
Do you even have pride?

After a moment of silence, Tiamat lowered her head to look at the human directly in the eyes.

Tiamat: "Ask ..."

Nothing else other than that word, it was hinted that she was clearly interested.

Yukio smiled, he let go of Kalawarner's hand and walked forward while the sword was still floating freely in the air.

Yukio: "Your power ... Chaos, is it transferable?"

The moment his words came out of his mouth, both women had expressions of surprise.

Kalawarner, because she did not think her King would ask something like that.

And Tiamat ... because that, in fact, was a secret, that nobody should know, other than her.

She showed a fierce expression: "What do you mean? Stop playing and quickly ask what you want."

Yukio shrugged: "You already heard what I asked, answer and don´t throw your words to the ground after saying that you would answer sincerely."

The Dragon and the 'human' stared at each other, Tiamat raised her aura again but this time not to intimidate.

She could not let this human go, she could not understand how this little human knew about her secret, and it was better to kill him.

But she was cautious, this human did not seem normal, as for Kalawarner she did not put her in her eyes.

Tiamat: "Human ... I'm going to ask you something ..."

Yukio: "No thanks, answer my question quickly because I'm impatient."

Yukio's voice sounded cold now, he came in peace, but if this woman really did not fulfill her promise, he was not going to let her go, after all, he did not have much patience.

Tiamat became even angrier: "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" She screamed her lungs out while her aura shot out.

Yukio: "....."

Due to the silence, Tiamat thought that Yukio was scared, her aura was still going up even more, she wanted to scare him much more.

The approaching demons began to sweat and wobble, but they held up because this aura was not directed at them.

As long as they did not get close, they could stand it, they wanted to see who the owner of that sword was.

If it was a powerful familiar, they had to make it theirs.

Tiamat: "Tell me now ... Who are you? ..."

Even so, Yukio still did not speak and was watching, but little by little his expression was getting distorted.

Tiamat was confused, that was not the look of someone who should be scared, she saw that the 'human' directed his gaze towards the woman who came with him.

That woman was now on the floor while she was sweating and it seemed that at any point she would lose consciousness.

Suddenly a purple shield began to cover her, and she was able to rejoin, but even so, her complexion was pale.

Tiamat frowned her eyebrows, that shield was obviously from this 'human', but having the power to block her aura...

She was going to say something, but suddenly she felt a chill and her eyes fell on the 'human' who was emitting an absurd amount of mana in the air.

Yukio: "... I offered you a deal, and you broke your word, but now you hurt her too ... Are you looking to die? Because you have already achieved the conditions for that."

His voice was cold while around his body he began to create an absurd amount of magical energy surrounding him.

Something had to be said ... The Mana in this world was in excess, but Yukio never used that mana.

His power was 'Magic', meaning that it was from his own reserve.

A bestial aura rose and spread in the air covering the entire forest.

If before the demons were staggering, now they fell to their knees.

Tiamat: "As if! How is it possible!" She was stunned and her expression became horrible.

She was not stupid, this presence, this power and above all ... That cold and dark aura.

Tiamat: "Dragon!" And one that she did not recognize herself.

Yukio: "Bingo! But there is no prize."

Tiamat: "Wait, we can ... Eh?"

Even when she was staring at him, Yukio had disappeared and suddenly ...

He was already in front of her dragon face.

Her expression darkened and she was going to cover him, but who was Yukio?

Even in his basic form he fought physically against Ddraig and gave him difficult moments.


The Dragon Tiamat shot up like a cannonball.


The roof was destroyed and when she was able to reposition herself, she opened her wings in the air, with an expression of anger.

Tiamat: "Damn! GRRRR!" She screamed in the air and threw herself down like a meteor.

Yukio from below looked at everything coldly, before jumping into the sky just through the hole made in the cave


It was the impact between a fist and a claw, a terrifying shock wave of air passing through the air.

A wave that destroyed everything around it, the trees were uprooted while the earth seemed to split in cobweb shapes.

This was the fight of two Dragons!


The demons that were kneeling in the distance looked at the great sword in the sky, but all had stunned looks.

There was a dragon in the air, not any dragon but Tiamat, who would not know her legend?

The thing is, she was getting beaten up by a young man who radiated a frightening aura.

"Yo! I want to leave!"

It was not known who it was, but someone started screaming while trying to stand up, even so, it was useless.

Their greed for the owner of the sword disappeared instantly upon seeing these two beings, they themselves unknowingly entered the battlefield.

Sona and her Peerage were on the floor kneeling, they had fearsome expressions.

Sona was thinking about her Onee-sama, if she were here she could save her, but sadly she knew that it was not possible.

Sona: "... Sorry guys."

She apologized to her group, she had put them into this problem, and looking at the battle it was very likely that they would end up dead if those two combatants got even a little closer.

Tsubaki: "Excuse me, why do you say that? We ourselves decided to come." She said in her usual tone.

Saji: "That's true! Weren´t we the ones who wanted to come to see this?"

