
A Quest For A King

After being a ruler of a kingdom in the Underworld, Adam decided to abandon the boring and toxic crown's life, and taking now a path wich his past self wanted, but what will he do to fulfill his desires when he is known as the world's most dangerous man ever ?

YopiYapa · 武侠
7 Chs

Chapter 6: Sudden Calamity


The door opened, Adam come out first followed by Lina, upon seeing her, Tristan, and Lucretia turn to combat mode, Adam notice the sudden change in the air, he says...

"You two stop this immediately, Lina is my discipline, I'm gonna train her from now on, so you better behave yourselves when she's around."

Tristan and Lucretia couldn't argue with Adam's words, but Alfred ask Adam.

"My king, what are we gonna say to Prince Qnim, he wouldn't do stand doing nothing when knowing about turning his father's assassins into your discipline?"

The two agree with Alfred, but Adam answers them.

"I will talk to Qnim, I'm sure he'll understand, after all, he is the son of Karon."

"Okay pop, but what should we do with her now?" Lucretia asked while staring at Lina.

"Would we keep her in the palace, to begin with?" said Tristan.

"My lord, duke Antares had arrived." whispered the guard to King Adam's ear.

"I know what to do with Lina."

"Really teacher???" asked Lina with excitement.

"You said before you wanted to talk with duke Antares, he's here, waiting upstairs."

"by the way Lina, what is your relation with Duke Antares?" Adam asks Lina.

"He's my mother's brother, my uncle."





Everyone was surprised by that revelation, even Adam was caught off guard.

Then suddenly a man in black, with golden hair arrives, he's tall, his eyes are colorful, his presence is heavy, he bows in front of Adam and says:

"I offer my greeting to his majesty king Adam and the first princess Lucretia."

"Uncle..." Lina calls for her uncle with a smile

"Lina?" Antares seems confused when seeing his niece with the king.

"Duke Antares, I think you have some sort of explanation for this, but I'll spare telling us until next time."

"Yes my lord, I apologize for not telling you this, I'm deeply ashamed of my act!!!" he asked for forgiveness while bowing his head.

"Wait master Adam, my uncle didn't do anything wrong, he didn't know about my arrival, me too I was searching for him because he is the only one I know and I trust him!!!"


"Aww, that hurt master!!!" Said Lina with teary eyes.

"First, I'm not your master, second, I didn't ask you, and third, I know that Antares didn't know about you till now, judging by his expression he's confused," screamed Adam while holding Lina from behind of her neck.

"I apologize, master... Um, I mean teacher..." She replied with a nervous tone.

Adam glares at her, and he smiles.

"Duke Antares, I got something here that belongs to you, I will handle the rest, you may leave now, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about."

Duke Antares holds his niece's head and lowered it down as he speaks: "Yes my lord, I'm thankful for you taking care of my immature niece, bow you stupid brat!!!"

After duke Antares leaves with his niece, Adam asks Tristan to send a report of Dante's situation.

"Tristan, inform me of Dante's situation, he's a lazy bastard."

"Well my king, I just got news about how good prince Dante is handling prince Qnim and his companions, he calmed them, and now they're talking about the two nations political and economic matters, it seems like they're in sync."

Adam had a surprised expression, he didn't expect that his lazy irresponsible son was capable of taking care of a very sensitive situation in a professional way.

"I couldn't see that coming..."


"Finally, Dante realized how heavy is his responsibility as a prince of Mir..."

Tristan put his hand on his ear he talk with someone by using a communication device, suddenly his body trembles, he can't control himself, he then says to everyone with a cracking voice:

"My king, I just received classified information from the secret service, an S-class gate has emerged near the capital's southern coast, we informed the capital's guilds and the military forces, we requested the four dukes to send some supplies and troops, the secret service bureau "SSB" started the evacuation of the surrounding areas, we started observing the gate, from what we got, it appears to be a "True Demonic Gate" (TDG), the SSB's magicians estimated the gates outbreak's time to be 3~4 hours, my king I'm afraid that today will be the darkest day of Mir if that gate opened its doors..."


"You're kidding right???" said Adam with a smile.

