
A Quest For A King

After being a ruler of a kingdom in the Underworld, Adam decided to abandon the boring and toxic crown's life, and taking now a path wich his past self wanted, but what will he do to fulfill his desires when he is known as the world's most dangerous man ever ?

YopiYapa · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Trade

"I am Anatolia, only Anatoli, and I was the one responsible for killing the previous king of Trahib," confessed Anatolia with disbelieve, she didn't know what forced her to say that, Duke Alfred summon a black sword and pointed it toward the red-haired girl, the aid Tristan stopped goofing around and take his wand out of his pocket, he says then:" By the power I'm granted with from the king Adam, I, Marquis of the Sunless Forest shall arrest you for being suspected to the murder of a VIP, we, the Mir government shall grant your safety until you're proven guilty, any resistance from your part is futile!!!"

the Duke summoned several swords from his shadow and surrounded the smiling girl, and commented: "Any movement or energy control will trigger the swords if you don't want to lose a limb, I suggest following the Marquis's order."

King Adam observes the situation, he smells something fishing, it made no sense that the killer of an S-class entity would be caught so easily with no effort, he takes a decision.

"Marquis Tristan, Duke Alfred, release the Anatolia, I believe that she has an explanation for all of this, am I right?"

The girl replied: "You are right my king, I have a hard-to-believe explanation, so I hope you would listen to it..."

Suddenly the door opened, it was a man in black, he had curly brown hair, green eyes, red skin, and a small beard, he was in his mid 20s, he looks at the woman then proceed to say: "King of Mir, it's nice to meet you, I think that the young girl over there, is the same girl that killed my father?"

King Adam feels the Prince's rage and killing intent, suddenly, sand-like daggers are thrown toward the king, the prince tries to save the Adam, the duke and the marquis also tries to stop the daggers, but they were too late, a sand cloud fills the hallway, it's hard to breathe, Anatolia tries to flee, the prince knew about her plan, so he informed the others, they attempt to block the two fronts after the fog disappear the king was holding Anatolia from her neck like do a cat to a mouse, he orders everyone else including the prince to back off by using one of his Regnum's special abilities, everyone stopped what they do, the prince asks The king with a shocking expression: "King Adam, I do respect you, from my father stories I have looked up to meet you in person, so please would you tell me why in the God goodness are you protecting the murder of my father???"

"My lord, what are you doing, the girl that you're holding is suspected of assassinating King Karon!!!" whispers the aid Tristan.

"I don't doubt my king's judgment, I advise the Prince Qnim to listen to the explanation that lady Anatolia has." suggested the Duke, he knew that a political crisis will rise if he didn't interfere.

"I will trust your word Duke Alfred, and I hope she will have a good explanation for all of this..."

"I assure you Prince Qnim that you will not regret it."

after the incident, King Adam asked the aid Tristan to bring some refreshments to the guests and call for the first prince Dante to handle the guests, meanwhile, in the palace prison, Adam interrogate the smiling girl, and he summoned Duke Antares after Anatolia asked for him while waiting for him, Adam asked her: "You didn't kill him, right?"

"What are you talking about my king???"

"Don't act smart wench, you know what the king asked for!!!"

"Alfred, stop, you will scare her."

"What are you saying, me being afraid of this cute little puppy!!!"

"I swear, I'm gonna..."

"Anatolia, don't change the subject, I know that you didn't kill Karon, I suppose that you were at the wrong time and the wrong place?"

"But my king, she confessed that she did kill king Karon!!!"

"She did CONFESS, but only what she believed, not what she saw."

"Am I right Anatolia?"

"Someone used you as a scapegoat, let me guess, you know him or her."

"..." She doesn't reply, Adam realizes the change, she's not smiling anymore, her eyes are filled with rage and sadness.

"Anatolia, tell me what happened, from what I see, you are in a bad situation, you got a whole nation chasing after you, and I guess the organization that you were with did abandon you and perhaps ordered your death."



"Who is it ?" asked the Duke.

"It's me, princess Lucretia, open the door!!!"

Adam then tells the guard to open the door, a beautiful lady wearing a violet dress enters the cell, she has golden-brown hair, blue eyes, and a mature body, she's 19, her gazes are fierce it's like the sun is behind her.

"Lucretia, what are you doing here, shouldn't you help your mother with the preparation or be with your brother Dante, handling the guests?"

"I know dad, I left mom with Carol, they do good, Dante he told me he can handle the guests, I heard about what happened from Tristan, it seems like you need my help dad on this???" while putting her hand on Anatolia's back.

Adam observe the situation, he knew that his daughter Lucretia is the strongest mage in Mir, she could make this interrogation far easier and quicker to finish, but he didn't want that, he aimed to gain the young girl's trust, instead of torturing her.

"It would be helpful if you joined the investigation, but I don't want to traumatic the girl, so I suggest you wait."

"Alright, pops, it's just..."


"Nothing, just focus for now..."

she makes an annoyed face but quickly regains her smile.

"Anatolia, I can protect you, you know that very well, after all, I am the Strongest human in the whole seven worlds!!!"

Anatolia is shocked by Adam's claims, her smile vanishes, and instead, her eyes are teary, she can't control herself, it was the first time she hears that kind of word...

