
Now What? #6

When I came to, Kevin was holding me tightly and Hamble and JJ were lying on the floor covered in blood. "What happened?" I asked as I turned to face Kevin. "Never mind that, you gotta hurry up and heal them." Kevin let go of me and rushed me to their side. "I don't know how to heal people. I'm not a doctor." I started to panic it seemed the world around me was getting more and more confusing and demanding. "Your magic dummy. One of the abilities of an wooden nymph is healing." Kevin informed me. "But what if I can't do it. I don't exactly know what happened before when I tried to do some magic." I got up and backed away. Over the course of a few days I got to know Hamble and JJ, they weren't dangerous to me. They were genuine and kind. I also got the feeling they looked up to me. What if I end up hurting them again....without knowing. "It only happened because they're dumb." A female's voice invaded the air. "Who's there!" Kevin stood up. "Hhehehe. they should've known better than to ask Nina of anything." A blue skinned girl appeared from the trees. A small chill entered the atmosphere as she walked closer to us. "Although, she only indulged them cause she was bored, they should've known their limits." She laughed and mocked Hamble and JJ. It took me a minute before I realized that it was the same girl that had showed me to class before I left the school. "What are you doing here?" I asked a little worried that I was being followed the whole time. "Relax Nina, I know you want an adventure so I stood back, but let me take it from here." She walked over to the 2 boys conscienceless and bent over them. "Who are you?" Kevin asked with an angry tone. "Hi I'm Dane, but you can call me Ann." It was amazing how we could hear the smile in her voice. "Ann....why are you helping?" Good job Kevin! I couldn't risk the possibilities of not being able to answer questions from asking them. "Cause Nina still enjoys their presence." Ann kept a smile on her face as she healed the 2. Does she only care about me? What's with this creepy vibe that never seems to go away. What was the relationship Nina and Ann had? "Nina care to talk with me over there." Kevin pointed to a secluded area around the camp. "Um....sure." I walked away from Ann a little bit too excitedly. "What's up?" "Who the hell is the creepy blue skinned mermaid?" Kevin spoke low and really close to my face. She's a mermaid!!! Okay I did not know that. "Um....do you really think I have an answer for that? Or are you asking cause you wanted to move away too?" Kevin stared at me for a moment before he continued speaking. "It seems she'll only listen to you. Maybe you could talk to the other Nina and ask." Another moment of silence goes by before I processed what he had just said. "Are you dumb?" He didn't break the gaze we held. "I'll say, Nina why does he get to keep touching you. Also why don't you kill him already. I can tell you're annoyed." Ann popped up into our conversation acting like there was nothing to it. We both jumped back a bit from the sudden shock she gave us. What is up with Ann and Nina, both of them want to kill Kevin. "Um....no, no. It's all good." I walked up to Ann with a smile. She looked at me with bright eyes that slowly faded to dark angry eyes. "Nina." She said "yes." I answered back trying not to sound too scared. "Who are you?" She kept her gaze on me while she slowly smiled. Shivers ran down my spine. Oh boy, how did she find out? "I'm Nina. What do mean who am I? More like why would you say that?" I chuckled a little to ease the tension Ann created. "Yeah, it's not like your personality is different." Ann chuckled back. "I mean I did see you beat the crap out of those two over there. But something seems off. Like how you answered me with a yes instead of a what.....Haha but you know. Maybe you're playing a game." Just how dominate was Nina? Ann looked at me with such curious eyes that it burned through my mind. I guess I could try to be dominate for once. "Dane stop thinking about useless stuff." I told her in the most controlling way I could possibly think of. She looked at me intensely. I wanted to break my stare with her, but I knew if I showed any signs of weakness she would gain even more suspicion. "Alright, but I wanna accompany you on your adventure." Ann twirled away from my eyes. I looked to Kevin with confusion as if to ask "did that just happen?" He shrugged and walked over to my side. "I guess it was a safe bet choosing to cling to you." He whispered. I looked at him with fury "what do you mean safe bet? Aren't you supposed to be strong?" Kevin just smiled and nodded his head. There must be something he's not telling me. Ann sits down by the pile of burnt sticks and watches Hamble and JJ. Kevin and I follow her lead, being careful not to sit next to her. "So looks like there's a new member added to the group." Kevin breaks the ice. "Where did you come from?" Ann questions Kevin. I could tell by the look in her eyes, which I have seen many times before. The look was always plastered on Britney Camwell's face when she saw me. Ann does not like him at all. "Why would you ask that?" Kevin has refused to give out any information about himself since the time we met. I assume he needs to be a secret because he isn't supposed to exist here. I wonder how the other Nina is doing. Is she adjusting well to humans better than I am with mythical creatures? Or is she also having a hard time?.....