
A Student by Day, Soul Hunter by Night

Ray is a Soul Hunter , Hunting soul by night as he tries to live his normal life , but just for how long can he do that as the darkness continuously grows. Authors comment: There are elements of slice of life and horror mix in as I try to convey it in my story. Do leave a review and comments if you like my story.

Just_Rakin · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The terror of the Kunti

As they are dragged in by the hair, Ray quickly thinks of an idea. He shouts at Sophia, "Sophia, cover yourself in blood! I'm going to shock the Kunti!"

Sophia, understanding the plan, immediately uses her blood manipulation powers to cover herself in a thick layer of blood. This would protect her from the shock and prevent any harm to herself.

Ray, focusing all his energy, gathers enough electricity within his body and sends a powerful shock towards the Kunti. The creature screams in pain as the electricity courses through its body. The hair that was holding them captive quickly recedes, releasing Ray and Sophia from its grip.

As Ray and Sophia emerge from the room, they see the Kunti standing before them, a woman dressed in a red dress, bloodied and covered in the blood of her victims. Her hair was so long it was dragging against the floor.

"Kekekekeke, that hurts you know," the Kunti laughed evilly and menacingly.

Ray was in shock, "It can talk???"

Sophia, realizing the situation, said "This soul has taken over a body!!!"

The Kunti cackled, "This body? Kekekeke, this is just temporary, something like a vassal till I find something better. Kekekeke. For now, this is working just fine."

As the Kunti stood before them, it looked at Ray and said "I sense a strong vassal in you, kekekeke. Maybe I should make you my present to Jihui, he could use a body like yours."

Sophia, without warning, made a quick cut on her finger and let her blood out, turning it into a blade. She dashed forward, determined to put an end to the Kunti's reign of terror. The Kunti used her hair to shield herself, but Sophia's blade sliced through it with ease.

Ray, seeing an opportunity, dashed forward with a lightning flash, appearing beside the Kunti in an instant. His fist was full of sparks, ready to blast the Kunti. But the hair, which was still functioning as a barrier, absorbed the blow and he felt his fist hit the wall of hair.

The Kunti laughed, "Kekekeke, you're strong, but not strong enough. You're no match for me."

As the Kunti began to whip around its long hair, hitting the walls and ceiling, Ray and Sophia knew they had to be careful. Sophia was quick on her feet and able to dodge the incoming hair with ease. Ray, however, wasn't as fortunate and got caught by one of the hair whips. He was hit hard and thrown back, crashing into a wall.

Sophia saw Ray's predicament and knew she had to act fast. She charged forward, her blood blade at the ready, determined to take down the Kunti and save her student. Ray, seeing his mentor bravery, tried to shake off the hit and join in the fight.

The Kunti laughed mockingly as it continued to whip around its hair, "Kekekeke, you're nothing compared to me! I'll enjoy feasting on your souls!"

As the battle raged on, Ray and Sophia knew they had to act fast. Ray began to gather electricity in his body, preparing to launch a powerful lightning bolt at the Kunti. The Kunti, meanwhile, continued to whip around its hair, trying to strike at Sophia.

Sophia was quick on her feet, dodging and weaving against the incoming hair. She knew that she had to be careful, as the Kunti's hair was fast and deadly. She used her blood manipulation powers to create a shield around her, protecting herself from the incoming hair.

Just as the Kunti was about to strike at Sophia, Ray unleashed his lightning bolt. The Kunti was caught off guard and was hit by the full force of the bolt, causing it to scream in pain. Sophia saw her opportunity and charged forward, her blood blade at the ready.

The Kunti, however, was not defeated yet. It quickly regained its composure and continued to whip around its hair, trying to strike at Sophia.Sophia dodges and manage to get close and ready to stab the Kunti, but the Kunti scream send a shockwave towards her.

As Sophia was blasted backward by the Kunti's powerful scream, both she and Ray were left extremely exhausted. Ray, noticing that Sophia's powers had taken a toll on her as she was losing blood and becoming weaker, quickly grabbed her and made a run for it. They could hear the Kunti's haunting laughter chasing after them as they sprinted down the hall. Ray, using his speed and agility, was able to outrun the Kunti, and they managed to find a small room to hide in. They both ducked under a teacher's desk, trying to catch their breath and come up with a plan to defeat the Kunti.

As Ray and Sophia huddled under the teacher's desk, trying to catch their breath, Ray couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. The Kunti's power was far beyond anything he had ever faced before, and he knew that they were lucky to have escaped with their lives. He turned to Sophia and saw that she was pale and covered in blood, her breathing shallow. He knew that she needed medical attention soon, or she would not survive.

"Sophia, we need to get you to a hospital now," Ray said urgently.

Sophia weakly shook her head. "No, we can't leave yet. We need to seal that Kunti before it hurts anyone else," she said through gritted teeth.

Ray knew that she was right, but he also knew that they were in no condition to fight the Kunti anymore. He needed to think of another plan, fast. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to sense the Kunti's energy. Suddenly, an idea came to him.

"Sophia, I have an idea.I remember that a Kunti weakness is the back of her neck. There is a nail in it. But we need to get close to it without getting caught. If i can pull it out, we can weaken it, " he said, a determined look in his eyes.

Sophia nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Let's do it,"