
Absolute Infinity System

Journey Along Nova as he discovers more about the Infinity System as well as many things. Watch as he ascends to Infinity.

Archlegion999 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5- Battle Tactics

Before Nova entered the entrance to the anthill he made sure that there were no loot he missed after he killed all the monsters. Sadly none of the monsters dropped any loot. Disheartened Nova Eventually dove into the anthill . Before going too further in the dark Nova used his very first skill 'mana light orb'. First thing Nova saw after entering deep is that the whole place was dark and the ceiling was also very high almost 10 Meters high what surprised him was that it did not look that high from the outside which made him believe that this place is bigger on the inside .

"wait if this place is this big and the ceiling is so high then the monsters inside must be pretty big and scary".

Nova dismissed his pessimistic thoughts and moved on. After going through what looked to be a tunnel for a few minutes he noticed that there were some Giant bear type monsters at front of him and they were apparently fighting over some sort of dead body or what's left of it. He immediately dismissed all unecessary thoughts.

Nova immediately used threw mana bombs towards the beast monsters.

Before the monsters could notice the object hurled towards them they saw a human running towards them with a sharp short sword in hand. The nearest monster whom Nova was going towards was smirking and thought how could the puny human even hurt him with that short stick. Before the monster could even understand and retaliate, the sword easily pierced the beast monster in the place where his heart is supposed to be.

Immediately the monster gave out a miserable sound "growwwl" and eventually died. The whole scene only took a few seconds. Before the beast monsters could register the death of their brethren, Nova decapitated a another monster near the dead one, the monster had a face of disbelief plastered all over his face before its head flew over and fell on the floor with a "thud" sound its massive body eventually fell on the floor and that finally gave the signal for all the other monsters to attack before they could though three consecutive explosions took place "boom, boom, boooom"

all the monsters in the runnel died their bodies were burnt to perfection and some were black as charcoal.

[You've Killed 9 Doom Bears]

[You Received exp(360) gold coins(270©)]

"Those beasts were surprisingly easy to kill. "Well If I didn't know the mana bomb skill or something equivilant I probably would've been in deep trouble"

"Let's see if they dropped something nice".

While Nova searched for loot most of the monsters further ahead in the tunnel

already heard the commotion and were arriving towards him very fast.

" Whoa hey system I think I found something, care to explain what this might be"?

[Congratulations Host has found a spell]

[You received the spell 'Tough Bear Skin']

"Whoa nice, but how do I use it"?

[Host just needs to say the spell name inside your mind and think of activating it]

" Cool tha.. 'rumble' oh it seems the monsters that heard the explosion are getting near.

"I feel like I'm gonna have the chance to use the spell very soon".

Nova quickly prepared him self after picking anything useful he could from the doom bears. Then he waited in a corner of the tunnel where the explosion created some debris thus it was harder to see anything there. After for a minute he saw more doom bears approaching the scene. There were about twelve of them some were sniffing the ground for leads but sadly because of the smell of burnt flesh they couldn't find any leads.

While this was happenings Nova was contemplating whether he should just hack and slash them or just throw some more mana bombs at them. He dismissed the idea of using mana bombs although they have great destructive power they make too much commotion. Nova quickly opened his status to check how far his skill proficiencies have gone.


( note Hp stat has been reconfigured)

Hp- 180 MP- 311/12 per sec

Level- 7 Exp-(710/800)

Strength- 20 jobs- (scholar)

Stamina- 14

Intelligence- 20

Constitution- 14

Vitality- 11

Luck- 9

Wisdom- 12

Charm- 7

Magical Skills-

•Mana Projectile

•Mana Fusion lvl.2

•Mana Bomb lvl.2

•Mana Light Orb lvl.2

•Mana Shield lvl 1

Magic Spells(new)

[Tough Bear Skin]

"it seems my skills are becoming stronger, I think I should just hack and slash these monsters. With my new spell it shouldn't be too hard to do exactly that.

After Nova thought that he's strong enough to take them all on he went out with a bang.

Nova POV.

