so basically it's about ulquiorra story in tower of god this is just something that crossed my mind.english is not my native language so sorry if grammar a little off .
Someone or rather a creature dressed in white suddenly woke up in a strange place. The creature has a human-like appearance but at the same time is also very different from humans. The creature has a hole in its chest and has pale white skin and green eyes like a cat and seems to wear a headgear even if only on one side.
"Ugh where is this..?"
the creature said as if it had just woken up from a long slumber.
"Oya oya looks like we have another guest".
suddenly from the darkness walked something that looked like a rabbit but was very different from the rabbits we know and that something gave off a mystical feeling that was hard to explain.
"Where is this...?"
The white clothed creature's question.
"Welcome to the tower"
"The tower? , what is this place and why am I still alive?"
"The tower is a place where everything you want can come true ,strength, power, eternal life whatever you want is at the top there all you need to do is reach the top of the tower.And why are you still alive maybe you can find the answer up there"
"if it's like you said then this place is too good to be true"
"Of course there are conditions on every floor you will be tested to prove whether you are worthy to reach the top of the tower"
"Then what was the test like?"
"It's various you need to do just climb the floor then you will know what the test is"
'After what happened I don't think it's too much of a surprise'
"So... are you going to continue climbing?"
'This place is really suspicious. I should reject it and find a way out of here as soon as possible since Aizen-sama still entrusts Las Noches to me'
when ulquiorra was about to refuse the rabbit's invitation,he suddenly spoke.
"Before you give your answer I must tell you if you refuse this offer there is a high chance that you will die"
"So you're threatening me?"
"Oh no no of course not, I just wanted to warn you because from your narration earlier I'm pretty sure you're dying out there so there's a chance that if you leave right now you'll die right away"
"So you're saying what keeps me alive now because of this tower?"
"It's not really true but you can say that it's a little more complicated than that if you want to find the answer to your question climb the tower everything you need is up there, but i can tell you for sure that is if you go out now you will die"