
Epilogue & Post Script

After returning to their normal daily lives things change, as Lilith won the student council election, she would be bombarded by piles after piles of the stack paper of applications for newly formed clubs that are wanted to be formed.

Girls start flooding the student council room, who wants to talk with the president, "Dammit, I can't handle all of you at the same time, LINEUP YOU ALL!"

She was busy for the entire two weeks, going through application after application, even becoming president she doesn't let aside her search for her old friend.

After graduating, Rory became the next in line the club president as Liam around. As for Estella, she sat down at the table with Rory with their laptops on, "Estella….. this code Is shit!" "Ugh… shut up, as if I could revise them in three days,"

Estella complains as Rory types over at Estella's keyboard for a minute and turns the unit to the side and presses enter to show Stella how things should be done, "…..Alright I take that back."