"Ahhhhh, Tristan you bastard, I didn't know you had a humorous side, nice one hahaha!!!" Lucretia laughed while hitting Tristan's back...

The silence fill the stairs, soon they realized that Tristan wasn't kidding.

Everyone's expressions are pale, duke Alfred put his hand on his forehead, he can't find believe how grave is this situation, after all, S-class gates are extremely rare, only three gates did appear in the past 50 years, and a TDG is something that even the strongest nations can't handle it, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that Mir is in the edge of an apocalypse.

"Father, we should evacuate the capital and the near states, we have 3 hours till the outbreak, we must save the maximum possible..."

"My king we should enforce the capital's defensive barriers, and I suggest you announce the martial law activation my lord!!!" said Alfred to Adam.

"Your highness, what is your word, we don't have much time left???"

The three were waiting for their king's response, meanwhile, Adam come to a plan on how to handle the crisis.

"Tristan, go to the sage Hana, inform her about this, tell her that the old times have returned, she will understand the situation, Alfred I want you to return to Shamsher household, I want the grand duke to gather all the marquis and the remaining dukes, as for Lucretia, bring your sister and mother and evacuate the capital with the citizens, as for Dante he will come with me to the gate, Tristan sends me the location, Alfred after you tell your father what to do, tell him to guard the capital, understood!!!" Adam screams while the others confirm his orders.

after the dispatch, Adam walks into the hallway, he sees a beautiful woman in a blue dress, she's ordering the servants and some men in black to help the evacuation of the city and the neighboring villages, their eyes meet, she stop what she was doing and run toward him, she puts her head on his chest and breath with relief, it's Lucille, she's happy and sad at the same time, Adam hugs her and kisses her on the forehead, she then says:

"Adam, why are you going with Dante, you two are the most important people in Mir, if you two happen to get injured or die I don't know what to do..." she asks her husband with a sad tone, she's on the verge of crying.

Adam sense the sadness of his wife and answer:

"Lucille, don't worry, whatever happens, neither I nor Dante will die, today we will celebrate our nation's victory, at the end of the day I will pass the crown to Dante, then I will retire, and go with you and some brat to a journey, I know what you think of darling, so don't worry about us, all you have to do is to act as the formidable Queen of Mir, and we will return victorious from that battle Lucille." he stares at her with burning eyes.

"But Adam, what if you or Dante gets injured, at least stay here protecting the capital, let the nobles and the others do their work..." she hold tight to him, she couldn't accept the idea of putting her husband and son on the danger, she doesn't want to lose her loved one.

"Adam plea..."

Adam kisses Lucille while holding her forearms, the servants watch from afar, Lucille submits to her husband's love and cries, she thought that this is the last kiss she would ever have with her husband.

"Lucille trust me, we're gonna get back no matter what darling!!"

Lucille couldn't say anything anymore, she knew that her husband gave her a word, she decided to trust her king to do his job and sealed away the feeling of a wife that is concerned about her husband.

On the way to the palace doors, a young man in battle armor appears in front of Adam, it's Dante, Adam's first son, they meet each other and nods, they are now a king and a prince on their way to a battle not as a father and son.

"So King Adam, what is the plan?" asked Dante, while riding his horse.

"The plan is simple, me, you and an old friend will take down the real treats, the dukes will handle the monsters that escaped from us, after localizing the temple of the gate, we will put it down and return safe and sound, or else your mother will beat us."

"Sound cool to me, anyway prince Qnim decides to give a hand, he will join the dukes and the marquis, and the sage Hana sent messages to the allies, some did respond and some did not, Lucretia and Tristan are helping the evacuation, and I didn't see Carol, maybe she's scared or something?"


"Aww, come on dad, why did you hit me!!!" Dante put his hand on his head, his father hit him for bad-mouthing his sister.

"You shouldn't say that, she's not a coward like you!!!"

A man approaches the two and says:

"My king, I am general Makori, I ask you for accepting the bodyguard that will accompany you and His Highness the prince, please at least let someone escort you two!!!" the old man kneels while asking Adam.

