

Two she wolf twin sisters at war with each other since when they were in their mother's womb, one destined to rule over the other and mate with the most powerful Alpha in all werewolf packs, a union that will forever change the course of the all werewolves packs in the world, but when the Alpha accidentally imprints on the wrong twin, the other twin sort revenge and aligned herself with the werewolves mortal enemy leading to a war so deep in blood and threaten the lives of every werewolves that will drive them to almost extinction.

Benjamin_light_jr · 奇幻言情
30 Chs


When Vera arrived at the clinic, the usually serene atmosphere was replaced with a whirlwind of activity. People were running around, voices raised in urgency, the smell of antiseptic mingling with the iron tang of blood. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pushed through the chaos, her eyes scanning the room for Edith, the Oracle.

She found her in the center of the commotion, treating a man Vera recognized as a member of the war council for the pack. He was writhing in pain, a large gash marring his torso, the wound deep and ragged like one inflicted by the claws of a werewolf. His groans of agony cut through the noise, making Vera's stomach churn.

"What's going on? Why are all these people hurt?" Vera asked, rushing to Edith's side.

Edith, her hands steady despite the chaos, glanced up briefly. "These are pack soldiers of the war council. They were attacked in the forest by members of the Cult of Herod. Now hurry, change into your scrubs and help me with him," she instructed, her voice firm and unwavering.

Vera nodded, her mind racing as she ran to the back room to change. She stripped off her clothes, slipping into the familiar comfort of her scrubs. Her fingers trembled slightly as she tied her hair back, but she took a deep breath, centering herself. She had to be strong; lives depended on it.

When she returned to the main room, Edith was already working on the wounded council member. "Vera, I need you to hold him steady," Edith directed, her voice cutting through the noise.

Vera moved quickly to the man's side, placing her hands on his shoulders to keep him from thrashing. His skin was slick with sweat, his muscles taut with pain. Edith began chanting in a low, rhythmic voice, her hands hovering over the gash. A faint glow emanated from her palms, and Vera watched in awe as the torn flesh began to knit itself together.

"His werewolf healing process is being sped up by the incantation, but it's still painful," Edith explained as she worked. "We need to keep him calm."

Vera nodded, murmuring soothing words to the injured man. "You're going to be okay. Just hold on a little longer."

The man groaned but seemed to relax slightly, his breathing becoming less ragged. Edith finished the incantation, and the wound closed up, leaving only a faint scar. She wiped her brow, already moving to the next patient.

Vera helped Edith with each soldier, her movements growing more confident as they worked through the injured pack members. Edith's incantations were a blend of ancient words and gentle energy, her hands a conduit for healing. Vera marveled at her mentor's skill, feeling a deep sense of purpose in assisting her.

As they treated the last of the wounded, the room began to quiet. The adrenaline was still coursing through Vera's veins, but she felt a sense of accomplishment. They had saved lives today, and that knowledge filled her with pride.

Edith straightened, her eyes weary but determined. "Thank you, Vera. Your help was invaluable."

Vera smiled, wiping her hands on her scrubs. "I'm glad I could be here. Are there more injured on the way?"

Edith shook her head. "I don't think so. The attack was sudden and brutal, but our soldiers managed to drive the Cult of Herod back."

"Why would they attack now?" Vera wondered aloud, the gravity of the situation settling in.

"The Cult of Herod is always looking for opportunities to weaken us," Edith said, her voice tinged with worry. "They thrive on chaos and fear. We must remain vigilant."

Vera nodded, her mind racing with the implications. The Cult of Herod was a constant threat, their thirst for blood and ruthless tactics making them formidable enemies.

As the last of the patients were stabilized, Edith finally allowed herself to sit down. Vera brought her a cup of water, which she accepted gratefully. "You did well today, Vera," Edith said, her tone softer now. "You have a gift for healing."

"Thank you," Vera replied, feeling a warmth spread through her at the praise. "I want to learn more, to be able to do what you do."

Edith smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes. "And you will. You have the heart and the talent for it."

The clinic gradually returned to a semblance of normalcy as the patients settled down to rest. Vera helped clean up, her mind still buzzing with the events of the day. The attack by the Cult of Herod had been a stark reminder of the dangers they faced, but it had also strengthened her resolve.

