so basically it's about ulquiorra story in tower of god this is just something that crossed my mind.english is not my native language so sorry if grammar a little off .
'I guess I have no other choice'
So ulquiorra decided to climb the tower even though he felt this was suspicious but what bad thing could happen he had nothing to lose and maybe the rabbit also told the truth and could get all the answers to all of this and the questions that were on his mind before
"Ok so tell me what should I do to climb the next floor"
Headon is a bit surprised by Ulquiorra's response since he hasn't explained everything yet.
"Hahaha it's nice to talk to smart people, but before that let me introduce myself, I'm the administrator of this floor headon and if I may ask what's your name sir...?"
"Ulquiorra cifer"
"Okay, then Mr. Ulquiorra, to go up to the next floor, you just need to beat the beast"
Suddenly the next wall opened and showed a beast that really big but for some reason it looked like the beast was injured. Even though it was only a glance, Ulquiorra could confirm that the beast's mouth was injured.
"This beast is called the white steel eel. He was injured in the previous test. Normally a beast of this class would only appear on floors above the 20th but since he was injured and you're from outside of the tower I guess you're strong enough to deal with this."
Without saying much Ulquiorra immediately walked towards the beast. As soon as he entered where the beast was located Ulquiorra felt something.
'The air in this place is full of pressure, I felt it since I was in this tower but it feels stronger in this room, is this some kind of energy that this tower generates ? '
Even though the air in that place was full of pressure but it didn't affect Ulquiorra's movement in the slightest because this was nothing from the reiatsu pressure that Ulquiorra had experienced. And ulquiorra started his new adventure or his newest challenge....