
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · 漫画同人
69 Chs

Challenging Muten Roshi

At that moment everyone was petrified,

ignorant spectators discovered

for the first time that martial arts were so amazing.

Don't blame them, most of them are there to see blood, any superhuman strength is attributed to the race and talent of each individual.

The laser rays were too extravagant for them they did not think that the body could do something like that, however, this strange body change could not be attributed to any race or mutation, especially because it was a scientific method, although of course none of them could knew it from the looks. 

Master Roshi and Tsuru senin felt speechless, confused and curious.

Furthermore, Roshi was even more euphoric, who did not want such a talented disciple, plus he is no longer ugly so it would not damage his image.

On the other hand, Rockero and Brief were the most excited, for them it meant that a new door was opened in their lives.

Originally Brief never practiced, because all the Ki, mastery and such, was just talk without proof.

But today they put it in front of him, from a child with superhuman strength, to a teacher with superhuman technique.

He accepted it all, martial arts are terrifying.

And for Ox Satan, well it just means that he has a talented opponent.

He himself was wondering now, what was the point of reducing his muscles?

As they continued in the fight he pounced on him, what he didn't expect was that the only thing he hit was the shadow of his dodge.

With that he continued delivering a series of blows that only made contact with the shadow.

If we had to give a figure to his combat increase it would be 7 to 8 points.

Points that would put him practically at the level of Ox Satan.

"Well, to finish this fight, I'll show you another trick."

"Don't think you'll beat me!" Ox Satan

shouted and then got into a colt's position and joined his arms to his body.

Little by little a bit of yellowish-brown aura gathered around his body and his hands opened to expel them forward where Rick was standing.

"Aaah!" With that cry you could see how flashes of light were deployed from his body at dizzying speed.

Rick was a little confused, he didn't think that OxSatan could also launch energy attacks.

"This idiot" Roshi couldn't help but say

But that was all. The attacks had no particular direction and were fired randomly like blindfolded shooting.

You couldn't claim this from OxSatan, he himself created this technique based on the principles of Kamekameha. Since he couldn't use the full version, he adapted it to his use.

Rick was also ready to counterattack but he sounded a *Bong* from the cymbal that was heard at the beginning sounded again.

Many were confused.

What will have happened? Some murmured.

Roshi, who had a palm on his face, watched as the referee entered the arena.

"Foul by the opponent Ox Satan for violating the rule against energy attacks!

The winner is Rick Sánchez!"

"Yes! Haha! Take that !" He couldn't help but shout Rick.

"Damn, what's up with Rick's airstrikes?"

Ox Satan wanted just to complain.

"Ah! Did they have energy?"

The Referee didn't know anything about Ki or Technik, His Orders we're only to make things difficult for the Kame school.

"Are kinetic energie included?"

Ox Satán knew the answer but he had to ask to be sure.

"That's not a problem. If you couldn't use kinetic energy, what would you fight with? With your mind?

Very well! we fight again after the repairs."

The next fights took place in the afternoon and didn't take long.

Tao pai pai VS a common old man

The common old man won.

With a magical stumble, Tao Pai Pai fell from the ring

Tsuru senin VS a fish man.

Tsuru senin won with a palm strike against the solar plexus.

fat middle-aged man VS a 4 meter troglodyte.

He won the 4 meter troglodyte.

If the previous old man won by hiding in mediocrity, this one got here by pure luck.

an army general VS a half-bat man (let's call him Batman).

The lord of the army won


While these matches were taking place, Rick was now in the waiting room.

Along with Master Roshi and his fellow Rick Rocker Pants alliance.

Everyone was sitting around a table.

The first to break the silence was Master Roshi.

"So, is accepting you as a disciple still valid? And I observed how you applied the techniques. Its principle would be to overlap the movements to achieve an explosive change in strength, right?"

"Hey! Hey ! It is rude to ask about the opponent's techniques.

If you want to know more about these, face me tomorrow." Rick was a bit annoyed,

If he tells his secrets, how could he win.

"*sigh* why are you fighting child? Didn't you want to be my disciple?" Roshi said, he has accepted Rick in his heart.

"This has nothing to do with what I want, well yes. I want to fight you.

I have proven myself worthy of your teachings, now it is your turn to prove that you are worthy of teaching me." Rick released his anger with a few words.

"Do you think I need to prove something?

Well, it's true that I don't usually take serious shots. I am now known as immortal.

Isn't this enough to believe in me?"

Now it was Roshi's tourn to be angry, he. Could maybe hurt this brat, but so a childish behavior is not acceptable.

Well.... He's really a child.

"The truth is that it's not enough.

Because I don't know you and I don't know where your level is, if you trained insufferably or if you left it aside, if you are still interested in martial arts in your life or if now you only use them as a deterrent method. I'm curious, please enlighten me

So please fight me."

"*sigh* it's okay."

With that said Muten Roshi stood up and left silently.

"Are you sure it's okay?

What's up with so much talk? I thought you would accept immediately and that this was a unique opportunity." Brief saw the conversation from a Spector perspective.

" Exactly, he was already kind enought."

Rockero wanted just to become a martial artist as fast as he could.

"Do you think so? Although I think Muten Roshi is a formidable teacher, he has already hurt my feellings before."

 'even though he acted without resentment, this is a small revenge, plus this is a necessary fight.' Rick has to prove himself that he is the best.

'And my former teacher lost to him.'

"I want to know how Roshi will convey to me his superiority in battle. In a fight you can observe many things, and now he has a second objective apart from beating me."

"And it is to make me recognize him.

Whether he crushes me in combat.

Or that he makes me give my all to then beat me at lightning speed or even not fighting at all, defeating me with a blow.

Depending on how he acts from now on, we will also be able to know if he could help our cause.

This land has gone through eras, some of them still unknown to us, but I undoubtedly want to create an era or generation of warriors.

Where I am immortalized as the precursor of that era.

Where everyone has a clear path to success.

And anyone can start with it.

Where no warrior gets lost on the path to the top.Warriors in body and soul, seeing them makes me feel a sense of security, knowing that the future is assured in their hands and that the search for martial arts does not end."

" Well then, I guess I'll join that path too."

Brief said with a laugh.

"Although I like technology more."

" Yeahhhhh, you don't have to feel uncomfortable. Think of martial arts as the technological way of using the body and the use of Ki as the computer program.

Or think about how to merge technology and Ki.

Or how to boost one with the other, the possibilities are endless since both sides are fine."

Losing a SSS class supporter wasn't something Rick wanted to live.

"So do what you want, your brain is qualified to achieve almost anything you set your mind to."