
A World of Reincarnators

Mizuki was an otherworldly beauty in her first world. Born as an albino, having the best grades in class while taking interest in technological advancement and music in her free time. Her parents who had died a year after her birth left her a large inheritance. Her aunt has tried to kill her for her money ever since it was decided that all the inheritance would go to her. 'Human greed is a vile thing.' Mizuki was not stupid by any means. The moment she realized her life was being targeted she left to live alone. The inheritance would let her live nicely until the age of 40 at the least but she was not content with that and started to do work in the stock market. Mizuki was now living in a moderately sized apartment near her school. She had multiple bodyguards that were receiving quite the large salary so she was not afraid of losing her life before even getting married.... But.. "Human greed really is a vile thing. Is it not?" Now in another world where power decides everything human greed is not the biggest problem she will face. But bare in mind reader. Reincarnation is not that uncommon. (art ain't mine)

Chiken_Sheep · 奇幻
170 Chs

Interrogating 'Femataur'

[It has been quite a while since the last update. L. I'm working on all the upcoming chapters together so that I won't leave any inconsistencies. If I do, I hope my intelligent readers will point them out to me so that I may correct them. Enjoy the chapter. Though it isn't very long, sadly.

-Author Clone #886 <3]

The Students, taking the chance of the Dungeon being cleared, started their escape and ran towards the entrance of the Dungeon in order to reach the nearest Adventurers Guild and report.

As they were exiting the Dungeon, they saw someone appear at the entrance only to mutter to themselves and enter again.

"W-wait! It's dangerous inside here! It must be a wild monster that is nesting here now! It has killed hundreds of minotaurs already."

The orange-haired girl yelled as she and her group reached the top of the stairs.


Mitsuna, the one that suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, stated before ignoring the group and walking in.

"Eh? Didn't you hear what I said?!"


With that simple answer, Mitsuna left the group.

"Whatever, who cares. Come on we have to report this to the Adventurers Guild!"

The black-haired youth told the orange-haired girl as they left towards the nearest city.


Mitsuna saw the situation differently.

As the female minotaur started to talk, she was transported outside the dungeon so that the Dungeon could be reconstructed in peace.

'Well, it should only take a moment or two.'

She thought as she saw the group of students running toward her.

'Oh, so there were humans here. Why didn't they get teleported? Maybe because they were already near the entrance? No need to kick someone out who is standing in the doorway I guess.'

After she heard the warning from the orange-haired girl she made up her mind.

'This group seems boring.'

Giving a simple answer that she made up on the spot, the 'Yep', she headed back down the stairs while reading the notifications she got when she cleared the Dungeon.

[Dungeon The Cave Below Olympus Cleared!]

[Respawning Dungeon Monsters... Complete]

[Awaiting New Boss Monster Selection Process... Complete]

[Awarding Clear EXP]

[Removing All Entities Within Dungeon for Effective Reconstruction of Interior]

'Okay. Cool. New features. That's nice.'

She nodded to herself, in slight weariness.

'If this happens infinitely then isn't experience farming rather overpowered in Dungeons?'

As she thought so, she finally reached a group of minotaurs.

'Their Levels have dropped a bit.'

She thought as she looked at the giant cow beasts trembling as they looked at her.

'Aren't I popular?'

She thought as she passed them without lifting a finger.

'I guess I'll go talk to the minotaur woman. Maybe get some answers.'

And so she travelled to the bottom of the Dungeon, no minotaur blocked her way, not even the huge one.

As she reached the doors and opened them, she was greeted by an angry minotaur woman.

"You're back? What do you want?!"

The minotaur lady yelled, only to be silenced by Mitsuna's calm and clear response.

"If you don't shut it, I'll use you until this Dungeons Level rating goes below 0."


Mitsuna sat down.

"Now. Let's talk."

She rested her chin on her hand while sitting in a lotus position as the minotaur that sat on its throne had a few chills running down its back.

"How is a sentient boss monster able to become semi-immortal by using a Dungeon?"

"I don't know what you mean."


Mitsuna answered with a sigh as she swiped her hand.

The walls of the Dungeon crumbled and the interrogation began.

"Let's start again. My name is Mitsuna."

"I-I don't have a name..."

"Alright. Femataur."

"I don't think..."

"Female minotaur. Rather fitting. Now. Let's continue."


"Tell me how the Dungeon features of the System operate. You should know since you are part of it."

"I can't disclose that. I am under a sort of oath."

"Fine. Simple questions then. Why did your Level drop?"

"You cleared the Dungeon."


"Too fast and it was a full clear."

"Full clear?"

"You were the only survivor."

"Is that a new feature?"

"I do not know what you mean by New."

"Okay, that's fine. If the Dungeon is cleared slowly then does the Level fall?"

"It does not."

"What is the time limit?"

"It depends on the Dungeon and I am not allowed to disclose that."

"What happens if the Level drops too far?"

"The Dungeon ceases to exist."


"Is it?"

"Yep. Didn't know that. Anyway, how are you sentient?"

"I have always been. All beings are. Monsters and humans both."

"I'm not human."

"I can see that. I've never heard of a human using a monster's Skill."

"I'm not a monster either."

"I didn't say you were."

"Hm. How did you and the others end up in a Dungeon?"

"It's a personal story."

"I don't want to hear that. I want to know How."

"I am not able to disclose that."

"Okay then. Last question for now I guess. What are Dungeons? What is their purpose?"

"I... am not able to disclose that or any information relating to it."

"Just because you are under oath or physically can not?"

"I am not able to disclose that information either."

Mitsuna sighed.

'Hmm. And I was actually interested in the topic too.'

Mitduna stood up and asked.

"Can I keep Leveling Up here?"

"I can not stop you."

"I know you can't. But is it a bother? How much pain do you actually feel from endlessly killing and respawning?"

"It is not endless... and we actually feel quite a small amount of pain. Otherwise, this would be considered torture. Though it would be a little troublesome if you kill everyone too fast. The average Level of a Dungeon falling is a bad thing for us."

"Got it. How long is the respawn time if the Dungeon boss doesn't die?"

"I am not able to disclose that."

"But they do respawn if you are alive for long enough?"

"They do. That is common knowledge."

"Alright. I do need to test my Skills and Tier Up and I would not love to stay here for over a week."

"I can not stop you."

"I know. I know. It'll be quick."

"And what about other Conquerers?"


"The invaders that attack the Dungeons. They can still kill me."

"You are about 30 Levels above the estimated Dungeon Level. You'll be fine. But I can block off the entrance to here if that helps."

"You may not."


"A Dungeon needs a Dungeon Boss that can fight."

"Ah. So if you are hidden then that goes against the purpose of the Dungeon?"


"I guess, sort of. Fine. I'll drive them away if any come, if that doesn't work I can kill them. This is a great farming spot after all."

Mitsuna smiled and raised a thumb to the still 'slightly' scared minotaur woman.

'I hope nothing goes horribly wrong...'

The minotaur woman thought.