

He was examining the key chain it was of metal and some alphabets were grave on it DL,he frowned his brows and then put that keychain back in his pocket

ERIC:Who was that person…what was his relation with Ryan (he mumbled and closed his eyes in the meantime his order arrived he starts to have it while still thinking about that incident)

After having his food he got up and then his gaze fell on his watch it was time to pick Henry,he sat in his car and went towards Henry's school,when he reached there he saw Henry sitting on one of the bench and when he saw Eric he smiled widely and run towards him and hugged him tightly,Eric broke the hug

ERIC: Let's go …(Henry nodded while looking down and followed Eric)

Eric starts the car after 5 minutes he sigh and said

ERIC: Your.. ahmm bear is in hospital (he looks up at him with glistened eyes)

HENRY:Why…how is she now…(he was at the edge of crying)

ERIC: She get into an accident (Henry look down sadly)

HENRY:Are we going to meet her ..(he just hummed and Henry looks outside sniffing)

Eric was shocked to see Henry this much emotional towards someone ,he sigh heavily trying to clear his mind and they reach hospital,Eric hold Henry's hand and they both went inside when they reach outside the room Henry pushed the door and quickly went inside where they saw Mr Knight and Dalton struggling to feed Maya who was just sitting with expressionless face ,Eric and Henry came forward

Henry ran towards her and tried to hug her but she hissed in pain and he quickly back away 

HENRY: Sorry…Bear…(now tears were streaming from his eyes)

MAYA: Why ..??(she asked with no emotion at all)

HENRY: I hurted you…(she look down at him)

MAYA: No one can hurt me now..(she said looking at him with a sad smile)

Mr Dalton was looking at his daughter with sad eyes 


MAYA: D..dad…I'm okay…I..am.. strong.. like..mom..(she said in cracked voice)

MR DALTON: Mia…Dear..have some.. food..(she chuckle with tears and shook her head) 

She laid down on bed, her one arm was fractured,her body was filled with bruises her face has some bruises 

Henry was just looking at her with doe eyes and slowly he sat on chair and grabbed her unharmed arm 

HENRY: Food is important..you told me that (she looks at him) It's hurting na..it will heal soon…right dad (he looks at Henry and he nodded)

This innocent baby was very worried for his bear 

MAYA: I will..have it after sometime…(she said looking at him pleadingly and Henry nodded) I..wanna.. stay...alone..(she said slowly)

Mr Knight thinks for a while then he said 

MR KNIGHT: Henry…you must be hungry na.. let's go have something..(He took Mr Dalton's hand and pick Henry in arms and went outside, now only Eric and Maya were present in room)

MAYA: I lost everything (she put her hand on her mouth to stop her scream)

Eric came forward

ERIC:I…I…listen (he doesn't have any words to console her)

MAYA: I wanna go somewhere …away from everything…(she was crying) I wanna die…please…I can't see dad..like that (she was sobbing hardly)I..I.. broke himmm

He was feeling weird he looks at her face 

ERIC: I'm such bad luck..I came into your life and look at yourself now.. That's why I was saying to stay away from me..but now..I will take my revenge from that bastard …I will kill him of the law will not help us , you got that (he was burning in anger) and in this you will help me..you have to be strong,stay strong and let's fight with that moron 

MAYA: I .. can't…(she looks away) He broke me to the core…he took away my everything  (she again starts crying)

ERIC: You wanna go somewhere na…I will take you to that place, (he said while gritting his teeth and after glancing her for a bit he looks away) Have your meal ..of you want me to grant your wish 

After saying that he went outside to cafeteria where he saw everyone sitting,I went to them

ERIC: Made her eat something..(after saying that he look at his dad and then went outside the hospital) 

His mind was tangled with so.many things but he decided to help Maya 







Thank you so much my lovely readers fir waiting this much..as you know your Author is now engaged Alhamdulillah.. that's why I was busy..keep me in your prayers

Love you all