
An Arrow (3)

Ray watched Oliver accept the new job, getting a haircut, having a shower and then changing into a new set of gear, decked out in a greenish more thuggish fatigues, he was posted out in the fields to watch the slave workers just in case they tried to run, Oliver quickly got into the role of acting more brutish which didn't necessarily suit Oliver but it didn't look unconvincing either.

Oliver was walking around the fields and overheard one of the women slaves say something about him, "Like a fish to water", she muttered, "What'd you say?", "People coughing, they say that you're some rich kid who got shipwrecked here, bossing people around, giving orders, must feel just like home to you", she ended with a sarcastic tone and then Oliver heard one of the other guards shouting, he turned around to see of the slave workers running away, "We got a runner!", someone said and then Oliver decided to follow along with his act and capture the running man who didn't notice Oliver running towards his side and he got tackled to the ground, the slave worker being too weak to do anything else couldn't get up quickly enough and stayed on his knees, the guard from before who exclaimed about the 'runner' came over and said, "Yeah! That's the way! Well, what you gonna do, talk him into surrendering-", he said sarcastically and then held his gun from the front side and hit the man in the head with the stock of the gun, sending the man into an unconscious state and then ended his sentence with, "That's how you do it."

(A/N: Try and imagine her voice with a slight Russian accent to it...)

Oliver didn't say anything and picked the unconscious slave worker up from one side while the other guard who's called 'Conklin' picked him up from the other, they then began to walk through the field and then instead of staying in silence the whole way Conklin decided to give Oliver some advice, "That restraint you showed back there, bury it. Violence is the only thing these losers will understand, guys out here can't handle that, they either washout or end up doing the product, both of which are are stretched towards a bullet in the head.", they dropped the slave worker that they were dragging along the field and carried on there conversation, this time with Oliver speaking, "The product, Reiter hasn't told me a lot about it.", "We call it slam, a genetically modified hybrid, one part heroin and one part coke leaf, get tired in the empire state office-", but before he could finish another one of the guards ran over and said, "Conklin, we got a problem, some slam's missing, a whole cake", Conklin said in an annoyed manner, "The runner was just a distraction, any idea who did it?", the man shacked his head left and right as to signal a 'no' and Conklin sighed and said, "Alright then, round em' up!", he said to all the guards around him.

Conklin waited for all the slave workers to be rounded up and in front of them gave a mini-speech, "I'd like to think of all of us as a team, teammates need to trust each other, right now, I'm having a little difficulty doing that, I want y'all tell me who stole the product or else this man right here's gonna need a bullet-", Conklin looked around and saw no one own up, "Nothing?", he looked away from the man he had a gun pointed at and then pulled the trigger in his head right through the brain with but a shock noise and then a thudded to the ground, as if it was a sack of potatoes, followed by silence.

"Let's try this again!", the other guards pulled another one of the slave workers from the line in front of him but before he could do anything else Oliver decided to voice his opinion, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you said violence is the only thing these people respond to?", Conklin nodded his head and listened on, "Well it doesn't seem to be working", this made Conklin slightly amused and said, "Well what do you have in mind, harsh language?", "I've been on this island for three years, I've learned some things", "About what?", "Pain..."

Oliver got some of the other guards to tie the slave worker in front of him onto a chair and move it into one of the huts and began to torture him through slowly cutting open parts of his skin, Conklin was curious towards this method as he didn't think Oliver would be able to do this, "Which fancy private school did you take this up in?", he asked in a sarcastic manner but it still showed his curiosity, "Learned it here-", Oliver then looked at the man he was torturing and said, "Three years I've been on this island and I have been hurt in every way you can imagine, I know what kills, I know what cripples and what just hurts", Oliver had left a knife in the man's leg and when he ended his small monologue he twisted the knife making the man scream in terror and what he was feeling, the other slave workers were watching or listening without a choice and soon enough the women that made fun of Oliver before couldn't take it and got up, her name is Taiana, she tried to get close but was held back by the guards whilst saying, "He didn't take the drugs I did, you're working us too hard, the other prisoners hurting, I wanted to give them something for the pain", Conklin said, "And where's the slam now?", "It's all used up and I'm not going to you by who, so if you're going kill me just get on with it", "Suit yourself", he was about to fire the gun at her but again was stopped by Oliver, "Wait, wait, you've already executed one prisoner today, how's Reiter going to feel about you exterminating his workforce?", "Oh, I think he's going to make an exception for a thief", "Or, I could make her disappear, take her someplace, they'll never find the body?", Conklin thought about it for a second before he lowered his gun and said, "All right take her-", and then said to another of the guards, "Keep him company"

