
A quiet life in My hero academia

All he wants is a quiet life. But after having to join the hero course against his will. Maybe his dream for a regular life is over.

AndyWhite · 漫画同人
21 Chs


"I'm never eating ramen again," Jirou said while having a horrible flashback.

"I second that. We had way too many bowls yesterday." Tokoyami grimaced.

"I felt like I was going to die. I knew I should have stopped at the first bowl." I said.

"You guys are overreacting, It wasn't that bad." Ojiro laughed.

It was bad. Ojiro surprisingly had a smooth tongue and managed to get them to eat 5 bowls each.

"Your stomach is a bottomless pit, I envy you."

"Did any of you guys bump into those reporters outside?" Jirou asked.

"I get to school in an odd way so I don't have to walk through the front gate."

"Yeah, they were asking about All Might. I didn't know what to say so I made up an excuse and left." Ojiro answered.

"I just walked past them."

"They were a real piece of work."

Aizawa walked into the class and everyone sat down in their seats.

"Well done everyone on yesterdays combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo you're talented, so don't act like a kid."

"I know." Was the small reply from Bakugo.

"Yasuhiro and Ojiro good planning and co-ordinated strategy."

"Thank you, sir," Ojiro replied.

"Midoriya you settled it by breaking your arm again. I don't like having to repeat myself over and over again. As long as you learn how to control your power you can do a lot of things with it. Feel a sense of urgency Midoriya."

"Yes, sir!"

"Now let's get into homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today I'll have you decide on a class representative."

All the members of the class, even Bakugo all shouted out that they wanted to be it. They were all shouting parts of their manifesto for a bid to be the leader of the class.

I didn't really understand the

"Silence, please" The whole class shut up and looked over at Iida. "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It's a calling that requires the trust of others around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a representative, then we should have an election."

The idea was flawed but it had merit. People in this class hadn't known each other for long so it just meant they'd vote for themselves leading to many ties in the lower positions. I didn't really care about the position so I put my head down.

I voted for Iida he seemed like he really wanted it and didn't hide it at all.

The winner was Izuku with momo being the vice president. Iida and Uraraka probably voted for him

"1 vote. I knew that would happen. That is only to be expected of a person's calling."

I don't know what he was expecting, people would obviously vote for anyone but him. No one really wants a sucker for rules. I voted for him because I felt bad for him


"Yaoyorozu-san you can create anything right?" I asked. I was interested in the limitations of her quirk.

"Yes. I need to know it's elemental configuration before I make it."

"What a neat quirk. If you think about it a villain with that quirk would be really destructive if they used it correctly."

The table went quiet and everyone looked at me.

"Ah, you see a villain could destroy the economy by printing out too much money. The possibilities are endless."

"You really do think about weird things," Ojiro said.

"I like to think about the worst-case scenario."

Before anyone could comment on how grim that sounded an alarm went off.

"There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outside."

"Grab onto a piece of my clothes."

All the people on my table grabbed a part of my uniform.

I took us all outside where a few students had gathered.

"Isn't using your quirk in public illegal?" Momo asked.

"It was an emergency."

That was a half-truth. I knew what would happen if all the students in the cafeteria tried to leave at one time.

"I wonder what's going?" Jiro wondered out loud.

"A level 3 security breach means someone is trespassing onto school grounds," Momo said. She read the entirety of the U.A rules book.

Who would be dumb enough to try and walk into U.A. Villains? That would raise the question of how they got in. There was no way the best school in Japan was sloppy enough to let a villain in the school.

The number of people who were outside was exactly 346 people. 1320 people attend U.A high which means 974 people were still in the building trying to get out.

"Hey Toshiaki, an announcement just came on. You missed it again. It was just the press."

I wonder what would happen if a real villain came to the school. If 974 people were still stuck in the school and couldn't get out who knows what would happen. If the school was in this much chaos because of reporters then I worry for the future.

"Ah thanks, I stopped listening again."


"For today's basic hero training, It's turned into a class with three instructors, All might and me, and one other person."

"What will be doing Sir?" Sero shouted out.

"Disasters, shipwrecks and everything in between. It's rescue training."

I wonder if they'll use live humans in the training. That would be fun.

"You can decide whether you wear your costumes or not. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities. The training will happen off-campus so we're taking a bus. That is all, start getting ready." Aizawa said.


"You're not wearing you're costume, Toshiaki?" Came a very meek voice.

I turned around and saw Midoriya. We had never spoken before so I found it odd for him to approach me.

"It takes longer to put on my hero costume so I just went with my gym clothes."

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Uraraka came and I took my leave.

Iida decided to round up all the students and got us on the bus. He misjudged the layout of the bus and was left in shame.

I took my seat in the bus next to Todoroki who had a free seat next to him, plus he was the coldest in the class so I didn't have to listen to him talk at all.

I placed my head back and closed my eyes.

"Midoriya your quirk is like All Mights." My eyes opened when that was said.

All Mights quirk was unknown but it was definitely a strength enhancer quirk. The two of them have shown similar displays of power in absolute raw power.

"Wait a sec Tsu All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same."

That isn't really enough to debunk it. All might has shown a special interest in Midoriya which I don't think anyone should know about.

"Though It's nice to have a simple strength augmenting type quirk."

Those are usually the most boring but I see where he's coming from. Complex quirks can take way too long to master.

"My hardening is good against others but it doesn't look like much," Kirishima said.

"I think it's really cool. It's definitely a quirk that can pass as a pro's" Midoriya fanboyed.

"A pro's huh? Well you've got to think about popularity as a hero right?"

Popularity. Having to be popular to be a good hero has never made sense to me. Aizawa sensei is probably the least popular hero I know and he's a great hero. To me, it seems like personal satisfaction mixed with twisted narcissism. People tell themselves that they have to be popular to be a good hero but that's what they think. The entire concept of the top 10 is all a bunch of stupidity if you ask me.

"Well if you're talking about flashy and strong its got to be Toshiaki, Todoroki and Bakugo right?"

'Toshiaki, Bakugo and Todoroki. If I want to be number one I'll have to surpass all three of them!' Midoriya thoughy

My quirk isn't really flashy compared to those two but I'll take the compliment.

"Bakugos always angry and Toshiaki is too lazy to be popular though."

I'll remember that statement.

"Yeah, but he managed to think of a strategy to beat Todoroki so he isn't as lazy as we think."

"Hey what did you say about me? Do you wanna fight!"

"We're here stop messing around," Aizawa said as the bus came to a stop.

Outside the Space hero: Thirteen was waiting for us. I saw Thirteen a few times when he was on TV so I knew what he was about.

He took us inside and gave us a small rundown about what was inside the U.S.J.

The rescue training looked interesting. My idea of using live humans however was sadly wrong.

Thirteen gave a brilliant speech about the dangers of quirks in our society which I agreed with.

I looked down at my skin and I had gotten Goosebumps all over my arm. I hadn't had a reaction like this since before the news dad died happened.

"Aizawa sensei, A large group of people have appeared in some of the buildings." I could see that in the landslide zone a few people appeared so it would stand to reason they were others in the other buildings. I counted 45 people outside.

Aizawa had a confused look and turned around

The lights in the USJ all turned off and a purple mist opened in the middle of the room. People started to come out of the gate including a man with hands all over his face and man with his brain sticking out.

"Is this like the entrance exam where the lessons already started." Kirishima wondered.

"Stand back! These are villains." Aizawa said as he placed his goggles on.

Oh villains. We were being invaded.

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