
Sick day in Training

Rory mocked Edward's pride as she mocked his pride. Edward, who had been dealing with this for a while, reluctantly agreed to teach Estella the basics of unarmed hand-to-hand.

"Hey, do you guys remember the days in boot camp?" Ryan said as she sat down in camp with cooked soup on his mug; there were currently three of us, Daniel, Ryan and I included, who were taking a break after guarding a bridge with the other squads; we took turns on each break we take.

The situation of the war is taking a turn.

"Bootcamp, huh that sure takes a back, don't think, private Rhodes?"

"Hmm? yeah, it sure does, if I remember, currently our sergeant drill train s like hard rock…."

I said as I looked back to those ten weeks in basic training.

It was the day as it was the day where we became someone else, away from friends, family, and loved ones.