The walked into the forest with Taiana speaking about how Oliver did something inhumane and he didn't even know the name of the man he treated unjustly, Oliver not listening and told her to keep walking forward and to speed up a bit, soon enough the guard that was following along began to walk quickly and soon enough began to jog towards them but he didn't pay attention to what was beneath him and got blown up by a landmine, Oliver took this chance to run Taiana to one of his old hidden bases, Taiana watched him in confusion and contempt, Oliver didn't care and just said, "I want you to wait till nightfall if your going to light a fire, ok? Otherwise, you going to draw attention, alright...there's freshwater coming off the stream off the base of the hill, there's edible plants maybe fifty feet north, and hey, do not eat the red berries and do not let anyone see you", Taiana said, "Why are you doing this? Risking your life to save mine?", "It's...complicated", "They may think I'm dead but there going to come looking for y-", "They're not going to come look for me I'm heading back to camp", Taiana looked unconvinced at Oliver's plan, "I've watched those men, they're like brothers to each other, they have a history, a bond, you're not one of them...", "Look, just hide here, I have a plan...", Oliver walked out and thought, 'Ray? Ray! I know you're here somewhere, I need your help!', Oliver didn't get a response for a while and thought to get Taiana for help, he was about to turn around but then he heard a reply, 'Hey Oliver, quite the predicament you've gotten yourself in, you want my help, fine by me, I was waiting for you to ask', '...Okay, I need you to use your weird magic powers or whatever to I don't know create a fake dead body?', 'Say no more, I've been watching some of your endeavours and I know exactly what you need', Oliver looked behind him to see Ray appear through the darkness behind him and saw him look around and stop at a big tree branch on the floor, "Ah! This will do!", "What are you going to do?", "Just watch", Ray's eyes went into a silver colour gleaming with intense light and Oliver saw him somehow form a dead body out of the tree branch and then moved it to a place in another cave separate from the one Oliver was previously in, "A slight tinge of warmth and unmoving, as real as can be, what do you say?", "...It'll work", "No.", "Uh...oh, thanks?", Ray nodded his head, "We're not done yet though", "What do you mean?", "That communication gear you came here with, I need you to give it to me", "Why?", "Well you didn't really hide it well, give it to me and I can hide it on my person, trust me you don't want that Conklin dude to come and find it when he comes looking around the area and believe me he will, he's real suspicious about you Oliver", Oliver agreed with Ray and decided to get the communication gear from where he hid it under a pile of mud and grass and give it to Ray who nodded his head and went back into his shadow.

Oliver sighed as he still couldn't fully get over the fact that Ray can do things like this without effort but he got rid of the thought and went back to the base camp where he told Conklin what happened, Conklin finding this story untrustworthy told Oliver to show him where the dead body was and then they went back, Conklin was showed the cave and saw the dead body unmoving, he checked for a pulse and got nothing, he believed Oliver and told him to move the body, Oliver got rid of the fake body and soon went back to the camp where Conklin was waiting for him, "I've been looking for you", "Why?", "Reiter found an intruder and said he needs everyone near his cabin but he also said that he needs you to check something that he found on the intruder", "Oh, okay lead the way", they began walking towards Reiter's cabin and along the way Conklin said, "You know what, I was suspicious of you before seeing that dead body, I got rid of some of the doubts", "Some?", "Well, you're a newcomer, Oliver, you keep doing your job and soon enough you'll earn my trust", "Well, I look forward to that day", "Don't be too hopeful", neither of them said anything and then they entered Reiter's cabin seeing a man with blonde hair and wearing a white shirt, cuffed and on his knees, "About time you showed up, we just caught this man spying on us in the field", "Oh, I wasn't spying mate", Reiter got irritated and punched the blonde-haired man in the face which made him turn around showing a thirty-some-year-old man who then said, "Any of you squabblers got a cigarette?", Oliver looked at the man and then back at Reiter, "Who's he?", "John Constantine, says so right on the business card your boss took from me", John answered for himself and Reiter then said, "He had this on his person as well, do you recognise these landmarks?", he showed a map of the island and asked Oliver who went up closer with a slight thrown, "Yeah", "Good, whatever Mr Constantine is looking for I want you to find it and bring it to me", "Reiter, he's new you should let me and some of the others get it", Conklin said, "Well about you help Mr Queen get it", John then began to mutter an incantation, Conklin went closer up to him and said, "What re you doing? You actually prayin'?", "No, no, these aren't prayers mate", John gave a slight smile before the handcuffs on him clicked and released him, Conklin wasn't quick enough to react and got punched in the face one many too times and passed out on the floor, John got his gun off him before he fell on the floor and pointed it at Oliver, "Unless you want to paint your floor with his brains, I suggest you drop your weapon", Reiter dropped his weapon and showed his hands and then went on his knees whilst saying, "You won't escape this island", "Oh, I don't intend to leave just yet", he then grabbed Oliver by the collar of his fatigues and pointed his gun at him, pushing him towards a car, "Do you really know the place on that map?", "Yes", "Do you?", "Yes!", "Good, then drive!", John shot at the tires on the other vehicles and popped their tires before leaving to hid destination with Oliver.

