
A Very Normal . . .

*** I'm rewriting this novel, so check out "How About Heresy?" It's this but better! Jeffrey's a very 'normal' individual who lives in quite the extra ordinary world or perhaps one can say it is an abnormal world... "Cultist!" Was he talking to me? "Nah, I'm no cultist," he says while he cripples a man. "YoU FieND!" "Woah, calm down there bud," "Die!" He yells, slashing his sword down. ... By day, there's four fresh bodies for the lord to hold. This is not a slice of life, though at first, it may not seem a bit boring, wait till you get to volume two. :)

StolenPasta · 奇幻
77 Chs

A very normal Status

'Welcome to the world of False-Apostles and Heretics!

'Chaos looms as tensions rise, and it is up to you, the Hero, to restore order back into these blasphemous lands!

'Many trials await, and your journey bound to be fraught with peril!

'However, with the aid of the Hero System, no tribulation is impossible and no bridge uncrossable!

'Now, Hero, venture forth on your grand quest!'

A transparent blue box hovered as it displayed a white wall of text.

"Hmm, that was pretty basic, d'you got anything else?"


'Grade F Quest Received !


'Access all the system tutorials,

'Reward: Unlock Status Value Sheet,'

"Woah, what a coincidence. Or are you listening to me?" A black haired boy squinted at the blue box in front of him. He was alone in what could be considered an abnormally large room, after all, there was absolutely no need for a bedroom ceiling to be thirty feet high.

"Well, let's just look at the tutorials," scrolling to a highlighted section of his system, he saw a total of three tutorials listed.

'Power Ranks'

'Essence Usage'


The contents were rather self explanatory.

Clicking on each of them, Yamada quickly skimmed read through each section. It was quite foolish to skip over such important, foundational knowledge, but he just wanted to look at his status sheet.

Anyway, each could be summarised as so.

The power ranks were Bronze body, Silver strength, Steel will, Golden mind, heroic Legend, unyielding Myth and finally immortal Semigod. Where one would temper their body, before moving to the mind, soul and then combining all of them in perfect harmony to become a Semigod.

Essence usage detailed the need to channel certain essences to evoke certain effects and the precautions for mixing and gathering the fundamental essences. That being Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth.

Races just detailed the characteristics of certain races. Yamada paid more attention to this tutorial. There were also images to accompany the text.

Humans were standard. Having no specific elemental affinity, yet capable of being compatible with all. They were rather weak when compared to other races, but still dominated a majority of the land, compared to other races.

Elves had various subraces, such as forest elves, or high elves, though that is only due to geographical location. They seclude themselves from the world and are a neutral race, with higher lifespans and stronger affinity toward the fundamental essences, but an aversion toward other essences.

Daemons, not demons, were a race, with countless different subraces. Ranging from banshees to baphomets. They were a rather jumbled race with each subrace having its own specialty.

Then there were the miscellaneous races. Races too small for their own category. Living away from prying eyes, they can include gemlings or kobolds.

There was also a rather curious category.

Fallen races…

There was not much meaningful content in this category, apart from what could be thought of as 'folk tales,' and legends of old.

Yamada glossed over this. As soon as he finished skimming over the tutorials he heard the familiar sound.


'Grade F Quest: Tutorial complete!

Unlocked: Status Value Sheet!'

Yes! Internally yelling, he motioned to show his new unlock.

A similar transparent blue screen popped up, this time it seemed to be in a list format.

[ Kanata Yamada

Rank - Unranked

Class - Hero

Race - Human

HV - 66 / 66

EV - 6 / 74

STR - 5

DEX - 11

CON - 7

INT - 8

WIS - 5

CHA - 14


{Fire Magic (Beginner)} ]

It was just as he expected, just a page with different values assigned for each of his characteristics, yet Yamada couldn't contain his excitement as he stared at the numbers. After a while, he let out a sigh.

"You've got to be kidding," Indeed, he was sighing at his status values. HV represented, Health Value, and EV, as explained by the System, was short for Essence Value. It represented the upper limit of how much foreign essence one could have circulating through their body at any given time. This indicated how much capability one has to quickly cast a spell, without the need to spend time gathering essence during combat.

He only had one skill, that being the fire magic he first earned as a reward for the first quest he received.

STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, and CHA were straightforward, being Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma respectively.

STR affecting, well, strength.

DEX affects agility, as well as how swift one was.

CON affected one's immunity and ability to take hits.

INT displays one's intellect and ability to manipulate essence.

WIS affected one's problem solving skills and ability to read the atmosphere, as well as perception.

CHA, well, affected how charming one looked or how persuasive they spoke.

This was fine, Yamada was familiar with this layout, however, the problem lay in the status results and values themselves. His class was Hero, and that was expected, however…

His stats were garbage!

For reference, as stated by the System, the average human would have status values of around ten. Ten!

His highest stats were DEX and CHA, which were next to useless. They were both heavily situational and wouldn't bring around a wholesome improvement. Unlike STR or INT which directly affected his combat power and overall physique.

Yamada didn't expect much for STR, however, he thought that he could at least beat the average with his INT!

This was rigged! He was the Hero, shouldn't he at least have some cheats?


As if the System responded to his woes, a new quest popped up. As Yamada looked at the contents, he broke into a wide grin. Just what he needed.

'Grade C Quest Received!

'Training Arc!

'20 pushups → +1 STR

'20 leg stretches → +1 DEX

'20 sec plank → +1 CON

'20 squats → +1 INT

'20 burpees → +1 WIS

'20 lunges → +1 CHA

'NOTE: Status values can only be accumulated up to 15 before values are no longer rewarded.

'Rewards: Corresponding Status Values,'

It was the quickest and easiest way to improve his status values in a short time as well as enhancing them to above average. Yamada didn't understand why he needed to exercise for the last three, but he wasn't going to question something so convenient. He'd be an utter fool to do such a thing.

"What a diligent summon," King Astar, muttered.

The surveillance officer he placed to oversee the Hero's room gave him a situation report. It seemed the Hero started to do exercise and basic training, as soon as he was left alone. It may seem that the Hero is weak now, but that must be due to the botched summoning they did.

As soon as the Hero was back in tip top shape, he would be a force to be reckoned with, and they would crush those Steel bastards, all high and mighty because they have tons of money and resources to fling around.

He could imagine their shocked looks as their forces are obliterated one after another.

Thinking about this, King Astars mind drifted for a bit, before he set himself straight. Now was not the time for daydreaming.

He had work to do.

Thats broken !

I even tried to balance the power scaling...

StolenPastacreators' thoughts