
But honey ... I could have done that paper

At this time, the supernatural world was in a chaotic state, the news that the "Forest of familiars" was open without the need for the full moon, had spread throughout the supernatural world.

Thanks to that, many beings had come to that place, they went with the idea of ​​finding a strong family

But ... The misfortune was recorded in his eyes, not only did they not return with any relatives, but some were injured

But no physical injuries, if mental, they were pressured by a terrible aura, when all the nobles, and even the Maous, had asked what happened there.

A bomb was thrown, each of the demons told the same story ...

"A man defeated Dragon King Tiamat with his bare fist?"

"He almost killed Tiamat?"

"Did he strike Tiamat and take her somewhere? ... Was there a fallen angel?"

All kinds of things could be heard, this put the four Maous in a difficult situation.

So important were the stories, that they had to make a meeting with the faction leader of fallen angels.

Just now two very important figures were staring at each other.

Azazel: "... Seriously, no matter how much you look at me like that, I've already said that I have nothing to do with that ..."

Sirzechs: "What, do you want me to believe that? A fallen angel was present, it´s clearly someone from your faction, even so, you say you have nothing to do with it?"

Azazel sighed heavily and ran his hand down his face as he made a dejected expression.

Azazel: "Come on, I've been sitting here for two hours, and I keep telling you the same, I have not had anything to do with it, could I even have someone with the power to beat Tiamat?"

Sirzechs: "... You have a good point, but how can you explain that a fallen angel was present?"

Azazel: "I don´t know, do you think all the fallen angels are totally governed by me? What about your demons? Don´t they always desert and kill humans without control?"

He had to say that in rebuttal while reminding him, the current Lucifer, what his demons were doing.

Apparently, his dedication won at that point because immediately Sirzechs wrinkled his eyebrows before sighing.

Sirzechs: "Well, it's like you say ... But could you make things easier for me? Don´t you have any idea who it could be? You know that someone more powerful than Tiamat would be a big problem for both of us."

He knew that if this 'man' turned out to be on the evil side, it would be tragic for the beings of the supernatural world.

But suddenly thinking of a certain boy, he began to doubt his thoughts.

'Isn´t Yukio committed to Rias-chan? Then he ... wouldn´t he protect his wife's place?' He started to wonder.

But soon he shook his head, remembering that that boy would not interfere in other people's problems.

Azazel ignoring the thoughts of Sirzechs decided to say what he thought.

Azazel: "... Isn´t it Gotei 13 who has a fallen angel in their ranks? Who besides them would have the power to shoot down Tiamat?"

His words left Sirzechs in shock.

'... Why didn´t I think about that?'


Kuisha was moving towards the residence of her 'King'.

In her hands she carried a gift box wrapped in red ribbons, she kept a smile.

But the smile broke when she heard the woman at her side.

Serafall: "Umm, I'm still curious Ku-chan, but for whom is that gift? Why don´t you want to tell me?" She kept asking her all the time.

She had already asked if this gift was for Sairaorg, but Kuisha rejected that immediately, but still kept everything secret.

That made her much more curious about everything, Kuisha could only sigh bitterly.

Kuisha: "... I already told you it's a secret, I'm sorry Leviathan-sama."

Serafall: "Moo! Don´t call me that! But ... Why are you hiding it? Is it for your boyfriend?"

Kuisha flushed, but she shook her head: "No ... He's just a friend."

Serafall shrugged and continued to walk beside her, she had curiosity but did not want to force anything.

Kuisha was glad that this woman stopped her questions, but she was curious about something.

Kuisha: "... Can I know why you are heading towards the Vapula residence?"

Serafall: "Well, that's where they sell 'Magic Pills', isn´t it normal to go, ... can I ask you something?"

Kuisha nodded, she saw no problem answering anything since Serafall had already answered a question.

Serafall: "Why your lady ... and that girl named Coriana, why did they change their surnames to 'D'?"

Kuisha: "....."


In an area of the Underworld, further away from the places commonly visited were many people.

They all seemed to be carrying pieces of iron, or giant pillars made of rare minerals.

Here they were obviously building a house ... no, a gigantic mansion.

It was absurd to see small men and women with thin physiques lifting huge irons, but this was clearly because they were not human.

It was wolves ... This was the wolf race.

Bill, who was guarding this clan as 'Patriarch' of the race of wolves of Yukio's dimension, nodded with satisfaction.

