
Chapter 12 The Battle Begins

Tao stood up he then clapped his hands and yelled listen to me there is a army of bad people heading this way I as your God Tao will take care of them but for me to do this I first will get you my Faithful people to somewhere safe I called a very close friend of mine to come help by opening up a portal about then Taush flew down and landed the villagers all looked shocked some started to yell please God Tao let us stay and help you with this fight

Tao: No I can not ask this of you I am your God it is my duty to protect you so please do as I ask and let me do what I'm supposed to do 😕

Villagers: yes our God we shall do as you wish

Takeo: I'm going to regret this😓😓 Taush open a portal close to Leo's house

Taush: yes Master

Taush turned his head to the left he then let out a low key flame and it swirled around into a portal

Takeo: Tao make this fast if he finds out and gets through that portal I can't help you got it 😓

Tao: got it ok my Faithful people through this portal now remember don't go into the house and just stay in the Forrest and pray to me quietly behave I will come back to get you when things are safe now through this portal to safety my Faithful people😁😁

Villagers: ok good luck our God Tao

At that they went through the Portal Tao and M21 stood there looking as the last few went through from the other side Tao could see the villagers and behind them was a very angry Leo running at the portal Tao screamed close it now at that Takeo ordered Taush to close the portal just in time Tao could hear Leo saying something on the lines of I will get you 😫😫😫

Taush: Takeo we are so dead

Takeo: .....😓😓

M21: well if we don't die in this battle Leo will make sure we die later 😒

Tao: he really looked mad 😱

Lilly: he saw you ? Oh my Takeo you better tell him I had nothing to do with this😫😫😫

Takeo: ....😓😓😓😓

Frankenstein: calm down everyone let's concentrate on the battle please😒😒

Tao: umm right boss ok so Zarra and Zander let's put up some traps for our friends hehehe😃

Zarra: alright😔

M21: hey Takeo how many enemies are there? 😒

Takeo:hmm Taush how many?

Taush: I'll double check but from what I saw about 300 not counting contractors in the Forrest alone the other force is more about 700 and they have the Dragon with them

Takeo: hmm ok so Taush says in the Forrest there is at least 300 not counting contractors so if they all have contractors it's 600 the other force has 700 not counting contractors but we also know they have that other Dragon with them 😟😞

Frankenstein: hmm 😒 Takeo things will be fine. ..... Rael ?

Rael: yes? 😒

Frankenstein: I Want you to go help Tao and M21 give them a little surprise😏

Rael: on it 😏

Frankenstein: hmm 😒 ok Takeo you tell that Pet of yours to send the others a fire gift 😈😈 let's get this thing started shall we

Takeo: hmm 😒😓 ok Taush send them some Fire

Taush: ok

Taush flew up high in the clouds as he got close to the large army he sent down fire balls one after another the Dragon with them came flying at him Taush braced himself as the Dragon barged into him at full force Taush was quite a bit larger than this Dragon so he twisted in mid air using his claws grabbing the other Dragon then biting it on the neck twisting again throwing the other Dragon as it fell it managed to right itself landing with a thud not to far from the village walls it turned to the walls sucking in its breath to send fire down on the walls Takeo seen this coming and shot out 2 shots hit the Dragon in the nose stopping it Taush came down with a furious glare landing inbetween the Dragon and the walls

Frankenstein: hmm 😒 well it seems that Dragon is going to be a bit of trouble well while it's distracted let's start taking out some of their forces ok 😈😈😈

Everyone:..... 😒😒😒 ok got it

Everyone started moving Takeo was the first to take out one of them as he's such a good shot once the enemy realized that they were attacking they started putting up defenses and counter attacked the battle has begun in the Forrest the other forces started hearing the noises from the battle they didn't even know what happened next as so many of them were being shocked and others were getting cut down so fast they didn't know what it was then they saw M21 standing in front of them they started yelling kill him he's doing this at that point M21 transformed into his werewolf forum he then smiled and said none of that was me 😏 but I'll show what I can do he then started attacking them

Frankenstein: Master please allow me to go on a rampage😊😇

Rai: ...😔 alright I approve for you to break the seal that binds your power

Frankenstein: Takeo

Takeo: yes ??

