
Chapter 15

"We need more Limnar root." Harry called out as he ground the last of the red plant into a powder using two large stones. Looking up at his assistant, Sukal, "Can you ask the diving team to look for more?"

It had been over a week since his arrival on the distant and remote island. The plane he had sent off for supplies had vanished. The journey should have taken two, maybe three days at most. But every day when Harry looked to the horizon, and saw nothing, it eroded what little hope he had left.

The medical supplies had been quickly used up. While some patients had now recovered enough to be discharged from his care, and three had passed on, he still had twelve that required his attention. Most were broken bones, cuts from debris being flung around in the storm, or even severed limbs.

Harry had to quickly adapt to local medicines. Thankfully many of the same plants existed here as in his bay, allowing him to find several with medical properties. The Limnar root was a great example, when ingested it helped to fight infections and speed the healing process, although finding it in the devastation of the storm was no easy task. Only the fittest could manage, having to free dive the whole way beyond the reef, the absence of their ilu and tsuraks (Skimwings) still hindering their range.

"Harri Harri Harri" A trio of Navi youth ran up to him, various yellow-leafed plants in their hands. "You need Saro leaf?" They presented their offering to Harry, each with a different type of plant that roughly matched the description he'd given of another medical plant.

Taking a closer look at them, he turned to Sukal's little brother, Turo, "Ahh that's the Saro leaf. See here" He flipped it over and showed the children. "The veins form a crisscross pattern, and if you hold it up to the light, you can see small flecks of green." The children all watched enthralled, they had quickly become fond of the strange alien and were always looking for ways to help out.

The two who now noticed their leaves were wrong, tried to hide them behind their backs. Harry quickly plucked the leaves from their grasp.

"Ahh… I know what these are. The thicker one is a favourite of the ilu. Leave it to dry for a few days before cutting it open." Harry said handing the second leave back to its owner, a young girl now orphaned from the storm, who was now letting out a rare smile.

Timidly she asked "The ilu, they will come back, won't they?" She had made many friends with the sea creatures and missed their playful nature.

"Of course!" Trying to sound more confident than he was. "I'm sure when they smell this tasty snack, they'll be so many ilu's we won't know what to do with them." Harry started thinking of his friend back on his island. It almost felt strange not to hear its chirping for food at all hours.

Turning to the last leaf and final member of the trio. "And what a find!" Harry called out, making sure to exaggerate. "Fry it up in a bit of oil and it's delicious. If you give it to the cooks, I bet there'd be a reward in it for you." The leaf was one of those he had tested and was safe to eat, however had a very sour aftertaste. Thinking on it, he had better warn the cooks before they serve it up to him for the evening meal.

The children, all now appeased and happy that they could help out, lunged at Harry for a hug.

Harry's arms snaked around them and squeezed them close.

For all his wealth and luxury in his last life, moments such as these, where he felt bonded and loved were worth more to him than all the money in the world.

The children soon took off, no doubt to make more mischief with the other adults when Sukal returned. "You are very kind to the children." They often brought Harry their samples from the local bay and despite most not being of great use, Harry would always make them smile and feel special.

"They are easy to be kind to."

Sitting down next to Harry, Sukal took his hand in hers, slotting their fingers together. She leaned her head gently against his arm as they looked out at the tribe.

The tent from his rotorcraft had become the infirmary, with the Navi working hard to rig up shelters from the wind and rain. Luckily the storms passing had made way for the warmer tropical weather to return.

The fallen Navi had been taken to what was left of the spirit tree. The trunk may have been broken off, however the base where the Reef people allowed their energy to return to Eywa still lived.

The ceremony had been last night. A solemn affair with melancholic songs echoing across the sea. Harry had been included and, due to the lack of fit and able Navi, even helped to guide the fallen to Eywas final embrace. After, there were no more parties, no festive gatherings as may have happened on Earth, instead each Navi returned to their home to sing the final bead of their loved one's song.

The tribe's numbers had been decimated from over four hundred to less than 50. Many having not been recovered; washed out to sea beyond their reach. One of the surviving warriors, Doeung, had been part of the great hunt. An event that happened once a season, where the majority of the hunters and warriors, including the Olo'eyktan (leader) would travel to the Skimwings breading ground to secure more mounts for the next generation.

The hunt had ended in tragedy.

The breeding ground was in the direct path of the storm. In his moments of clarity, Doeung had described the giant waves, the spiralling winds and the great waves of lightning descending from the sky. The storm had taken the lives entire party except for him, and that was only by a fluke of luck. Doeung still could pass to Eywa and was watched closely by Harry in the infirmary. His missing arm, the price of survival.

Many of those that remained were the old, the sick and the young. Those that were sequestered further into the roots of the world.

They all worked hard at rebuilding what was there. Mending the tribe. However, Harry could see it clearly, even if the rest of them couldn't.

The tribe was dead.

Without their spiritual leader, without the warriors to go hunting, without access to Eywa, the tribe was broken beyond repair.

It was only a fool's hope that kept them all going.


Sukal gently shook Harry awake.

