
Abandoned Heir's Superstar Wife Relives Her Past

At the Baeksang Arts Awards ceremony, a stunning actress was sitting alone in the audience. It seemed she was waiting for someone, constantly tapping her hand. While waiting, she dialed a number. Seeing the caller ID, she remembered the past. Weirdly, she remembered the feeling—once upon a time, she loved this man, but now he had become the person she hated the most. On the other side: As soon as the man's work finished, he grabbed his car keys, rushing out as quickly as possible. When his car engine roared, he glanced at his watch—it was already 7 PM. He was late. Cursing in his head, he stepped on the gas fully. No sooner than ever, his car was zooming across the highway at 300 km/h. He wanted to reach Seoul within half an hour. "Ha." What madness. He was trying to cover 150 km within 30 minutes, from Daejeon to Seoul. Now, some people might ask why he was rushing so fast, so desperate to get there. It was because of his wife. Early this morning, his wife insisted on going to the Baeksang Arts Awards ceremony. She told him that this was the most highly regarded award in South Korea, and she had been nominated for the Best New Actress award. That's why he was rushing as recklessly as possible. He didn't want to miss out on this golden opportunity to make amends with his wife, so he promised her that he would attend. While driving, his phone rang. Thinking it must be Soo-jin, he didn't pick up and instead increased his car's speed. He had been in a cold war with his wife for a few days now. Well, it wasn't her fault; he was the one who broke the promise. Now, he didn’t want to repeat the same mistake again. As he reached the Baeksang Arts Awards venue, he could hear the award presenters' voices. "The Baeksang Arts Award for Best New Actress goes to..." When he hurriedly showed his venue tickets, the security guards stepped back without checking and bowed. As soon as he was about to start running inside, he heard the presenter's voice again. "Kim Soo-jin." When he heard his wife's name, he was filled with immense joy. His halted steps started running toward her, finding new determination to see the award in her hands. While he was one step away from the venue, Soo-jin's voice could be heard throughout the room. "Good evening, everyone. I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this prestigious Baeksang Award tonight. I want to thank the judges, my incredible team, and my fans who have supported me through every step of my journey. This award means more to me than I can express." When he opened the doors, their eyes met. She was staring at the door, waiting for him, it seemed. He showed a victory sign with a big smile on his face, saying he kept his promise, but... Suddenly, Soo-jin became quiet, staring at him. There were tears in her eyes, her brows furrowed. Her eyes changed—they were the same as his father's eyes, filled with hatred. In the past, Soo-jin looked at him with indifference after their marriage, but never had she looked at him with hatred. "Why?" was the only question in his head. He was confused. On stage, countless thoughts were going through Soo-jin's head. She didn't want to do this; there was no choice for her but to reveal everything. If she wanted to be happy, she needed to reveal everything to the public because, even after everything she had done, she could not get a divorce out of this marriage, as she firmed her resolve. Her voice cracked while speaking. Tears were pouring from her eyes, but she spoke as stubbornly as always. "I have been diagnosed with angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer of the heart. I have less than three months left. I want to spend these three months with the person I love. I was forced to marry Kim Joon-ho. There is no love between us. Please help me. Please save me."

Afreet_Eicher · 现代言情
28 Chs

Chapter 1: Soo-jin's Revelation

"I have been diagnosed with angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer of the heart. I have less than three months left.

I want to spend these three months with the person I love. I was forced to marry Kim Joon-ho. There is no love between us. Please help me. Please save me."

As her words hung in the air, the entire room froze. Kim Soo-jin and Kim Joon-ho's eyes locked on each other, both filled with pain and regret—for completely different reasons.

Soo-jin never wanted to expose this in public, but she had no choice. She had to reveal this, not only to seek a divorce from Kim Joon-ho but also to live her remaining days happily.

When she finished speaking, her grip loosened. Her eyes fluttered shut as dizziness overcame her, and the trophy slipped from her fingers, clattering onto the grand stage of the Baeksang Arts Awards Ceremony.

Downstairs, a wave of shocked silence rippled through the audience, hearing the news, everyone was momentarily shocked.

Touching her forehead, Soo-jin struggled to steady herself as her vision blurred momentarily. Still, she forced herself to stand tall. She bent down, retrieved the fallen award, and, with tears staining her face, walked off the stage.

As the trophy fell, it was as if a storm had swept through the hall. The once-quiet ceremony was suddenly filled with frantic whispers and frenzied chatter.