The others gave their words and Sona nodded, she sighed and watched the battle.

Tsubaki who watched the battle whispered something to Sona.

Tsubaki: "Yukio Doragon 3-C ..."

Sona: "Ah? ... Are you confessing to me the boy you like now?" She got confused.

Tsubaki made a perplexed expression and her cheeks were dyed red: "N-no ... That man fighting ... It's him."

She knew about Yukio Doragon, after all, he was a 'Prince' at school.

Sona looked at the man again and was surprised.

'As if that´s possible, I myself verified that he was a common human!'

Many things went through her head.


Soon they saw how the body of Tiamat crashed hard against the ground.

The earth even broke on all sides creating a huge crater.

She could not help but swallow nervously.

They all turned their gaze now to a blue-haired woman who was floating in the air with black wings.

'A fallen angel?'


Yukio and Tiamat started their fight, it had to be said that seeing a massive dragon fight against a 'human' was really absurd.

But Yukio was clearly gaining the upper hand as his fists struck destructively towards Tiamat.

He was not going to kill her instantly, it was her punishment.

Tiamat: "Tuuu! Why are you attacking me?!" She had not even started a battle when this guy was already trying to kill her.

Her pride of 'King' Dragon was going down with each hit, watching a Dragon hit you like that without necessarily transforming ... It was clearly demonstrating his strength.

Yukio: "You know it yourself ... You don´t honor your words and you even hurt her ... Do you even have pride?" He said with remarkable anger in his voice.

Suddenly Yukio appeared just above the huge dragon Tiamat, he extended his palm down with a cold look.

Tiamat immediately felt that this was not going well.

She immediately created a huge defensive barrier over her.

Tiamat: "Stop! Stop! I'll answer! Stop!" She knew that whatever this guy is going to do was dangerous...

Yukio: "I'm not interested now ... Vacuum Shot."

Without even a warning, from the palm, he created a huge dark ball and shot it down.

Tiamat widened her eyes: "No ... !!!"





There were three consecutive explosions and Tiamat fell to the ground making a huge crater.

Her dragon figure had disappeared and now showed a beautiful woman, but at this time it could not be appreciated since she was barely alive and had too many wounds on her body.

Yukio waved his hand and the big crystal sword flew up to a position on top of Tiamat.

Tiamat knew what Yukio wanted to do, but she no longer had the strength, it was impossible to move and she knew that today she would die.

Tiamat: "... Hu ... Hu ..." Her breathing was agitated, and her heart was pounding, after all, she was before her death.

Yukio was about to lower his hand, but a familiar presence quickly stopped his hand before he could lower it.

Of course, with his strength, he could still lower it, but he did not want to hurt her.

Yukio: "... Kalawarner?"

Kalawarner did not let go of his hand and shook her head: "... My King, you have not yet obtained what you came to seek from her, you can not kill her at this moment."

Yukio made a difficult expression, after all, he felt anger inside him, but he knew that he needed Tiamat for something.

Yukio: "Even so ... I don´t think I can leave her alive."

Kalawarner made an understandable expression, but she shook her head again.

Kalawarner: "I'm ... happy that the king was willing to defend me ... But didn´t you really come for something else?"

She was really happy because Yukio was so angry, that he almost killed Tiamat, just to defend her, but she could not let her King make his way here for nothing.

Yukio let out a sigh and the sword was saved back into his inventory.

Kalawarner released his hand while she sighed.

She planned to say something more, but suddenly she was petrified.

Yukio suddenly embraced Kalawarner strongly.

Kalawarner: "..."

She did not know what to say, she was too embarrassed at this moment, he was so fast that she could not pronounce anything.

Yukio: "... Pick up that idiot and let's get out of this place", he said softly as he released her.

Kalawarner: "A..ah..Y-yes"

She immediately turned around to pick up Tiamat and go with her King.

Yukio looked at her retreat and smiled, maybe his daughter was right ... He was a womanizer.


When the three beings disappeared each demon shrieked with joy, and some cried because their lives were not lost.

Looking for familiars? Forget it!

Each of them retreated as if this place was a demonic tomb or something similar.

While Sona's group walked, Tsubaki approached her president.

Tsubaki: "... What will he do now?"

Sona: "I don´t know ... 3-C? ... Classes will start soon, we can call him to the office and really ask what happened."

Tsubaki nodded, but she had an uncomfortable expression: "What if he decides to attack us to keep this a secret?"

Sona became rigid, that was true, but she shook her head: "No, I don´t think he would do something like that, after all ... If it were like that, he would have killed us right now."

She clearly saw how Yukio looked in the direction of the demons.

When both were in thoughts someone shouted.

"Ahh, the portal is closing! Move!"

"What? Impossible, at this rate, we all will not be able to leave!"


Each demon ran frantically, staying locked in here ... It was not pretty.

Sona and her group immediately started running.

Soon the story spread that a young man defeated Tiamat, a being known as the Dragon King, with a clean fist...

That story shook the supernatural world.

Editor: maave


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