

Ch 21

POV Shinji Makoto

We're in some deep shit. Is this what it feels to lose a war? My depressing thoughts accompanied me on my way home. I recalled the incident I witnessed before leaving school.

Let me explain. Just a few minutes ago, as I was changing my shoes, I saw Nishikawa arriving with Shimabukuro san. I didn't get to talk to Nishikawa a lot about his relationship with Shimabukuro san, since he was out for the whole lunch break. They were chatting cheerfully so I was about to call out to them. However, just then,

"See you tomorrow Ha chan."

"Yeah, you too Kei chan."

"Should I cook for you tomorrow as well?"

"Ah, there is no need to trouble yourself."

Kei chan? Cook for you?

My feet stopped in their tracks. The shock I felt was the same as when my brother deleted my Dark Souls game load file. I couldn't process what happened until Nishikawa had already left. And even then, all I could say was


What the fuck happened in a single lunch break that took her from being a forgotten childhood friend to a lover? Should I already raise the white flag?

Wait, all hope is not lost. This might be a thing lovers do for common people, but here we are talking about the protagonist. Surely, the density of his brain is enough to ignore this interaction and consider it friendship. Right?

But even so, they became so close in the span of a single lunch break, imagine going on a date with him. They might come back with a marriage certificate. That girl has got some tricks up her sleeve. Until now all I thought of her was a slight catalyst to Nishikawa and Hiwari, but she turned out to be a whole new reactant. If I don't take this situation seriously, they might actually get together with Hiwari san just being a side character.

The time had come. I had to choose. Do I remain on Hiwari san's team, or should I change to Shimabukuro san? Just as I thought of this, I realized how stupid this question was. I had almost forgotten my own beliefs. The answer is obvious.

The supporting character is always on the side of the protagonist. If the characters want to have a competition, all I have to do is to hold the tournament, with a little bit of bias of course.


POV Kei Shimabukuro

I wanted to walk home with him. Why does he have to cycle home? Maybe I should just buy a cycle and go with him, who cares if our houses are in different directions.

I just really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really love Ha chan.

But he has changed from back then. I can tell, since I have always only looked at him. He has more friends, especially those that are girls. If I didn't bring him along with me, I bet he would have had lunch with those bitches. Hmph, as if I would let you. Those people at school too, why should they care who I date? Obviously, I love Ha chan, but to keep those disgusting idiots away I had to tell them I was not interested in dating.

Ha chan, why don't you notice how much I like you? I even cooked for your sake. But even his dense side is somewhat cute. While having these thoughts in my room a voice called from downstairs.


"Coming mom." I went down to see what happened.

"Here, go greet the neighbours. It seems they also have a boy in highschool, you can become friends with him." She said passing me a basket of fruits.

So what if he is the same age as me? I don't care about any boy except for Ha chan.

"Okay" I took the basket and went out of the house. I wish me and Ha chan could become neighbours like before again.

"Ting tong" I rang my neighbour's doorbell. I could hear the sound of shuffling feet approaching the door.

The door was opened by a rather good looking person, I made a bright smile.

"Hello, My name is Kei Shimabukuro. Our family has just moved into the house beside yours. Hope we get along together. Here is a token of our goodwill." I said, passing him the basket of fruit."


Why is he not responding? Did I do something weird?

"Ah, no. I mean yes. Same here. Thank you, for the present."

Why the confusion. Is he a shy boy?

"Don't you know me?" He asked me just as I was leaving.

What is trying to do? Maybe I was wrong. There is no way a shy boy can say pickup lines like that. I turned and looked at his face carefully. Hmmm. He does seem to be familiar.

Seeing my cluelessness, he said, "Let me introduce myself properly. I am Shinji Makoto, and I am in the same class as you."

Ah now I remember him. I always saw him around when I was looking at Ha chan. I think they are friends. I saw him talk to Ha chan multiple times.

"Ah, I didn't notice, sorry."

"It's alright. I never expected to live beside the class transfer student. If you have anything you don't understand you can ask me, ok?"

"Yes, thank you."

Who cares if he is good looking? The most handsome person to me will always be Ha chan.


POV Shinji Makoto

Damn. I never expected this turn of events. I definitely messed up my introduction. Actually, I was not expecting someone from my class to be there, because of that I couldn't decide how to act. But things are looking grim for Shimabukuro san. I mean usually, the heroine who is closer to the supporting character loses. Well, that is just an observation I made, it might be wrong. Let us wait and watch.




A few days passed by. Maybe it was only me but I felt Nishikawa was way too close to Shimabukuro. He even stopped having lunch with us everyday.

The next morning as I was exiting my house, I saw Shimabukuro san leaving as well. This would be the perfect time to know more about her strengths and weaknesses. I called out to her,

"Hey, Shimabukuro san good morning."

"Good morning, Makoto kun." She smiled.

This smile actually reminded me of someone, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Even yesterday she made the same smile. Thinking that it must be my imagination, I removed this thought.

"Let's walk to school together."


After a bit of small talk about her transferring in the middle of a term I asked her.

"Shimabukuro san, you like Nishikawa, right."

She turned her face towards me in surprise.

"How do you know?"

"That's a secret." I tried teasing her, but she didn't react much to it.

"It's good that you know." She said after a pause.

I didn't know why but a shiver ran up my back when I heard her say that. What do you mean good? Is this a death flag by any chance? I should change the topic fast.

"By the way Shimabukuro san, are you good at sports?"

"Not especially, why?"

"It's just that we have physical examination today."

"Ohh. It's lucky I have my gym clothes with me."

Thankfully, her voice returned to normal. Is this girl normal? She didn't even blush when I mentioned her loving Nishikawa. Could it be that she is one of those girls who are psychotic?


POV Akari Nakano

My body froze and I stopped moving when I saw the thing happening right before my eyes. Makoto and the transfer student Shimabukuro were walking together, happily laughing. Why are they together? Did they start dating already? There is no way that's true. I mean he has barely known her for one day. My mind went back to yesterday evening, he did seem very interested in her, right from when she entered the classroom. I thought he was way too excited because of a transfer student. Did he really fall for her?

I walked to the school, depressed, lost in my thoughts. Anyway, the jealousy I feel when I imagine them as lovers at least tells me the answer to a question I have been wondering for a long time.

I don't know when this feeling sprouted in me. I want to walk with him, spend time together with him, go on more dates with him. The thought of him doing these things with somebody else is enough to make me cry.

The question now is, should I confess my feelings? If he rejects me, I would lose even the relationship we would have now.

With these thoughts in my head, I entered the class and sat on my seat.

"Good morning, Nakano." Came a voice from beside me.

I looked up, only to see Makoto kun smiling at me. It wasn't the fake smile like he had at the start of the year, it was more genuine.

"G-good morning, Makoto."

Maybe I really am in love with Makoto.


POV Shinji Makoto

What happened to her? She doesn't seem normal. Her cheeks are flushed as well. Damn, she looks so cute. Is she alright? Does she have a fever?

"Are you fine? You look like you have a fever."

"Ah, I am fine."

"We even have physical examination today, don't push yourself if you don't feel well."

Seeing Shimabukuro san try so hard actually inspired me. Waiting for the right time may take ages. If I just keep waiting, I won't move forward. Instead of just going along with the flow, and waiting for events to occur. I should try to create my own events.

From today onwards, I Makoto Shinji, will be playing offensive. Let's see if I can get this ice queen to melt.

Yandere? or just possesive?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kuroyasha404creators' thoughts