Outside, the news spread like wildfire. Reporters, cameramen, and media personnel surged forward, trying to force their way in. Security guards struggled to hold them back, but it was futile—the paparazzi flooded into the hall, surrounding Soo-jin and Joon-ho.

Soo-jin's bodyguards quickly formed a tight circle around her, shielding her from the flashing cameras and relentless questions.

"Miss Kim Soo-jin, were you subjected to sexual assault by Mr. Kim Joon-ho?"

"Miss Kim Soo-jin, Miss Kim Soo-jin, were you abused by Mr. Kim Joon-ho?"

"Miss Kim Soo-jin, how were you married to Mr. Kim Joon-ho without your consent?"

"Please answer!"

The barrage of questions came from every angle. Every reporter eager to get the piece of this hot news.

Soo-jin, her head lowered, walked steadily, guarded by her bodyguards. She glanced back at Joon-ho. He stood unmoving in the sea of reporters, his eyes hollow, his face drawn with pain.

Tears brimmed in Joon-ho's eyes, threatening to spill over as he stood frozen in place, surrounded by cameras and microphones. The questions fired at him were sharp and relentless.

"Did you force Miss Kim Soo-jin into marriage?"

"Did you sexually assault her?"

At those words, something in Joon-ho snapped. His eyes blazed with fury. Without thinking, he lunged toward the nearest reporter, ripping the microphone from his hand and throwing it to the ground. His fists clenched, he grabbed the man's collar and punched him hard across the face.

The hall erupted in chaos. Reporters scrambled to capture every moment of the altercation. But for Joon-ho, the moment brought a clarity he hadn't felt in weeks. He wanted to go to Soo-jin. He wanted to make things right.

But the crowd of reporters blocked his way, unwilling to let go of the story that had suddenly become the biggest scandal in entertainment history.

As Soo-jin settled into the van, her head throbbed painfully. She instinctively reached for the bottle of pills in her bag, shaking a few into her hand and swallowing them dry. "Take me home," she muttered to the driver.

"Miss," the driver responded gently, "I think it would be safer to return to the company rather than home."

While she considered his advice, her phone rang. It was Park Ji-eun, her friend in private and her manager professionally.

Park Ji-eun and Soo-jin had been friends since university day's. As Soo-jin picked up the call, she heard Ji-eun's concerned voice.

"Soo-jin, what happened? The news is everywhere, saying you're sick! Are you alright? What happened to you? Is this true? Where are you right now? I'm coming to you."

As Soo-jin heard her friend's worried tone, she started to console Ji-eun with a soft voice, "Ji-eun, don't worry. I'm coming to the company. Let's talk when I get there, okay?"

Ji-eun, exhaled audibly, calming down from her agitation, thinking nothing could be done while panicking. She said, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

The driver, hearing Soo-jin say she was coming to the company, didn't need to ask twice as he turned the van towards the company.

In the back, Soo-jin, after taking her medicine, had fallen asleep. While she was sleeping, a bomb that she had set off was creating a buzz in every news channel.

Within an hour, the news had spread like wildfire. Thousands of articles were published online, dissecting every word, every gesture from the awards ceremony. On social media, netizens vented their outrage. Some cursed Joon-ho, while others pitied Soo-jin.

"Kim Joon-ho, you wretched thing, what have you done to our Soo-jin?"

"Kim Joon-ho, we will kill you for making our Soo-jin cry."

"When she revealed that she was married, I was shocked. But it turns out she was forced to marry him? How much lower are these rich families going to get?"

"Kim Joon-ho, we'll make you pay for making her cry!"

But amidst the chaos, a small portion of netizens remained neutral, waiting for the full truth to emerge.

Soo-jin's fan club wasn't silent either. Some were supporting Soo-jin's decision and fighting with keyboards in hand, writing articles and commenting.

When Soo-jin's fans found out that she was going towards her company, many gathered around Soo-jin's company with banners in hand that read, "Save Soo-jin."

As her van neared the building, a crowd of fans, reporters, and paparazzi blocked the entrance. The media from the Baeksang ceremony had followed her here.

But her experienced driver maneuvered through the chaos with skill, avoiding injuries and guiding the van safely through the gates. Security quickly closed them behind the vehicle, keeping the crowd at bay.

Inside, Park Ji-eun stood anxiously by the entrance. As soon as the van parked, she rushed to unlock the door and found Soo-jin slumped over, her face pale and feverish.