
A Saiyan in the Multiverse

Dead tired. Literally. Our protagonist finds himself talking to God and ready to go into a different world of his choosing with some perks. Into the Naruto-verse as a Saiyan.

Kintaro1210 · 漫画同人
203 Chs

Chapter 100: Broly, The Legendary Super Saiyan

The fight between Vegeta and Broly started when Broly charged at Vegeta. The grudge that Paragus and Broly had is mainly concentrated on Vegeta because of his father. The fight was good as Vegeta initially had the advantage because of the wealth of experience he had accumulated. Broly though was learning as he fought with Vegeta, baking Vegeta into a corner and making him transform into a Super Saiyan. Paragus was looking at Vegeta in disbelief, as he saw the golden aura on Vegeta and brlieved it to be a myth.

Broly was showing tremendous growth in a short amount of time as he continued to push Vegeta while still in his base form. Vegeta eventually took on the Super Saiyan God form, Red, to finish off Broly. Goku yelled to stop Vegeta because he thought it would be a waste to kill Broly so quickly. To both of their surprise thoug, Broly withstood the attack and came back with a stronger aura. Broly was now at or stronger than the average Super Saiyan God while still in his base form. A huge teeth baring smile appeared on my face. It was not because Vegeta was getting his ass kicked but because of my anticipation to face him and to advance my strength even further. I hit a bottleneck with the initial form of the Migatte no Gokui (Autonomous Ultra Instinct), I have already felt that I can take on the full form and by fighting Broly I can solidify the advancement. I might even go full tilt with True Super Saiyan God Silver form.

Paragus was surprised to see Broly fight back after taking a blast from Vegeta's Super Saiyan God form. According to Paragus' explanation of why Broly was able to power up was because he is using the power of the Ozaru while maintain his original form but I know it's not true, considering he no longer has his tail. Broly was the Legendary Super Saiyan that appears once every thousand years. If I could intake some of his blood I might utilize the special S-cells he carries for my own. The more Vegeta pushed Broly the closer he will be to turning into the Legendary Super Saiyan. At the moment Broly is only using his Ki in his base form to match Vegeta in Super Saiyan God form.

Freiza was holding all the Earth's Dragon Balls in his hand leisurely watching Broly fight, most likely wanting immortality. Since Broly won't be able to differentiate friend from foe when he transforms, Freiza will eventually get caught in the fight. Cheelai and Lemo, the ones who found Broly in the abandonded planet Vampa, will take the Dragon Balls later on to make sure that Broly lives by returning him to planet Vampa. Broly was learning fast, his strength was rising and Vegeta was running out of transformations. Vegeta was eventually overwhelmed by Broly, Goku finally stepped in.

Goku was still in base form when he started the fight but as Broly powered up and broke his restraint collar, Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan. Broly became 2X bigger than when he was fighting Vegeta. As the fight began my smile became bigger. I licked my lips in anticipation. The scenery changed as Broly and Goku's fight changed the environment from a frozen tundra to a molten pit. I saw that Frieza had given the Dragon Balls to Cheelai to keep safe on their ship. Freiza also seemed to have remembered that when Goku first transformed Krillin's death was the trigger. Since Paragus was Broly's only family his life actually meant something, so when Freiza killed him to make Broly transform it just made me almost leap for joy. I know that Broly is outrageously strong, but knowing that I too can have that power made me salivate but I needed him to fully transform, not into a Super Saiyan which he still has blond hair, but into the Legendary Super Saiyan where his hair, Ki and aura is green.

Goku finally went Super Saiyan God Blue against Broly. The fight progressed as per the original story and now comes Paragus' death. Broly went Super Saiyan and lost all reasoning. In order to fight Broly on even ground Vegeta flew in to help. I knew that Broley only went Legendary once Goku and Vegeta fused but I became enraged. The ending was coming but they were giving me no chance to play. Because Goku and Vegeta needed time to practice the fusion, they led Broly to fight Frieza. When they returned, Broly was already massive in body but in no way affected his speed. I needed to show that I wasn't going to be the only one left out.

Sage: IT'S… NOT… FAIRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!

A burst of Ki exploded from my body, eclipsed the sky as I turned into my Golden True Saiyan form. I flashed in between Gogeta and Broly.

Gogeta: Hey! What are you doing?

Sage: What am I doing? What are you both doing? You assholes fought him twice each, first by yourselves then together. Now it's your third. IT'S MY TURN!!!