As I get out from the debris I immediately close the distance towards the nearest Monster. It became surprised but then tried to claw me with its giant claws. I parried it with my sword and even before it was able to react i cut out one of its claws it screamed with misery "groowwl""graaaah!

it screamed in my ears and I felt like my ears were bleeding and I got stunned for a bit, long enough for it to try and stomp me... bad idea I held my sword blade to its leg and infused it with mana. It cut through the beasts leg with ease and I immediately went for it's head. I thrusted my sword towards its eyes and it easily went through his head. Brain fluid got out it's head along blood and strangely I didn't feel disgusted.

This all happened within seconds and the other beasts also charged at me. I quickly used mana shield and their attacks were stopped but the shield also started to crack. I quickly fired mana projectiles... in the darkness the mana projectiles looked no different than laser bolts. Wherever the projectiles struck roars came from there and it was filled with agony. Soon five bears died within the continuous barrage of my attacks but I was running low on mana as well. I again resorted to melee attacks. I slashed the beast to me left its paws gone and then I immediately leaped in the air and the other beast towards my right missed its claw attack and hit nothing but air. I stepped on that beasts head and then plunged my sword in its head it immediately died without being able to make a single sound.

[You've killed a Doom Bear]

Ignored most of the messages informing me of the kills.

when i was about to parry another attack of the two new beasts in front of me the beast who lost its paw tried to take a bite out me. I was instantly afraid and felt fear like never before but the adrenaline running through me allowed me to quickly react and activate the only spell I had. My skin immediately glowed with a brown hue and it started looking a bit like leather. When I felt the beast bite my shoulder for a moment i was afraid but then all I felt was the weight behind the beast body and a bit of blunt pain.

I quickly parried the two bears in front of me threw a mana bomb then when my sword was freed from defending their claw attacks I immediately plunged near the ears of the bear that was trying to bite me off it went through the other side of its head and it fell to the ground with a 'thud' sound.

I quickly rolled out the other beasts range then activated the mana bomb..

.. Booom! it felt like a tons of TNT blew near me but the sound was kind of satisfying to me. The beasts were blown apart like ragdolls with their flesh charred... cooked and unrecognizable.

This all happened in a few minutes and soon only three beasts were left and it felt like these beasts were afraid. After seeing how I dispatched their other mates they seem to be afraid of me. Not letting the momentum be ruined I poured all my mana and them using mana augmentation I created three bright mana projectiles they were floating in my hands like yellows stars I quickly fired them towards the three afraid beasts and they flew like bright laser beams and instantly three 'muffled thud'

sounds were heard.

The mana projectiles overcharged Peirced through the beasts head easily and they died instantly. I finally saw the notification that made me relax.

[You've killed 5 Doom Bears].....

[You've killed 2 Doom Bears]...

[You've killed 3 Doom Bears]

[You've received exp(560) gold coins(360©)! ]

[You've Levelled Up!]



Hp- 180 MP- 319/12 per sec

Level- 8 Exp-(470/900)

Strength- 23 jobs- (scholar)

Stamina- 16

Intelligence- 22

Constitution- 15

Vitality- 11

Luck- 9

Wisdom- 15

Charm- 7

Magical Skills-

•Mana Projectile lvl 2

•Mana Fusion lvl.3

•Mana Bomb lvl.3

•Mana Light Orb lvl.2

•Mana Shield lvl 2

"haaa.. haaa.. I'm tired.. these dungeons are no joke".

"I felt like I almost died more than thrice".

Seeing the status I learned that some of my basic stats increased while I was fighting. Its probably cause I always had to be vigilant and push my body too its limit every second in here.

Nova's POV end....

After Nova got some rest from the battle he immediately went searching for loot.

although he found an Uncommon Iron Chestplate. Sadly he didn't find a another spell.

Dejected Nova took a look at his loot.

(Doom Bear [set] - Chestplate)


+5% mana and stamina regen while fighting Doom Bears.

+5% increase attack speed and power fighting against Doom Bears.

+1% total health while fighting Doom Bears.

[Complete Set Effects] -

+17% Mana and stamina increase and +3% regen while fighting against Doom Bears.

+15% attack power increase while fighting against Doom Bears.

+5% total health and 10% health regen increase while fighting against Doom Bear.

" Holy Smokes this is too good I'm gonna fight those damn bears with this equipped now. Although the bleed effect made the fight easier it was still hard.

"Well let's keep hunting and I really hope I find another one those spells. They're really useful".