
Blood and Destruction

I arrived at the front of our army where the vanguard was and saw that it was practically composed of genin only. I felt a bit bad for them as they would become the cannon fodder. Here nobody talked as they certainly knew why they were here. I then saw our commander make his way toward us. He looked at us with a bit of pity and said" Our intel informed us that we will soon encounter Suna army. I won't take you for fools, you know what it means to be on the vanguard. But I want to tell you that if you die on the battleground, your family will receive help and won't crumble into poverty. Be strong, and tell yourself that the more Suna's ninjas you kill, the less casualities we will receive."

With that he went back to the back of the army. But his little speach seemed to have revigorated the ninjas. They were now ready for war, as much as they could. Then we saw Suna's army in the distance. We began to walk a little faster, and as we were at a hundred meters from them we started running as we were told and they did the same. I grew nervous as I saw the massive army coming my way, and I activated my sharingan without really meaning it. 80 meters… 60 meters… 50 meters… 30 meters… 15 meters… 8 meters… And our armies collided.

I immediatly took out my new sword and coated it with wind chakra. I slashed at the first ninja I saw and he could do absolutely nothing in front of me. I beheaded him and I took out an explosive note, coated it with fire chakra and sticked it on the still up body of the genin. I then filled my shoe with fire chakra and kicked him as hard as I could, successfully sending him in the middle of the ennemi forces. The explosive note made an huge explosion and engulfed at least twenty genin.

I ran to my right, looked at a genin about to be killed and quickly took back my wind and coated with lightning, and pierced at the heart of the suna ninja. Sensing someone behind me I moved slightly to the left and evaded a blow, raised my sword which I coated again with wind, cut off the arms of the genin by this action and just leaved him there bleeding to death. Seeing me perform this well six Suna genin tried to gang up on me. I evaded a blow from the first one, elbowed him in the torso, pushing him on another one behind him, blocked the hack from another swordsman and slided my sword against his to puncture his heart. Seeing the two genin still on each other I pierced through them with a stab.

One of the last two took his kunai out and tried to stab me but I placed my arm in front of me, filled my metal plate on the arm with earth ckakra, and as the kunai touched it, I pushed my arm forward and hit him with the metal plate. Due to me using my entire force and earth chakra I exploded his head with the blow. With this and the multiple combats from before, he was now covered in blood. This made the genin around him evade him, whether they were from Konoha or Suna. I smirked seeing this. They are all so weak in front of me, they only are akin to ants.

Then along with the feeling of strenght I began to see farther, clearer and felt my chakra reserves increase. I understood that my sharingan evolved. I bursted into laughter and jumped to a nearby ninja, cutted him in two from the waist. I then saw a genin on the ground with white foam coming out of his mouth. Really powerful those poisons. I turned to look at the ennemi lines and saw that the real army was coming. I looked behind to see ours too. Our chunnin were looking at me in shock seeing my state. I smirked again, turned around to face the enemy army. Seeing there was only enemies in front of me I began to do hand signs and in the blink of an eye



The attack was too fast and near them to try to block it so they tried to evade it. But not all of them could evade it. At least seven chunnin died from this attack. But I realised I grew a bit too arrogant as I saw them focus on me I retreated and joined our chunnin : This made them stop their hand signs as they knew we would beat them at ninjutsu(The majority of Suna use wind jutsu and Konoha fire). Then another confrontation began and I saw for the first time puppet masters. One tried to attack me with rage, certainly because I just killed one of his friends or whatever. I cut his puppet in two and walked toward him, enjoying the fear on his face. I standed in front of the chunnin and pierced his heart.

I looked around for a new victim and saw a young man, around my age, maybe a few years older, who was very strong, maybe he was as stong as a jonnin. I think I saw his face somewhere. Wait… Yes that's him, someone who use sand and has this particular hair… Yes that's him, Rasa, he was on the kill list distributed because of his talent he was supposed to be the suuccesor of the Kazekage. He was also suspected to be the commander of this section. What a young commander, how tragic for him to hold this much responsabilites at this age. When I will tell Minato he will be so jealous of this Rasa hehe. What a great prey it is, to make me find a way to annoy Minato AND to make me rich. Well here I come benefactor.