
Edward vs Edward Rematch

Chloe stays silent for a while as she looks around to find a bunch of strings with different colours leading in different directions.

The string colours are Black, brown, purple, and green.

She turned around to Daisy to find a red string connected to her,

"Hmm, is there something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. We better get going,"

As Daisy reluctantly followed her as they left the room, Chloe said.

The two walked down the quietest hallway they have experienced as if they were exploring an abandoned building except,

"That ugly-looking Entities is chasing right after us..."

"Well, we gotta deal with them later and regroup with others for the meantime; it is the perfect way to counter them to outnumber them, not the way around."

Lilith explained as the two countries walked around the hall way avoiding the entities they came across; just then, a sound of lighting struck Edward's side as he flung out through the window, shattering it as he fell.