Adam glares at Dante, Dante node so is Adam.

"General Makori, I believe that having a bodyguard will slow us down, but hearing you I changed my mind, I have an idea, I will take a bodyguard but by my choice, so rest assured dear old friend."

the general face becomes bright, his anxiety seems to lower a bit.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you very much!!!"

"No problem, Marquis Makori, you are an essential individual in this situation, so you may go marquis."

"Yes my lord!!!"

"So dad who is the bodyguard that will accompany us???"

"Is she the discipline that you took?"

"You cocky bastard, how did you know?"


"Hahaha hahaha"

"But seriously dad, you intend to take her with us!!!"

"Yeah, it will be a great opportunity to train her, I sent a message to Duke Antares while I was changing the clothes."

"As you wish dad, as you wish, so let's depart?!?"

"Let's go!!!" Adam mounts his horse and runs with Dante.

They arrive at the capitals gates, they feel the gaze of someone watching them, Adam cast five fireballs, he shoots them into the skies, Dante didn't know why Adam shoots the sky, but he feels the same thing that his dad felt, he cast lighting from the tip of his right hand's fingers, he hit the ground with it, suddenly something emerges from the near woods, it looks like a two-meter man with twelve golden wings, he approaches the two.

"Long time no see Adam, King of Mir!!!" he says with a joyful expression.

"You bastard of an angel, how are you doing Ahmed!!!" Adam smirked while getting off the horse.

the two men hug each other like brothers, they smile and talk with each other.

"Adam, I missed you brother, how are you doing, I was traveling across the worlds, I arrived in Mir two days ago, so I thought that I should pay a visit to you, but I saw an S-class TDG near the coast, so I decided to tell you about it, it seems like everyone knows about now, anyway, I didn't see you since the Unkown War, hahaha!!!"

"Yeah, it's nice to see some familiar faces again, Ahmed...I was counting on meeting you near the gate, but I guess we met sooner than expected, Sage Hana did inform me about your arrival yesterday..."

the three men feel the dark energy that comes from the south, they're ready for a fight, Adam and Ahmed knew that there isn't time much left for the outbreak, so they glare at each other and nod.

"I think that you need help Adam right, so I guess I'm gonna give a hand."

"Thanks, Ahmed, now I can see an end, ahhhhh..."

"Ahmed, you didn't meet my son Dante!!?"

"Ah yes, you're right, I see that young man is your son, he looks just like a mix between you and Lucille, he's strong for his age, I can feel it," he walks to Dante who dismounts his horse.

"It's nice to meet you, young man, you're smart folks, and a strong one aren't you!!!" he handshakes Dante's hand and hugs him.

Dante couldn't let off Ahmed's hand, Dante knew that this man isn't your average angel from the beginning, after all, an angel's power is determined by the number of wings he has, and this man has six pairs of golden wings, Dante remembered what Sage Hana did teach him about that kind of angels, she told him that kind of angels is the strongest type, they hold the titles of the Archangels of the True Angels (ATA), there the heavens faction government leaders, they protect Christian people in the Underworld, those who got ATA titles are in the higher hierarchy of Heaven's faction, they command the Church, Grand Order, Seraph and the Four Apocalypse, Dante was shocked when he realized how great of a person is Ahmed, but he was puzzled, what position did hold, why is he here, what connection does he have with his father...

"I guess Dante, you want to tell me something, I guess???"

Dante didn't answer he was thinking...


"Awww, dad why did you hit me again in the same spot before!!!"

"You didn't answer your uncle's question!!!"

"Oh, um...I'm sorry I was thinking, just who are you uncle, I don't see something normal for someone like you to be wondering here?"

"Dante, you brat!!!"

"No, it's alright Adam, I guess we owe Dante an explanation."

"Sorry for troubling you Ahmed, my son here is dumb!!!"

"No problem!!!"

"Back to you Dante, I am the previous leader of Heavens Sect, I was known by the name Micheal of The Golden Sky, now I am Ahmed of The Golden Sky, I am the strongest angel in the Underworld, after my retirement, I decided to wander across the seven worlds, it was merely coincidence to meet you and your father here."
