
A Saiyan in the Multiverse

Dead tired. Literally. Our protagonist finds himself talking to God and ready to go into a different world of his choosing with some perks. Into the Naruto-verse as a Saiyan.

Kintaro1210 · 漫画同人
203 Chs

Chapter 162: To Wano

I spent quite some time with my family and friends while teaching them how to use their Zanpakuto. There were no problems in their Shikai but only Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato, Kushina, Tsunade, Mei and Naruto were able to reach Bankai. My parents were close but not quite there. I opened a portal to the One Piece universe and headed for Amazon Lily. I spent a month with Hancock and Lily, teaching them how to use their Zanpakuto. I cooked for them everyday with Reiatsu infused food in order to get them on par with my other family. I told Hancock that I will be close by and meet up with Luffy and the crew. Before I left, I spent a few more days being intimate with Hancock and spending time with my daughter. I asked if they could make me a Samurai kimono from a design I gave them. I also told them if they could add a gold snake either on the back or the breast side to represent Hancock. When I asked for that she started swooning.

When I left I found out that Luffy and the others were scattered around Wano Island, their typical trope when it came to new arcs. When I got there I took out Shinigami and Sokyoku and placed them on my hip. I wore the Kimono that I had the ladies of Amazon Lily make. The Kimono was black, red, white and gold. The snake design I asked for was gold and placed on the back and breast. The bottom of the the Kimono was black, the top was white, almost like a yin and yang design, and with red flowers scattered everywhere. I also had some Geta (Wooden sandals) with thin metal plates on the soles made, which was unnecessary because I could block anything with Haki. I looked more like a Ronin (Masterless Samurai) but I still liked it.

I sensed around for the crew and found them all but some of their signals were weak. I wasn't too worried since I know, plot armor and all. The weak signals were most likely them keeping a low profile, except for Luffy though. While wondering around the island, I found several people dressed for a Mad Max film, either that or they are really into leather. I cared less if they saw me so I swaggered along but they decided to attack me instead, big mistake.

Waiter #1: Hey, hey, doesn't this guy look strong enough to be a sturdy slave in the mines?

Waiter #2: Right, right. Lets also take those swords, they will make an excellent gift for Kaido-sama.

Waiter #1: Right, he might also move us up on the list to be Gifters. Let's go!

From the fact that they are in the outskirts of the island patroling, I can assume that they just some low level grunts and disposing of them shouldn't pose a problem. I know the chances are slim but they can give me a bit of information. I flashed behind them, took hold of Sokyoku and slashed.

Sage: Ryukansen (Dragon coil flash)

Both of the grunts were cleaved in two from the waist. I cut them fast enough to not let them know that they were dead yet, so I sheathed Sokyoku, grabbed their heads and read their minds.

Waiter #1: What the?! Get the fuck off me, bastard!

Waiter #2: He's got quite the grip. Excellent for a slave. Let go so we can go easy on ya.

Sage: Dumbasses. If you were part of my crew I'd use you as sea king bait. Too stupid to know that you're both already dead.

The two of them panicked as they struggled to get loose of my hold but the more they struggled the more blood gushed out of their torso. They started to look pale as a result.

Waiter #1: Why…do I… feel so weak…I…

Waiter #2: Hey bud! What's wron…

Both died bleeding out. I shook my head and took whatever little information their feeble minds had. The ranking of their fighters from lowest to the top were The Waiters, which they were, The Pleasures, The Gifters, The Headliners, The Tobi Roppo, The All stars and finally, Kaido the Governor-General. Dolflamingo was supplying Kaido with Smiles, artificial Akuma no Mi. When Luffy beat Dolflamingo and the Smiles stopped, Kaido was gunning after Luffy's head because his beast army stopped growing.

