
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · 奇幻
40 Chs

Hard Skin

After that we went over to our training room, where he did skin hardening exercises.

We both beat ourselves up in different ways that didn't give us damage, but it still worked, the proof of that is my 'Hard Skin' skill.

It essentially hardens my skin, though while doing hardness training, I deactivate this skill as it might slow down my training.

The training itself is painful, though we don't show it, especially while mom is here.

She thinks that we're lightly hitting ourselves with the tools we use, which primarily consist, currently, of bats with sandpaper tops, uneven steel rods, and the floor is steel with random bits that pop out in random places and stones are thrown all over the floor.

The rooms temperature is 45 degrees.

Dad says 'The forge is far hotter than this and I kinda believe his as I've never been to one.

I did some research and turns out that what he said is false assuming he uses the top-of-the-line furnaces and tools, though assuming he is old-school, then what he said is true.

Dad has always forbidden me from going to his forge and I don't even dare to go there as whenever I go near it, the raw heat doesn't allow me to go there.

Old furnaces expose you to the heat of raw, unprotected fire and as dad works near it without wearing any protection, it seems like dad is truly resistance to heat.

I was sent to an expedition to the 5th layer of hell and good God was it hot there.

If not for the fact that I was wearing protection against that heat, then I would've melted/burned to death.

But there is an opportunity in hell's 5th layer that I can't miss out on it.

But I need to have 'Hear resistance' at B rank, at the very least to go to the place where the opportunity lies, but D+ rank to survive in the 5th layer of hell.

Dad's forge reminds me of that damned layer of hell as it's hotter than my mom and I can't even go near it as I can't handle the heat.

Though one things that I noted was that I never saw the fire in the forge to be out, it simply always burned, though I did saw my father always feed it wood, so at least I know that it is a normal flame.

But the inner teen with 8th grader syndrome in me hopes that the flame will turn into a mystical flame and that is a total possibility, as my dad is an extremely skilled craftsman, sadly, he used to use that fire mostly to melt gold.

Now he started to re-learn the normal forging techniques, so know the flame is used to also heat up the metal.

I remember my dad saying a while back 'The flame in my grandfather's forge didn't stop burning for almost 3 centuries, our entire lineage is always making sure that the flame burns as it is a tradition to make sure it doesn't stop burning.'

Though my father did mention how he feels that the flame in grandpa's forge is better to work with compared to the one here so I'm fairly certain that that flame is no longer a normal flame and all it lacks is a name to be considered a mystical flame.

We went to the place where my grandpa lives and I can officially tell you that my grandparents from my mom side are dead, she said so herself and the proof is that each year we go to their grave.

As for that forge, I can't go there, same reason – I can handle the heat and I'm banned from going there.

I'll definitely go there later, once I can stand the heat, my grandpa said so herself.

I have this urge to go to the forge each day, but I'm fighting it off.

I can go to the forge as I can coat myself with mana and the mana would block off the heat.

I once tried this and it worked, but I don't want any suspicion on me so I'm not going to try it for real.

My wish to buy skill upgrade tokens is getting stronger.

<~1 month time skip>