"I'll tell you everything you want, only under one condition!!!"

"What is your condition Anatolia?"

"My lord, you can't just listen to her like that, there is a possibility that all of this is a trap!!!" Said the aid Tristan.

"Yes dad, Tristan is right, she might just let herself be caught so that we think she's not the killer,"

King Adam understands their doubts, there is the possibility that all of this is an act by Anatolia, but he knew that kind of expression that she had, it was hope and happiness, he experienced it in the past.

"Tristan, Lucretia, you have your reasons to doubt my decision, so I have my reasons for why I decided to help her."

After hearing the king's words, the princess and the marquis understood Adam's intention.

Adam asks Anatolia after taking the seat.

"Anatolia, before agreeing, I want you to answer three questions, can you do it?"

The girl nods her head as a yes, Adam then proceeds to ask the first question.

"Okay, the first question is: Who are you?"

"I am Lina Anatolia Jakan, the illegitimate child of the great assassin Diablo Jakan."

Everyone is in disbelief, the primary suspect for the assassination of King Karon

The aid Tristan can't believe what he heard and says, "This is absurd, for the descendant of the fifth strongest being in the Hidden World, to be the here is illogical, after all, Diablo is known as the only human who defeated the True Devil Moloch, my king if we keep someone like her here, we might consider going in the war against the king of assassins!!!"

"I don't think that Diablo would start war against us, he didn't even send someone after his daughter, maybe he doesn't even care about her or just ignored her, right Lina," he said.

The girl made displeasing expressions,

"Anyway, moving to the next question, what are your goals?"

"..." she doesn't answer, Adam asked her again while this time holding her hands.

"Lina, tell me, if you want us to be alone I can manage it, so what do you think?"

Lina nods her head, Adam understands it, he glared at his daughter and the aid Tristan, Duke Alfred knows what his king meant, he tells the guard and the others go get out.

"Wait, Alfred why are you pushing us out of the cell!!!" asked Lucretia.

Duke Alfred tells her: "Lucretia, can't you read the mood, the king wants to be alone with the suspect."

"But wait, King Adam, we can't let you alone with her, she might use it as an opportunity to assassinate you, my lord," Tristan tries to change his king's decision.

Adam replies as a way to calm the aid Tristan: "Come on Tristan, you think that I, the only human who solely defeated the Triad, would get assassinated by a child?"

"But still my lord..." Tristan seems to have no reply, he knew how strong his king is, he was the first human to challenge the Triad and defeats their leaders, the Triad was the third strongest alliance in the seven worlds.

After everyone left them alone, Adam glared at Lina and asked her: "What about now Lina?"

"Um, King Adam... My goal is to assassinate that cruel man, Diablo."

Adam is shocked by Lina's answer, he comes to conclude that she was left alone and abandoned by her father, but couldn't believe that her resolve is to kill her father.

"Do you understand how big your words are, I can't believe that someone as weak as you want to kill someone like Diablo, that bastard tried to kill my wife one time, I caught him before he tries to assassinate Lucille, we fought for several days, in the end, I left him with a scar on his chest, you can't kill him in the state that you are now, have you ever killed someone before?" He smirks, he knew that she never killed someone, he stares at her, Lina's face becomes gloomy, she bites her lips, Adam can feel her anger, he stops laughing and move on to the third question.

"Now moving on to the last question, who killed the previous king Karon?"

"It was my older sister Hisshei, she was the one who assassinated the old man, and left me there," With tears on her face she replies.

"I see, so how old is your sister?"

"As old as that woman who was with us just now."

"Interesting, knowing that there is someone capable of killing that old man is fearsome, I believe that your sister is the second strongest person in your family?"

"You're right, but we are not family, all of our mothers were either slaves or sacrifices to that man Diablo, he just used them to mate, a way to get the strongest descendants, he didn't care about any of us, when fought against each other for the sake of surviving in that hell, my half-sister Hisshei helped me and mother to live, she was the only person who I can trust at that place, but now she abandoned me and even left injury on my back, I don't know why she would do that..." Lina breaks into tears, Adam holds her hands and gives her his handkerchief, she took it from him, Adam remembers his past, before coming to Mir, when he was a child, a dark past that was the turning point of Adam's life, his heart beat faster knowing that Lina will go through the same path as him, he knew that she'll die if he didn't interfere.

"Now after you have answered my question, what are your conditions or favors that you want, I promise that I'll do what in my power's range."

Lina stays quiet for some time, then she says: "I have one demand, I want you to kill my father Diablo!!!"

Adam answers: "I can't, if I kill him, his faction will come after my people, knowing that they won't be able to kill me."

"Alright I understand, then take me as your discipline, I want to become strong enough to change my family situation, please the king of Mir, please take me as your discipline!!!"

She bows to Adam, he looks at the ceiling and sighs.

"Lift your head Lina, after tonight's party I'm gonna pass the crown to my son Dante, I will travel with my wife Lucille, you can come with us if she wants, but I want you to promise me that you will be able to stand the harsh training, by the way, you are a pure human?"

Lina's expressions become warm, she cries while smiling, Adam see his past self in Lina, and at some point he was like her...