
On The Other Side #7

Hi, this is Nina speaking now. Not the human Nina that started the story. I want to tell my story too. You all probably have a lot of questions for me. Like how did I know about other worlds? And why am I choosing to live in a boring human infested world? Well, the answer to that is simple. You see I was born as a rare cross breed mythical creature. A wooden nymph and witch. My father seduced my mother into marrying him. I also grew to have a pretty good life. My friends worship me, those in authority have no control over me, and best of all I never hadn't any need to worry about living expenses. Everything happened on my terms. Yet, I found being at the top is lonely and boring. Having the highest grades without a rival in my way only made me lose interest. Then one day while I was looking for an interesting read I stumbled upon an old book. It had words that I could not read. So naturally, I deciphered it. Of course it took some time, yet I spared no time when I read the words from that old book. The most peculiar thing happened when I read the book, the words floated off the pages. From the words formed a man. Claiming to be the cause of everyone's misfortune. I was intrigued, he then told me of another world different yet the same from Taher. And how his lucky twin brother was there giving people miracles. I didn't believe him at first. That is till he showed me his memories. He lived a life in the shadows of his brother. Watching his brother get everything he wanted made him hate who he was. But he never raised a hand to him. Instead he tried to stop his cruel boss from killing him. That was when his brother decided that there could only be one alive. Trying to kill him, Karma ran to the nearest book he could find and trapped himself in. Since then he spent every dark isolated moment thinking about how his brother betrayed him. What else could I do but offer my help. After all I was bored. He opened a portal and showed me the other me. She was helplessly getting bullied by everyone she let in her life. She had so many enemies and challenges. How fortunate of her. I wanted that. So Misfortune and I put our heads together to devise a plan to go to this earth. He would keep the portal open while I walked through carrying him in my pocket. All that was left was to get the human Nina in the same location as me. A simple whisper in the ears of her bullies was enough to bring her where I wanted. Finally after the switch, I went to her place of learning. Misfortune stayed by my side posing as my boyfriend. At the school I learned that the ones in power were decided by age and not rank. "Hey! Dumbass, are you listening? I told you to go get my drink." A female rudely spoke to me. I looked to both sides to find who this dumb ass she spoke of was. "I know you're slow, but I didn't hit your head. You should understand what I'm saying." The female laughed causing the other two females beside her to laugh as well. Interesting, no one dared to talk to me in such a way before. So this is what it's like to get disrespected. She looked around my age, so there is no reason for me to obey. "Get it yourself. Or are you incapable of functioning on basic levels of human understanding." The room around me went silent. The students who were too busy with there own conversation and reading books now found me to be their subject of entertainment. "What did you say to me?!" The female closed the gap between us and stared at me angrily. Did she not understand my words? "Very well, I shall dumb it down for you. Get the drink yourself. I am not your maid." The room grew an intense atmosphere, one of which I am already used to. "This bitch." The female swung her arm quite slowly leaving herself full of openings. I grabbed her arm and proceeded with my counter attack. I went straight for the neck, so she could no longer address me in such a manner. Then I twister her arm for the sheer thought of touching me. I heard a crack in the arm when I did this. Shocked I let go. I wasn't even using a quarter of my strength, yet there was a crack. Humans are very fragile. She went down on her knees whimpering from the pain I inflicted on her. "Now it would seem you are indeed incapable of getting your own drink." I laughed. It has been such a long time since anyone had dared to fight me. The last time such a thing accrued I believe was when I had just started school in my early pubescent stage. I appreciated her for that. "Oh my god! Britney!" One of the females by her side helped her back to her feet. "I'm getting a teacher!" The other one left running. Teachers do pose a problem. While I am here, in this earth I need to follow the rules. Teachers are older than the students so I must obey. I looked around the room to get a better grasp on my situation. Was it the wrong decision to become somewhat of a teacher to this female? Men in uniforms came rushing into the room. They took the injured female away and started asking me questions. "Miss, what's your name?" I was not told that I must obey anyone else but the teachers. Who were they to ask me questions? "Who are you?" I took a seat as I readied myself to interrogate them. "Alright, a smart one. Come on, your coming with me to the principal's office. Maybe you would like to tell her your name." The man walked closer to me and grabbed my arm. Such rude behavior will not be tolerated. I lifted my arm preparing myself to swing. However, my fake boyfriend that appeared