Vera was methodically scrubbing the blood-streaked floors of the clinic, the remnants of the morning's chaos still vivid in her mind. She worked in silence, the rhythmic motions of cleaning providing a semblance of calm in the aftermath of the attack. The trash bin was overflowing with bandages, gauze, and other medical detritus, the sharp scent of antiseptic hanging heavily in the air.

As she moved to wipe down the counters, she noticed Edith, the Oracle, quietly entering the room. Edith's presence was comforting, a steady anchor in the turbulent world they lived in. She took a seat and watched Vera for a few moments before speaking.

"I didn't get the chance to ask how you are," Edith said, her voice gentle but probing. "You seem a little distressed this morning."

Vera paused, her hands stilling as she considered the question. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine. Just the usual hustle from my family," she replied, trying to keep her tone light.

Edith nodded, her keen eyes not missing the undercurrent of exhaustion in Vera's words. "And how's the book you're reading?"

A genuine smile broke through Vera's tired expression. "Oh, it's going great! I didn't know Loretta Adams was so powerful. To think she's a direct descendant of yours, Edith, is mind-blowing."

"Yes, she was an empath werewolf," Edith began, leaning back in her chair. "They have the ability to imprint what they feel and think on people around them and even other werewolves. Emotions like fear, love, weakness, strength, tiredness—empaths can project these onto others. When strong enough, they can force an enemy werewolf to revert to human form or cause transformations without the individual's control."

"Wow," Vera breathed, her eyes wide with fascination. "I heard a rumor that people thought you were one. I mean, you can heal and talk to the dead."

Edith chuckled softly. "I am most certainly not. I heal using incantations, which any person with werewolf blood can learn and master. Empath werewolves don't need incantations. As for speaking to the dead, it's a result of specific rituals that allow temporary communication. Empaths have no such limitations. They can form deep, unbreakable bonds with others, sharing their psychic gifts, a bond known as IMPRINTING, that can last even beyond death, no other werewolf have such ability"

"It's crazy there hasn't been one in over 800 years. The last was your ancestor, Loretta Adams. Do you think Victoria could be one?" Vera asked, her voice tinged with both curiosity and hesitation.

"Victoria?" Edith raised an eyebrow. "She's too self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself."

Vera sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I wish I could be as confident and beautiful as her."

Edith reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Vera's arm. "You two are identical twins. Physically, you are just as beautiful as she is. But confidence—that's something you have to find within yourself. No one can give it to you, but I know you will find it, Vera."

"I just wish my parents would see that," Vera said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't understand why they treat me like I'm nothing."

Edith's eyes softened with sympathy. "Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with your parents. I watched them grow up—they were so lovely and kind. Now, it seems like they are completely different people, so obsessed with moving up the pack hierarchy. Sometimes, it feels like their bodies have been taken over by demons."

Vera couldn't help but laugh at Edith's last statement, the image of her parents possessed by demons absurd yet oddly fitting. "Yeah, 'taken by demons' would explain a lot," she said, a hint of humor in her voice.

"Seriously, though," Edith continued, her tone more earnest, "I'm sure your parents love you in their own way. They will come around. You just have to endure their craziness for now."

"Yeah," Vera agreed, though her heart wasn't fully in it. "I just wish my werewolf powers would finally kick in."

"Just have patience, my dear," Edith said, her voice soothing. "Everything happens in its own time."

Vera nodded, feeling a bit more at ease after their conversation. The weight of her family's expectations and her own self-doubt was still there, but Edith's words gave her a glimmer of hope. She continued cleaning, the task feeling a little lighter with the Oracle's presence.

As she finished up, Edith rose from her seat and gave Vera a warm smile. "You're doing a great job here, Vera. Remember, you have the strength within you to achieve anything you set your mind to."

"Thank you, Edith," Vera replied, feeling a swell of gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, dear," Edith said, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Vera took a deep breath, the clinic now spotless and orderly once more. She glanced at the clock, realizing she still had a bit of time before she needed to get ready for the evening at Damon's mansion. She felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety about the event, but after the conversation with Edith, she felt a bit more prepared to face whatever the evening might bring.

As she gathered her things and prepared to leave the clinic, Vera couldn't help but reflect on the morning's events and the conversation with Edith. The attack by the Cult of Herod had been a stark reminder of the dangers they faced, but it had also shown her the importance of community and support. Edith's encouragement had given her a boost of confidence, something she desperately needed.