Frankenstein: I'm going to introduced myself to them I'm entrusting Masters safety to you alright😈

Takeo: umm ok .....😓

Rai: .......😔

Frankenstein went and put himself right in front of the main forces he was in his nice suite he started walking to them they fired a few guns at him he stopped and blocked them he then yelled loud enough for them to hear with a evil smirk on his face wow how impolite of you here I am trying to introduce myself and have a nice chat and you have the nerve to attack me ?😏

One of the men yelled back you are our enemies of course we will attack you we are not stupid

Frankenstein: hmm 😒 attacking someone who you don't know a thing about seems pretty stupid to me😏

Man: What that would go the same for you as well😡

Frankenstein: ooh really I don't think so after all I know quite a bit about your people but you don't know a thing about me😈😈

The man yelled at the forces that he commanded telling them to kill this man and show him he was wrong the forces started attacking sending out several contractors and shooting guns Frankenstein blocked the gun shots as the the contractors got close the men started getting a little nervous because all Frankenstein was doing was standing there smirking a wicked smile😈😈😈 when they got to the right point Frankenstein shot out his dark spear energy stabbing everyone in that area

Frankenstein: kahahahahahaha 😈😈 might as well wrap this up as fast as I can

Enemy forces: .......😰😰😰😰😰😰

Frankenstein: hahaha well shall we continue 😈

Takeo was finding it really hard to keep track of everyone he lost track of Anna witch made him nervous Lilly was still up on the village walls taking out people with her guns Sasha had disappeared along with Anna Seira and Regis were fighting over by Frankenstein Rai was still watching everything from the village walls he was quite close to him about 50 feet away so it made keeping him safe easier Taush was still fighting that other Dragon even tho Taush was quite a bit larger than the other Dragon I'm sure this Dragon had more battle experience then Taush about then Taush grabbed the Dragons neck again twisting it with his body and throwing the Dragon into the village walls right where Lilly was Takeo screamed Lilly's name luckily Rean grabbed her just in time Takeo let out a sigh of relief he also noticed the Dragon was unconscious Rean and Lilly landed next to Taush when Takeo heard a gun shot and then 2 more Lilly drop to the ground from a shot to her side and Rean just laying in front of her bleeding he followed the line where the shots came from it was his father and that Dragons Master Takeo wanted to go but what about Rai he can't leave him unprotected

Rai: Takeo it is fine go help your family I will be fine 😔

Takeo: but sir Rai your not in any condition to be alone what if the enemy co...

Rai: Takeo there is no time for what If's just go I'll be fine 😔

Takeo: ...😓 alright I will be right back

Rai: ......😔

Takeo rushed over to Lilly as he got there he could see his Father and this other Man already in view he looked at Rean he didn't look good the Dragon was still out cold that was a good thing he could just have Taush open a portal but the two men that caused all this was right here in front of him he looked back to where Rai was he saw a few enemies getting close so he took his guns and shot them Takeo then looked at Taush take Lilly and Rean into the village now Taush grabbed both them and flew them to safety

Takeo's Father: ooh my boy your back after all this time ooh wait do you even remember who I am ?😊

Takeo: Shut up you pathetic excuse of a Father 😠

Takeo's Father: ooh from the sound of it you do remember how strange they were supposed to wipe your memory well I guess it doesn't matter now we will just take care of you here 😊

Takeo: Take care of me ha you seem to think I'm like I was back then 😏

Takeo's Father: hmm I don't know what you are getting at but I have had enough of this chatting😔

Takeo: fine then shall we 😏

Takeo's Father: Lukas do you want to or shall I ? We should hurry before that beast of his comes back