out of what seemed like thin air, grabbed it before I had the chance to make contact. "Not a good idea." He whispered. I looked at him angry. This was also new to me. Never has anyone stopped me from doing what I pleased. "Unhand me, both of you." I ordered, only Misfortune let go and the man holding onto my arm dragged me out of the room. Through a corridor and into another room that was smaller. I don't understand, wasn't he taking me to his authorial figure? Why was the room so small? And not to mention no one else was here. "Just wait there and the principal will come." The man sat me down in front of a large desk then left the room locking me in it. If I wanted to escape I would've done so. However, the words of Misfortune must be taken seriously if I am to learn the rules here. I closed my eyes to meditate. If I am to be stuck here I might as well do something. "She did what?" "Yeah, we have to take that young lady to the hospital and call her parents." I heard muffled conversations being discussed outside the door. "Were the cops called?" "Yes, they're on their way here as we speak." "Good, would you mind coming in there with me? I would do this by myself usually....but you know....she has a record." A minute went by before the other answered. "Yeah, sure. Do I have permission to use physical force if needed?" Another minute went by with silence. "Okay, but only when needed." The door knob giggled a bit before it was open. In came a lady dressed in a plain black skirt and white buttoned down shirt. Her black short heels clicked to the floor with each step she took. And the man who accompanied her was the same man dressed in a uniform who dragged me to this small room. I did not break my meditation upon their arrival. I listened to the sounds of the lady sitting down and the man shutting the door. I opened my eyes feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation. It was already a small room, adding two more people in here did not make it bigger. "Ahem, do you know what kind of trouble you are in?" The lady gave me a stern look daring me to break my gaze from her. "Trouble? Me? Why am I the one in trouble while the other gets to breathe fresh air out of a small box you call a room?" I am at loss for words. I clearly did not deserve this yet, here I am. My breathing space is being invaded. I could smell the fear in both of them. From the corner of my eye I saw the man shaking. It was clear that neither one of us wanted to be here. So why go through the trouble of creating such a situation? Only to tell me of my faults, they could have done this in an open area where we could get plenty of space. They're nonsensical creatures. "Yes, you're in trouble. You punched a girl in the esophagus and broke her arm. There will be charges placed. Serious charges." The lady put her hand on her head giving a slight sigh of frustration. "Do you understand what is going to happen?" She now looked defeated as she picked her head back up. "I give you permission to explain these dire consequences you speak of." The lady now carried a different expression on her face, disbelief. "Ok....I don't know what has gotten into you or what you think you're doing, and I don't care. You're going to be arrested for aggravated assault. And tried as an adult so this means jail time." Jail? what is this Jail she speaks of? Is that where the strong reside? ~Knock, knock, knock~ the man opened the door to see who it was that was knocking. "Um....the policemen are here, but the thing is....They're here for the principal." It was another lady's voice that delivered the news. "What?! Why?" The man walked out the room closing the door behind him. The lady and I stayed silent to eavesdrop in their conversation. "There was a report with evidence of her having sexual intercourse with a student." I smiled knowing that this was a bad thing even in Taher. If a teacher or authority figure is having such relations, they are to do either one of two things. Give up their magic power and live as a cripple or die. And unless I'm mistaken, this lady does not have any magic within her. "What that's insane! There's no way that Ms. Burndy had any relations like that. Are you sure they got the right one?" "I don't know. All I know is that they're here for her." So that's her name, Ms. Burndy. "Ms. Burndy, what have you done?" I mocked her knowing that she will no longer be able to reprimand me. "What is this nonsense?" Ms. Burndy got up from her seat to walk out of the room leaving me to once again have space of my own. After closing the door I listened intensely. "Are you Ms. Burndy?" An unfamiliar voice spoke out. The policemen that the other lady spoke of must've been waiting outside the room. "Yes and I want to know what this is about." "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." The sound of metal clashing to and fro followed after. "What is going on?!!! I will not be going anywhere with you, I am at work!" "Are you resisting arrest?" "No, I....I am at my place of work and wish to know what the problem is?" "Lady it's your place of work that we need to take you away from." I heard Ms. Burndy's shoes click and clack away as the noise outside dialed down. The door opened once more and the man in uniform walked in. "Um....not sure what happened but you need to stay right here." He ordered then closed the door behind him. This time he did not bother to lock it. Feeling a bit suffocated I stood up and opened the door. What I