
A Student by Day, Soul Hunter by Night

Ray is a Soul Hunter , Hunting soul by night as he tries to live his normal life , but just for how long can he do that as the darkness continuously grows. Authors comment: There are elements of slice of life and horror mix in as I try to convey it in my story. Do leave a review and comments if you like my story.

Just_Rakin · 奇幻
24 Chs

The first Soul

After spending the day at the cafe with his friends, Ray said goodbye to Fatima and her parents. He told his friends that he needed to buy some things for his grandma and would have to go separate ways. But as soon as he was out of their sight, Ray quickly opened the Hunters of the Night (H.O.N) forum on his phone and searched for any incidents reported in the Sembawang area where Fatima lived. To his concern, he saw a particular post that caught his attention. The post was talking about hearing strange laughter in the area, and there was a video posted by a group of boys. Ray could clearly hear the laughter of a woman in the background. It was giggling, and it was horribly eerie.

He immediately calls Sophia, his mentor, and informs her of the situation. "Sophia, I saw a post on the H.O.N forum about strange laughter and a video in the Sembawang area. I think it might be related to the 12 escaped souls. Can you meet me there?"

"I'll be there in 15 minutes. Be careful, Ray," Sophia replied, her voice was stern but also filled with concern.

Ray hung up and made his way towards Sembawang as fast as he could.


Sembawang Abandon building


a woman is heard laughing and giggling to herself. "I can't wait to feast on the humans. It has been awhile since I've roamed the earth and I can't wait to enjoy myself," she cackled. However, possessing this body seems to be taking a while, so while she waits, she starts to hear the sound of footsteps.

"Sounds like a feast," she giggles, and there was a long pause of just hearing footsteps and comments from a group of boys who were exploring the building. Suddenly, the woman's hair shoots out and grabs hold of two of the boys, while the other three saw and start screaming in horror. The screams stretch out as the boys feel the pain of being hunted by this evil.

As the group of boys continue to scream, the woman's hair continues to shoot out and grab hold of the remaining 2 boys leaving 1 running away from her, pulling them closer to her possessed body. Suddenly, the boys realize that the woman's body is not a woman at all, but a terrifying creature that has taken on the form of one.

Her eyes turn a deep red, and her mouth stretches wide open, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. The boys are paralyzed with fear as they stare into the creature's maw. The creature's laughter turns into a deafening roar as it lunges towards the boys, ready to devour their souls.

The boys can feel the heat emanating from the creature's body as it gets closer and closer to them. They can feel their hearts pounding in their chests, and their minds racing with fear. They can see the glint of the creature's teeth as it opens its jaws wide, ready to consume them whole.

As the creature's breath hit them, it's a foul stench , a mix of death, blood and rot . The boys let out blood curdling screams, begging for mercy as they are consumed one by one by the creature.

The woman cackled, relishing in their terror. This was just the beginning of her feast on the humans. She would not be satisfied until she had taken as many souls as she could. As the screams echoed through the abandoned building, the woman's laughter grew louder and more manic, signaling the arrival of a dangerous soul.


Outside the abandon building


In the next chapter, Ray arrives at the abandoned building. A short while later, Sophia joins him. They quickly discuss their plan of action.

"The video was taken just a few minutes ago, so there could still be students in there," Ray says, concern etched on his face.

"Alright, let's try to warn the students and get them to go home before we proceed further," Sophia replies, her hand instinctively going to the hilt of her weapon.

But their planning is interrupted by the sound of screaming from a male student running in terror towards them. "Please, please save me!" he shouts, fear clear in his eyes.

Ray and Sophia exchange a glance, both knowing that things have taken a horrible turn. Without a word spoken, they both unsheathe their weapons and prepare for a fight.

As they entered the building, the stench of death and rot hit them, making them both cover their noses. The sound of screams and laughter echo through the halls, sending chills down their spine. Sophia's face contorted in anger and disgust. "We must put an end to this."

As they walk further down the hall, they start seeing bodies of students scattered throughout the building, their souls consumed by the evil creature. Ray looks closer to investigate and notices strands of long, black hair all over the bodies. It reminded him of a folk lore he had read in his grandma's book about a Kunti, a type of banshee that wraps its victims with her long hair and devours their souls.

The Kunti's hair is described to be like a living organism, with a will of its own. It wraps around its victims, constricting them and pulling them closer to the Kunti. It's one of the most gruesome and terrifying creatures in the supernatural realm.

He was about to warn Sophia about it when suddenly, the hair shoots out and starts wrapping around both Ray and Sophia, pulling them towards the unknown.

Ray and Sophia struggle against the hair, trying to break free, but it only tightens its grip. The Kunti's laughter echoes through the halls as it prepares to feast on their souls. The fate of Ray and Sophia is uncertain as they are pulled closer to the Kunti.