Lukas: hmm 😒 you can do it if you would like I don't care

Takeo: ooh so that's your name 😏

Lukas: ....😒

Takeo: sorry I just like to know the names of people who want me dead and also I like to know the names of the people I plan on killing myself😏

At that Takeo's Father pulled out his guns and started shooting at Takeo it wasn't hard at all for Takeo to dodge the attacks he was a lot faster then them he took a look to where Rai was and noticed about 20 men surrounding him

Takeo: ( Taush Protect Rai now thats a order)

Taush: on it but are you ok

Takeo: ( I'm fine I want you to promise me that you will protect Rai I owe him my life so many times do this for me ok I'll be fine )

Taush: ok

Taush flew down next to Rai he swung his tail around knocking the men down he then blew fire at them he swung around looking at Rai to make sure that he was ok Rai starred at Taush with a confused look Taush then jumped down and started breathing fire to push the enemies back Rai thought about what this Dragon of Takeo's was doing he then realized that it was protecting him most likely at Takeo's request Rai sighed and looked to where Takeo was he noticed he was fighting with two men and the Dragon that seemed to be knocked out was slowly getting back up Rai knew everyone would get upset if he used more power but he couldn't just set and watch one of his family members get hurt or killed so he went rushing over right before the Dragon could release a fire attack on Takeo's back Rai got there and Froze the Dragon and the two men Takeo spun around he was shocked to see Rai there then Sad he noticed the Dragon he didn't know what to say to Rai he was saving him again and in his condition at that

Takeo: Rai ....😨

Rai: Takeo I can't just watch while my family members are getting hurt or killed please forgive me

Tao's group came walking out of the Forrest not to far from Takeo and Rai they stopped seeing Rai using powers made them all sad Tao rushed over

Tao: Sir Rai please stop we will handle things from here ok 😨

Rai: hmm alright 😔

Rai un Froze them and then coughed up some blood Rael ran to him helping him

Tao: alright now what's going on here ?😒

M21: ooh look it's this pesky lizard😏

The Dragon looked confused it looked at Tao then back to its Master Lukas

Lukas: ooh so now we have a so called lost God to deal with this is getting ridiculous😒

Tao: ooh so you know me it's funny because you don't seem to believe I am who I am maybe you should ask these guys what happened to the last person to doubt me 😊

M21: you struck him down with you lightening along with me 😟

Tao: hey M you brought that on yourself😏

M21: hmm 😒

Tao: ok so you guys must be the ones in charge of this seeing this Dragon here hmm you may have had a good plan but if your counting on your other forces that were in that Forrest there they won't be coming we took care of them 😏

Lukas: I don't believe this your saying that your group of five took out 300 people some with contractors ? That's impossible😕

Tao: your forgetting something I'm a God and these people here my Faithful friends who are just as strong as I am😏

Lukas: .........😥😓

Takeo: looks like this is the End for you😒

Lukas's  Dragon flew up fast it looked like the Dragon was going to run away and Takeo's Father took the confusion and shot several times at Takeo one grazed his arm he turned pulled out his guns and started shooting back hitting his Father in his leg making him fall to the ground then before they knew it the two men fell threw a portal on the ground Takeo yelled ooh hell no and ran to try and get to the portal but it closed right before he got there he fell to his knees throwing his head in his hands

Tao: Takeo isn't this a good thing having them on the run ?😕

Takeo: that man the one I shot he was my Father 😡

M21: ok I Know that you want him dead but that time will come so calm down 😒

Takeo: dam it ugh you don't understand😡

Tao: then explain it to us we are here to help you remember😨

Takeo: yes I wanted him dead but now after what he did I want him to suffer 😠

M21: What did he do? 😒

Takeo: he Shot Lilly and Rean like it was nothing he Shot his own Daughter he deserves to suffer 😠

M21: What is Lilly and Rean ok 😨

Tao: ya are they ok 😨

Takeo: I don't know I had Taush take them to the village 😩

Tao: we should go check on them😰