The Waiters are the grunts waiting on approval to be Pleasures. The Pleasures are just waiting for a Smile. When Pleasures get a Smile and they get lucky enough for it to succeed, then they become Gifters. The gifters are fake Zoan type Akuma no Mi users. From the information that I was able to get, the rankings were the only important things these grunts were allowed to know. The powers, most names and abilities were not there. I used Earth jutsu to bury them in the ground but I wasn't foolish enough to make it shallow. I sensed around and found Luffy and Zoro's signature. I flashed near their location and found them drinking tea outside a tea shop. I was expecting Wano to be lush and with ancient Japanese style homes but the place looks like shit. Factories with poison being drained in the water, the greenery were in far off places and the teashop was in a barren location. I saw Luffy and Zoro chatting with the owner, so I decided to walk to them.

Luffy: It's crazy that a little girl like her is able to go hungry!! Although, once she gets older, she can eat poisoned food.

O-Tsuru: No…she can't?

Luffy: There are rivers, mountains and forests here. No one should have any trouble finding food!

O-Tsuru: You're right. That wouldn't be the case if certain individuals hadn't made an effort to contaminate those natural resources. You both are quite kind…Oh, how rude of me! What are your names?

Zoro: I'm Zorojuro, a Ronin.

Luffy: I'm Monkey D…


Luffy: That's right. I'm Luffytaro!! – Gozaru.

O-Tsuru: Fufufu, you're foreigners, right? You talk strangely. I guess you managed to successfully enter this country. Do not worry. Nobody will rat you out.

As their conversation was carring on, O-Tsuru said that the place was called the Town of Leftovers. Apparently, the people there are "leftovers from the town where the government officials currently reside. The main reason all the desolation occurred is because of the Shogun Orochi and Kaido. I saw in the distance a bat- man thing flying in the sky. I stopped before meeting up with Luffy and Zoro to see what he will do. The bat thing shot an arrow aimed at O-Tsuru's head but Zoro blocked it with his blade. From the way the bat thing was dressed I and the fact that it was a bat person, it was most likely a Gifter. The bat person flew closer and yelled…

Batman: I heard you womaaaaaan!!!! You were talking bad about the Shogun, weren't you!? My hearing ability is six times that of normal human's!!

Citizens: The Gifters!

Zoro: Hearing us from that far away is nice and all, but was that really a reason to try and take someone's life?! If that hit her, she would've died!!!

O-kiku: O-Tsuru!! Thank goodness you're okay!!

Batman: If she had just kept to herself and kept quiet, I wouldn't have done a thing. But master Orochi would absolutely not tolerate any of that rebellious talk! You all had best be careful. We're currently hunting down thieves. A theft occurred at the farm a few weeks ago!! It wouldn't happen to have been you Ronins, would it!?

The bat person fired more arrows but Zoro still blocked it. Clearly surprised the bat person yelled the usual fodder catch phrase, "Who are you!? You blocked my arrows!?". I shook my head and continued watching the fight as I approached. I made no moves because there was no need to. I wanted to see where this will lead to but then an ugly-ass Goatman in fishnet stockings ran away and kidnapped the little girl called O-tama that was with Luffy and Zoro. As he ran away he yelled out how fast he could run because he was a Gazelleman Gifter. Luffy, Zoro and O-kiku go on the big dog thing and ran after him.

The bat person was still flying above and was about to leave but I threw a flying slash at him and cut his wings off. As a gifter, who was two ranks above a Waiter, he should have more information. The bat person fell and hit the ground hard and started to squirm as he was bleeding from his missing wings.


I flashed to the bat person and put my left foot on his chest. I slashed twice and removed his arms and legs.

Sage: (Said in a low voice only he could hear) See. If you would've kept to yourself and kept quiet, this would not have happened to you. But you had to attack my friends, now, before you die let's see what you know.

Batman: Kaido-sama won't let this goooo!!!

Sage: (While smiling) As if he gives a shit about you.

I grabbed the bat person's head and read his mind before chopping his head off. Like the Waiters, I buried him in the ground, blood, body and limbs.