer difficult for him rather he could quite literally obliterate a small concrete building given he uses all his abilities.

The boy named Roy.. his knees immediately broke and his bones also were gone in that part. Absolute Quietness...no one noticed what happened but after a while they saw the the boy who called himself Roy was now rolling on the ground with his knees deformed in a different directions he crying and cursing while he was dripping from his nose and eyes.

The other boys in his group after that immediately went to beat up the guy who did it. Nova saw more idiots rushing his way..big mistake Nova was very mad currently and thus all the guys that tried to harm him were either rolling on the ground touching their crotch or their broken hands and legs.

Absolutely merciless... Nova showed no mercy to these guys. He went to Roy while Roy pissed his pants after seeing the guy he badmouthed and before he could apologize or dl anything at all Nova was already upon him.

Nova first crushed his balls with a kick and before he could scream he held his neck while picking him up in the air after that he conjured heat in his hands using Elemental Control using it at a very low level and slowly burning his unfortunate victims neck. After a while Roy eventually died with horrified look on his face and before anyone could react one of the girls suddenly went unconscious and the other one was about to scream before she too was gagged and soon joined her friend. Nova thought of disposing all evidence these girls wouldn't remember anything and no one would be able to detect his handprints on all the guys he was gonna murder sooner or later because he was gonna burn them to ashes.

While all this was going on Nova's mind he was surprised of how calm he was and he Didn't feel any compassion or mercy for any of these people. He found out that he only cares when it comes to people he actually cares about. So soon enough Nova killed them all and then soon disposed of them... half completing his quest he went to Aria's house and sneaked to her bedroom where she was sleeping. He then woke her up and before she could understand what was going to happened to her he gagged her tied her up and then when she finally figured what was happening to her it was too late. Nova stripped her up took pictures of her nude using various vulgar positions and making her seem like an M and then he posted them on all the public sites he could find after that he fixed her up and then left.

The Quest was completed, only in an hour and half. He received 150 exp and (100©) coins for his effort. Soon the after effects of his actions would shake up the internet and create a new myth but he didn't knew about that yet neither did he have the time for it.

After his affairs were completed he took Leon to his home and talked about the things he did and Leon was very shocked to hear about the things that happened but more than that he was very glad to have Nova as his friend.

Nova finished telling Leon about the system and even showed It's proof and Leon almost fell of his chair after seeing Nova create a ball of water and fire on both of hid hands at once. After seriously contemplating for a few moments Leon eventually agreed.

[Do you wish to impart sub-system to chosen subordinate?]

[Yes] [No]


As soon as Nova said that an ethereal purple glow left his chest and went straight to Leon he was heavily wary for a bit but after 10 minutes of sitting like a statue not even breathing he finally told Nova about his system.

Apparently its very similar to Nova's only difference being that he can longer betray or deny any direct order other than things he does not want to do he must fullfil Nova's orders to the last word it was pretty much the same only difference being he could only access to things in the store one rank below Nova's own.

Thus Nova gained his first ever subordinate of the many many more he is to gain which will put him on top of all in this planet.

'Hey guys Author here, i was busy for a while and thus could not make more chapters and will also be busy for the next few days as well but do not worry as I'll still upload'