I blasted Gogeta away with a 1000 layer Jawbreaker to keep Broly to myself for a while. Finally, legendary status will literally course through my veins. I beckoned Broly.

Sage: Come.

The smile on my face never went away as our fists clashed. Shockwave after shockwave, mountains crumbled and the sea of magma opened. Broly was much stronger than I remember from the movie. I needed to make him bleed in order to satiate my thirst. I gave him a flash bang to disorient him but he still came charging at me. I shook Broly off and transformed into my True Super Saiyan form and went into God for good measure. I used a Ki blade but shaped it more into a spear as I thrusted it into his abdomen. As the blood dripped from him I collected it with telekinesis until I had about two hand scoops of it. Broly was holding his sides and pressing against the wound to stop it from bleeding. At first he couldn't as he saw my residual Ki on the wound preventing him from closing it. Once he saw that, his Ki burst forth removing my Ki and closing the wound at the same time.

I drank the blood slowly and savored every drop. The sensation I felt was the same as those with Gourmet Cells from Toriko's universe. When someone with Gourmet Cells eats or drinks a food that their very cells call out for in order to have the cells evolve, their bodies go through an immediate and, depending on the food or drink, immense power boost. Broly, for the moment, stopped dead in his tracks, not out of fear nor logic since he lost his reasoning since transforming, but out of curiosity. He saw me take delight in drinking his blood but he was confused to see that I turned back into my base form. I looked at his blank expression, can he feel it? Can he feel what I was about to become? Almost as if his Saiyan blood was telling him to let me finish so we can start again.

My chest and muscles were burning. My muscles were expanding and retracting. I was assimilating the blood I ingested bit by bit and with every cell assimilated with my own Saiyan cells, my power magnifies. It was no wonder that Broly lost his reasoning when he transforms. The amount of power that he was born with and the fact that his very being gets exceedingly stronger with every fight is ridiculous. The fact that I have it now and that I still have my tail makes the strength of the cells increase because of the connection with the Saiyan heritage. I began to turn into the Ozaru form even without the light of the moon due to the excess in power and the memory of my cells when I transformed. The fact that my cells remember is thanks to the Gourmet cells I developed in the Toriko universe because of the memory of something I can adapt or overcome my environment. Whether the cells remember good or bad experiences the effect of replication of Blutz waves can still occur. The reason I can still say what has happened to me is because I practiced my transformation of the Ozaru so that I can retain my mind even while transformed.


The energy courses through my body as my brown fur turns to gold. After a few more roars my gold fur turned into a deep emerald green. The power I had to keep in check was staggering, I was coming in and out of consciousness. While thinking of my wives, children, family and friends I calm my primal rage. My roaring stopped, I closed my mouth and eyes to enter a meditative state. I could feel my body shrinking as I was turning into my True Super Saiyan form but now it would be my Legendary True Super Sain form. I lost my shirt again, but how can I be blamed? I didn't know the Legendary True Super Saiyan form would take me through the whole process of becoming an Ozaru again. It just goes to show how much power comes with the form. After I open my eyes and see Broly waiting to fight me again I just smile and flick the air.

The flick hit Broly in the center of his forehead knocking him back. I turned around and caught Broly as he circled the globe. The power I acquired was phenomenal. Unbridled power running through my entire being. When I caught Broly, Gogeta returned from my Jawbreaker blast I gave him.

Gogeta: Hey Sage! What the hell is the big idea sending me away? We don't have much time left to defeat Broly.

Sage: (I pick up Broly to show Gogeta) You mean him?

Broly woke up abruptly and lashed out. Once again Broly's Ki spiked but it no longer mattered to me. Just for fun I used God Ki with the Legendary True Super Saiyan form.

Sage: Let's have some fun while you are still together Gogeta. Why don't you and Broly come at me together?

Gogeta: You think you can handle me, let alone Broly?

Sage: It's not about me being able to cope, it's because that form that you are currently in is the only way for you to STAY ALIVE!!

My Ki also spiked but with the surge of power came fractures in the atmosphere. If I could paint a picture of my words it would be as if Edward Newgate, WhiteBeard, used his Gura Gura no Mi (Tremor Tremor fruit) powers to break the sky. I took on both Gogeta and Broly at the same time for as long as his fusion held. When he defuses I will stop but in the mean time I will test out this new form.