Sometime later Oliver arrived and stopped, "Get out, you sure this is the place", "This is the place...what's going on? Who are you?", "How much do you know about what your boss is really doing on this island, eh?", "Making drugs", "Hehe, if only, your friend Reiter is the dangerous sort", "What's that supposed to mean", "It means that there are things on this island that bad people shouldn't have access to", "Says the guy with a gun, pointed at my head", John chuckled and put the gun away, "I'm not a bad guy, a little scrabble but I'm on the side of the angels mate, but only when they ain't' trying to screw me over, you're right this is the spot", John picked up a bunch of plants and crushed them together and started to use another incantation, Oliver watching this thought, 'Hey Ray, you know who this guy is?", "Yes, but he's not going to know who I am, all I'm gonna say is that he's an exorcist, demonologist, and he can use magic, the thing about angels is true but I don't trust them', Oliver saw John finished his incantation and saw the plants he had turn a browner colour before floating away and a door beneath them appearing, John looked at Oliver who didn't really looked that surprised, "Interesting...", "What?", "You mate", "What about me?", "You look like someone who's seen magic before, do tell mate", "Well...let's just say I know a guy...", "Ah, as we all do, wait, maybe I know him, what's his name, well if it's a him, maybe its a her?", but then he saw a black mist behind Oliver and said, "What in god's name...", Ray showed up said, "Sup, I'm the guy!", Ray introduced himself, "Ray", and took off his glasses, John looked at them in bewilderment and said, "D-dragon, you know a dragon? You are one lucky devil, aren't ya, fo you have any idea how rare a dragon can be to find, and you have one following you around, "Yeah...so I'm told your an exorcist?", "Yes among various other things, who told you that, oh, him..."

Ray smiled and said, "Oh, don't wait for my sake, carry on with your venture", "Uh, ok...", John soon got himself together and carried on with what he was doing, "Well, uh you first Alice, down the rabbit hole you go", he said to Oliver, "Oh, yeah you don't really need that gun John, my friend doesn't really work for Reiter, if you know what I mean", "Oh, I see, well this makes things easier"

The trio went down the hole, John began lighting his way, "Uh, allow me", Ray casted [Magelight] and a bunch of balls of light appeared around him, "Nifty, you willing to teach me that trick?", "Maybe later...", they saw a room that said do not enter, "Well here we are, I would suggest you wait here, but with your friend here I can't really do much...", John went forward seeing a stand with a red ball incased in a small staff, "Oh, the orb of Horus also known to be a grimoire", Ray said as if he knew like it was nothing, "Oh, you know your stuff, yeah its the orb of Horus alright...", John went up the orb and picked it up, Oliver looked up to see a case full of spikes and pushed John out of the way, John looked at what happened and said, "Well, I guess I owe you one", "Well this was fun, for the little time it was...", Ray commented without a care in the world, "I suppose so but you wanna see what it does?", "Might as well", John broke the top of the staff off and gave the ball to Oliver, "Men like Reiter enjoy shiny things, the real power is in this beauty", John showed his arm and put the flat end of the staff on a tattoo which disappeared, "Here, lift up your shirt", "Why?", Oliver questioned. "Just do it", Oliver showed his stomach and John started to chant away again, the tattoo went onto Oliver who was confused, "Consider it as insurance mate, you'll know when to use it but you might not even need it with your friend here, now I believe that concludes our business", "Wait, I need you...to punch me in the face", "Uh, you could've just told me to do it?", "Yeah but I've seen how strong you are, I don't want my jaw destroyed", "...ok, anyway before John does anything I need to give him something", "Oh, for me, what for?", "Let's just say not all angels are as pure as you think, especially a certain one by the name of Manny, take this you'll know when to use it", Ray said one word and had his hand covered in silver flames, "Yol!", the two flames from his throat and hand combined and grew larger into a bigger ball which Ray put in an inchanted case, "Here", "Dragon fire? I see your point okay, anyway, till we meet again", Ray went back into Oliver's shadow and John punched Oliver in the face and he blacked out.

Hope y'all enjoy the chap!

Also, I made a P.A.T.R.E.O.N support me if you like-


LORD_LUMIcreators' thoughts