

Two she wolf twin sisters at war with each other since when they were in their mother's womb, one destined to rule over the other and mate with the most powerful Alpha in all werewolf packs, a union that will forever change the course of the all werewolves packs in the world, but when the Alpha accidentally imprints on the wrong twin, the other twin sort revenge and aligned herself with the werewolves mortal enemy leading to a war so deep in blood and threaten the lives of every werewolves that will drive them to almost extinction.

Benjamin_light_jr · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Vera woke up early on Saturday morning, just before the stroke of dawn. Her room in the attic was cold, the thin blankets offering little warmth against the morning chill. She rubbed her eyes and stretched, the stiffness in her muscles a reminder of the chores she had to finish before heading to the Oracle's clinic, where she worked as a medical assistant. This job was her only hope of making her college application stand out, of securing a scholarship, and escaping the life her parents had condemned her to. They had made it clear they wouldn't spend a dime on her education, deeming it a waste of time and resources.

Vera slipped on her work clothes and picked up her phone, scrolling through her playlist for the right music to get her through the morning. She popped in her air pods and let the soothing melodies fill her ears as she tiptoed downstairs to avoid waking her parents. Her first task was the garden. She pulled on her gloves, grabbed the tools from the shed, and started weeding the flower beds. The earth was damp and cool, the scent of fresh soil mingling with the early morning dew.

Next, she mowed the lawn, the rhythmic hum of the mower blending with her music. She packed all the dirt and debris from the yard into a trash can, feeling a sense of accomplishment as the garden began to look pristine. Moving inside, she cleaned the living room, dusting the furniture, vacuuming the carpets, and tidying up the clutter that had accumulated over the week.

By the time she went upstairs to Victoria's room to pick up her dirty laundry, it was already daybreak. She knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," she heard Victoria say, her voice slightly muffled.

Vera entered to find Victoria on a call, lounging on her bed with her phone pressed to her ear. Victoria ended the call abruptly, her eyes flicking to Vera.

"Pick up the dirty laundry here and here," Victoria said, pointing to two overflowing baskets. "Then when you're done, clean my room and make my bed. And oh, I want that white top hand-washed."

"Okay," Vera replied, her voice subdued. She gathered the laundry and turned to leave.

As she was stepping out, Victoria's voice stopped her. "You like Damon, don't you? I mean, I've seen the way you look at him."

Vera froze, her heart racing. Why was Victoria asking this? She turned back to face her sister. "I can assure you I have no interest in Damon."

Victoria's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing her. "Not that it matters anyway. How could a guy like Damon ever have something to do with you?"

Vera felt a sting at her sister's words but kept her face impassive. She turned to leave again.

"Wait," Victoria called after her. "What time do you leave work from the Oracle's clinic? You do go today, right?"

"Yes, I go today. I finish at 3 PM," Vera replied.

"Good. Damon asked me on a second date at the lake by his house just now, and he says to invite my friends and you. So be ready at five so we can leave."

"Okay," Vera said, her mind racing with questions and a growing sense of unease.

"Now move out of my way. I have my Saturday morning workout to do," Victoria said, shoving Vera aside as she exited her room.

Vera sighed and headed to the laundry room. She started with the hand-washing, scrubbing Victoria's white top carefully before tossing the rest of the laundry into the washing machine. As she worked, her mind kept drifting back to Damon. She had indeed seen him around and couldn't deny that he was strikingly handsome, but she had no interest in complicating her life further by developing feelings for someone out of her league and her sister's orbit.

After finishing the laundry, she went back to Victoria's room. She made the bed, tidied up, and ensured everything was in its place. She glanced at the clock—time was slipping away, and she needed to get to the clinic soon.

Vera moved briskly through the kitchen, her hands deftly preparing breakfast for everyone. She cracked eggs into a bowl, whisking them with a practiced rhythm as she listened to the house waking up. Bacon sizzled in a pan, the smell mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She laid out plates and utensils, her movements automatic as her mind wandered to the day's schedule.

Once the food was ready, she set it out on the dining table, arranging everything neatly. She took a single bite from her own plate, savoring the warmth and flavor briefly before heading upstairs. She needed to change and prepare for her shift at the Oracle's clinic. Her stomach churned with a mixture of anxiety and determination. She couldn't afford to be late or distracted today, not with her future hanging in the balance.

As she was slipping on her work shoes, she heard Victoria's voice echoing up the stairs. "Remember, we're leaving by 5 PM."

"I will not forget," Vera called back, adjusting her apron.

"You better not," Victoria retorted with a hint of menace.

Vera hurried down the stairs, her bag slung over her shoulder. Just as she reached the bottom step, their mother, Samantha, appeared in the hallway. "Where are you guys going at 5 PM?" Samantha asked, her curiosity piqued.

Victoria, never missing an opportunity to boast, replied with a smug smile. "Damon asked me on a second date."

Samantha's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ohhh," she giggled, her voice high-pitched with delight. But then her gaze shifted to Vera, her excitement dimming. "What does that have to do with Vera?"

Victoria rolled her eyes. "He asked me to invite my friends and Vera."

"Oh," Samantha said, her tone dropping in disappointment. She turned to Vera, her expression hardening. "If you are one second late, you are dead."

Vera nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I won't be late," she promised, and with that, she headed out the door.

The clinic was a twenty-minute walk, and Vera used the time to clear her mind. The air was crisp, the sky a clear blue. She let the cool breeze calm her nerves, her thoughts shifting from the oppressive atmosphere at home to the more welcoming environment of the clinic.