He looked around, still not used to waking up in this place. Harry had been without shelter, and when he did sleep, it was often next to the injured. Having given his one tent to be the infirmary and the plane still absent, he had few options available. Sukal, seeing this, had been insistent that he join her.

They shared a hut together with another family and several young orphans. The hut wasn't fully repaired with large tears letting a stream of light in, however it was one of the more complete huts still standing. The floor space was limited and so they all ended up sleeping in close proximity.

As Harry rubbed his eyes groggily and sat up, he prepared for the day. If there was one thing he learnt, it was that village life started early. There was a comfort in being so close, particularly with Sukal. Just the scent of her reminded him of the sea's breeze and made his heart flutter with joy.

Harry couldn't deny his attraction to her. He even thought his feeling may be returned, but what could it lead to?

Harry was born of the sky-people. The destroyers. Sukal had her people to think after, it was where she belonged. Harry belonged… nowhere. Belonging to no one. He always knew, despite his best intentions, his second life on Pandora would never be easy. Could he burden someone else, someone that he cared for, with all his issues?

"Come Harri. Today I show you the reef." She had tried several times but had always been prevented by medical emergencies. The holo-tablet he kept beside his bed tracked his patient's life signs and pinged him if they started to deteriorate. Looking at it, he wouldn't be missed for an hour or two.

Nodding his agreement, he went to put on his clothes when Sukal stopped him.

"Your Human clothes are not good Harri." Proudly presenting him with some more authentic Navi clothing. It was made of leather and consisted of a few components that covered the bare minimum of his anatomy. Looking at Sukal expectant face, he didn't have the heart to refuse. With a quick change, Harry stood in his new loincloth, a leather strap across his chest holding a surprisingly sharp bone knife. A thin leather band circled his bicep, decorated with small shells. A sign of his belonging and link to the sea.

Despite Harry's human sensibilities finding the lack of clothing outrageous, he needed to get used to if it if he wanted to be accepted. Navi, as it turns out had very little body shame.

Smiling at Harry's transformation, finally starting to look more like a true Navi, Sukal led him to the water.

"Follow." She instructed before slipping into the water with barely a ripple.

Not needing to be told twice, Harry took a deep breath and divided in after. His entry was not nearly as smooth, causing a large splash that the few onlookers chuckled at.

Sukal was already far ahead by the time Harry had located her. Swimming past the plants, Harry could still see the signs of the storm. Empty sections of coral, now destroyed or the great underwater flora ripped and damaged.

Even then, there was an otherworldly beauty in this underwater world.

Finally, Harry was able to reach where Sukal had been waiting on top of what seemed like a giant glowing mushroom. Trying to use his hands to ask what next, Sukal had been tutoring in their undersea language, but soon gave up. Learning Navi was one thing but trying to learn Navi sign language was another extreme to his weary mind.

A/N: For the Sign language I will use just single apostrophes eg 'Hello'.

She used one of the signs he recognised. 'Follow'.

Trailing behind her as she weaved through ancient coral formations, gently trailing her hands through the coloured plants as she passed. The small creatures that swam or crawled through the ocean, ignored the pair's presence allowing Harry to see the ocean as the Navi saw it.

Full of life.


Feeling his lungs start to burn and his oxygen running out, Harry broke away and started to ascend.

Paddling over to the closest dry land, a group of rocks that pushed out of the water near the centre of the bay. He pulled himself up and tried to calm his breathing.

He had been practising swimming in his bay at home, however the ease the Sukal and the other reef people could navigate the water in a single breath left Harry in awe.

Sukal quickly joined him, elegantly sliding up beside him.

"What is wrong Harri?"

"I can't last that long underwater." He admitted.

"You are new to the way of water. In time you will learn and swim as the reef people do."

It was Harry's first time hearing this. "What is the way of water?"

"The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home before your birth and after your death."

Sukal words seemed to resonate with some deep primal aspect that had been hidden in his body all this time. His eyes shut in meditative concentration. Shutting out all the noise of the world except for her musical voice.

"Our heartbeats in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes."

She placed her hands with his, as if in joint prayer.

"Water connects all things, life to death. Darkness to light."

Harry sat there, taking in her wisdom. His breathing now under control. No longer the fast shallow gasps but deep lungfuls of oxygen.

"You need to slow your heartbeat. Let the ocean pull your worries away." Placing her hand low down on his chest. "You must breathe from here. Fill your body with air."

Finally opening his eyes, he started at her as if for the first time. Sukal was young, yet her wisdom grew far beyond her years.

Feeling more confident with his breathing, he divided back in.


Harry lay awake that night. The memories of that morning haunted his every waking moment. Every curve of her body, every smile on her lips, every flick of her tail was seared into his brain. Stoking his desire for her. He was fortunate no serious incidents arose with his patients as he wasn't sure he would have been able to give them his full attention.

Now he lay next to her.

Mere inches separated their bodies.

Seeing her fingers twitch ever so slightly, he could no longer resist. His fingers weaved into hers and gave a gentle squeeze. As she squeezed his hand back, he could finally drift off to sleep.

Even as he lay there, unconsciousness calling him, he could feel both his and Sukal smiles plastered on their faces.