saw was a bunch of people gathered to spectate the arrest of Ms. Burndy. I watched as Misfortune's face lit up with a smile. "I'm glad you didn't hurt her Nina." He spoke as he approached me. "I am to follow the rules here. Why would I hurt the one who's authority ranked higher than mine?" I chuckled. The man in uniform turned to me slowly with fright stuck on his face. His fear peeked when he laid eyes on me. "I'm going to go patrol the hall now if anyone needs me....call someone else." He said then left in a hurry. Was I that scary? I haven't even thought about feeding him to my pets. "Let's go get something to snack on while we go back to class." I stared at Misfortune thinking he had somehow been involved with this incident. "Alright, and on our way we can discuss the matter of issuing a fake name for you." We walked out of the other's view and continued our day. We stopped at a spot with two big metal and glass boxes filled with beverages and junk food. "What do ya want?" "What shall it be, is the proper sentence. Do speak to me with proper English. I would hate for anything to happen to you." One thing I disliked the most is when someone decides they could speak to me in any tone. I am not inferior to anyone here therefore, I will not allow anyone to look upon me with such judgement. "I'll get you a bev babe." He smiled as he turned to the box. "Did you not understand my words?" I sternly raised my voice, letting him know his behavior was unacceptable. "Listen, you wanna fit in right?" Misfortune placed his hand on the box and a machine from within it began moving. Which then produced a bottle of pink liquid. "Well, I assume your silence is a yes. I've been here in this world countless of times before. All the kids your age talk that way to each other. It is actually considered weird to talk properly to your friends." Such an unspoken rule existed? Why is it weird to speak properly? Wouldn't one want to understand the other? I didn't want to ask anymore on this matter. Instead I changed the subject. "So, what shall I call you?" He handed me the pink drink and started walking. I followed, since he knew the way. "Call me Dan. It's simple and just easy to remember. Also, get used to people talking improperly to you." "Hmpf, I will decide what I get used to. I see no reason to drop my standards just to blend in with these petty creatures." "Okay miss 'I'm better than everyone else' I just don't want you to kill everyone around you." That's right, humans are incredibly fragile. "I shall restrain myself. After all we're here to find your brother....not to kill humans." I opened the bottle and took a gander at the pink drink. I hope this taste good. The flavor was bland. It tasted like water with sugar. Who would want to drink this? Dan and I finally reached the classroom. Once we walked in, silence had taken a hold of the place. They were staring at me, some were scared while others looked amazed. I took my seat and watched as Dan sat across from me. "Looks like you're the hot topic." He joked. Dan's personality annoyed me the most. I only put up with it because he is my guide. "I was always the hot topic the context just changed. At least now they will respect me." Dan laughed leaving me with an unpleasant feeling. "Why do you chuckle at my remark? Did I say something funny?" The class resumed their chatter when they saw my conversation come to life. "There are some unspoken rules that you don't know. Like now that you sent a girl to the hospital, others would like to test your strength. Remember don't kill them." This information confused me. I was told the rules in this world were different. However, this wasn't any different from how my world worked. Interesting, could the children of this world fight for dominance because they are denied it by the simple fact of their age? "How did you not get arrested?" Was this a challenger? I turned my attention to the boy who addressed me. He was sitting ahead of me and was holding his phone up at me. "Why do you have your phone pointed at me?" I asked looking for a suitable answer to not teach him a lesson on manners. "Evidence! Now answer me." He demanded. I did not like the way he was talking to me. I will not kill him, yet he needs to learn. His phone for example should not be pointed at someone when he is asking questions. I stared at his phone trying to see if there was any signs of life I could use against it. There wasn't, no matter though. I'll just make it blow up with a simple spell. I had gotten to the level of mastery when it came to spells. Electric spells were my specialty. I just blinked sending waves of electrical currents to disrupt the video. Then I tilted my head causing the phone to erupt in flames. The boy dropped the phone immediately shocked as to what happened. "What the hell!?" He yelled. I got up and walked to him. Stepping on his burning phone to act like I was putting the fire out. All the while, never breaking eye contact with him. "Let me help you." I said in a monotonous tone. "I'm not going to hurt you for such an offense. However, my patience is thin. Should you think it's tolerable for such disrespect again, then I don't think you value your life very much." I applied pressure to his phone causing it to snap in pieces. The boy did not talk back, instead he stayed silent. The only thing he did do was reek of fear. "By the way, your fear smells very delightful." I smiled and walked back to my seat. The boy was frozen in fear.