

He sat on the nearby bench ,he relax his back in bench and closed his eyes massaging his temple,he was thinking about Henry ,how he was affected after listening about her accident ,he never get this much worried for anything but today he saw tears in his eyes but why his tears are not affecting him much ,he always makes him remind of Lara which he hate the most and act rudely with Henry ,he sighs and took out his phone and called someone


ERIC:Hello.. make ready the place I'm coming to for some days…(he said coldly and cuts the call)

He doesn't want to go to that place but he have no other options,he don't want to leave the country because he wants to work on this thing he want to take revenge he doesn't know why he is doing so much effort to give deserving punishment to Ryan ,but he wants to see him rotting in Jail 

He got up and and went inside the hospital again and went to room where he saw Henry holding Maya's hand and sleeping on the chair while his head is on the bed 

MR DALTON: Take this last bite my Mia…(she looks away)

MAYA: I'm…full…(she said I'm her heavy voice filled with pain)

ERIC: Dad..I wanna talk with you (Mr Knight nodded and went outside the room along with Eric ) 

He rest his back ok the wall and look at Eric waiting for his reply

ERIC: I want to take away Maya ..from here…(Mr Knight was taken aback because of his statement) 

MR KNIGHT: Why!! This time she needs her father the most and he would not allow you to take her away in this condition (he said with Worriedness and Eric was just looking at him with expressionless face)

While Mr Dalton also came outside

MR DALTON: What happened ?(he said in low voice)

MR KNIGHT: Dalton…he wants to take Maya somewhere..(He looks towards Eric with confusing gaze,his gaze was asking about the reason)

ERIC: I want to take revenge from that bastard…tell everyone that Maya is out of country for some months for business purpose and I will take her some place where she can regain herself (Mr Dalton was feeling restless,he doesn't want his Mia to stay away from him but he wants his old Mia back) 

He was busy in his thought when Mr Knight put his hand on his shoulder and he looked at him sighing 

MR KNIGHT: What is bothering you ?(He said calmly to him and he shook his head)

MR DALTON: I will…ask…Mia.. first..(Eric nodded and Mr Dalton went inside)

MR KNIGHT:What are you upto??(he asked Eric while folding his arms on his chest)

ERIC: Trust me…(he said and sat beside Mr Knight)

By this he can also live a little away from Henry,he was feeling really guilty to think about his own son like this but he can't help it sometimes he felt so angry just after looking at Henry it freshen his old wound which hurts him the most but after that day he never had cried never ,he promised himself not to cry for anything and anyone, everything is useless in this world all the relations are useless but he is confused that why he is helping Maya out  ,his heart was telling him that he is also connected with Ryan…or maybe the person whom he met at that warehouse,where he got that chain,there is some meaning in that keychain but he is unable to find out

He was looking at his shoes when Mr Dalton came outside the room and look at both of them,Eric was still sitting but now his gaze was on Mr Dalton







Thank you so much guys fir your wishes..it makes me so much happy thank you so much