His duty was generally to protect the prisoners, but he received instructions from his King to take care of this place and create a mansion for his branch in this place.

Suddenly he felt a familiar presence approaching, he could not help but smile and his fangs showed.

Bill: "I haven´t seen you for a long time ... Did you already appear before the King?"

He directed his words towards a figure that was approaching him, but he had a sudden expression of astonishment when he noticed another person.

'This guy ... Damn, his presence is always so low.' He could not help but a curse, each time this guy scared him.

The two figures approached, the first figure smiled gracefully.

She was an attractive woman, with white skin and black hair.

Eyes of red color and two horns of similar color came from her forehead, she was undoubtedly a beauty.

This woman had the lower part of red metal armor, this was something commonly used between captains or lieutenants.

For some reason, each of them opted to use lower armor parts.

Its top was a metal plate of similar color covering her breasts, and above it was a white 'Haori' with the symbol of the Thistle.

She was clearly the captain of the 12th Squadron.

Beside her was a large man with long red hair down to his ankles, a golden metal armor at the bottom.

At the top he was not wearing anything, he was clearly showing with pride and arrogance a black mark on his left chest.

The tattoo was a Black Jade, it was the mark of being a Lieutenant, also on his left arm he had a small wooden tablet with the symbol of the Aquilea.

The Lieutenant of the 11th Squadron, the man who was trained by Queen Kuroka herself.

The woman was the first to speak because she was the one they had spoken to first.

Claudia: "No, I just left the dimension to find him, but I recently learned that the Queens have given the order not to disturb him, so I wanted to come to visit you."

She spoke quietly while looking at the place with interest.

Bill nodded, it was understandable after all, this woman almost always spent her time in the lab and almost nobody used to see her.

Suddenly Claudia stopped looking at the site and asked in a curious tone.

Claudia: "Has something new happened since I left?"

Bill nodded and began to tell her everything that has happened before, Claudia showed several expressions.

She suddenly sighed and shook her head: "The king ... He's very reckless even though his strength is bailing him out ... As for his wives ... Why the hell are there more now?"

She felt bewildered, there were only three women and four women around her King, but now it turns out there are more.

Bill: "... Are you surprised by that? There are even many more on the waiting list, I can not even count them ..." He smiled bitterly.

Well he was their King, that did not matter, one or two more wives to serve was something they would not pay attention to.

Claudia: "It's true, leaving that aside, what are you doing on this site?"

Bill: "The King ordered me to supervise this construction, apparently he is going to move a monitoring center in this world ..." He turned his gaze towards the man with red hair.

Bill: "... Aogi? Why are you always so quiet? Also why are you here?"

The red-haired man, now known as Aogi, just sighed and looked at Claudia.

Claudia smiled gently as she explained: "You know I'm not very known for my strength, that's why I asked Aogi to accompany me."

Bill understood immediately, Claudia was a Captain, but she focused more on investigation and her strength did not even surpass a high-ranking Demon.

The three together looked towards a construction worker who was carrying a large piece of glass with a symbol in the middle.

The symbol was similar to a geometric figure, it was clearly the symbol of the Gotei 13.

The three of them looked proudly at the moment when the worker nailed the glass on top of the almost built entrance to the mansion.

Suddenly Bill thought about something and smiled.

Bill: "Are you still trying to beat Kuroka-sama for the King?"

Claudia whose secret was unraveled blushed before looking at him menacingly and turning around.

Claudia: "Humpf, it's not your problem." She said and left.

Bill laughed as he watched her retreat.


Yukio and Kalawarner reached the dimension and quickly entered the house.

When they stepped into the area of the main room, they both saw the figure of Shuri looking at them with a doubtful expression.

Shuri: "... Is this considered a kidnapping? ... Maybe I should call the Guards? ..."

Yukio made an uncomfortable expression: "This ... It's not like what it seems, okay?"

Shuri: "... Do you like kidnapping people?"

She pointed to the woman identified as Tiamat in Kalawarner's arms.

Yukio: "No .."

Shuri: "Uhh! Kalawarner-san, I knew you were willing to help him with anything ... But kidnapping? You two ..."

Kalawarner: "... My lady." She was embarrassed to the top.

Yukio: "I´m telling you ... It's not kidnapping!" He had to defend himself, that gaze of Shuri made him feel bad.

Shuri: "But honey ... if you wanted to play a kidnap ... I could have taken that role ..."

Kalawarner / Yukio: ".…"

Editor: maave



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