
An Arrow (2)

Ray, Oliver and Maseo were sneaking into the army base looking for a cure, they sneaked in rather easily but soon enough they found a someone on patrol and Oliver snook up to him and held him by the throat with and threatened him with death unless he told them where the vaccine was for the virus, the soldier barely breathing said with a haggard voice said, "To the left...second door...on the right...", and then Oliver knocked him in the head hard enough to make him unconscious, Ray then wrapped him into the earth which made Oliver and Maseo raise a brow along with awe, Ray whispered, "What it's magic, get used to it!", the pair looked at each other and then sighed and carried on with Ray just shrugging and following them, they reached the room a minute later to find a lab full of computers and vials with cases of glass full of vaccines, Oliver went up to one of the cases and grabbed three vials and then Maseo said they only had a few seconds, "Make that a few minutes", Ray smirked and then froze the area around them which made Maseo dumbstruck, "Damn, dragons are something else", "Well technically I'm half dragon but whatever...", Ray then went up to some other cases and pocketed many of the vials in the bigger cases within his storage which made Maseo and Oliver give him another look of confusion and awe, "What? You never heard of storage spaces before?", Maseo smiled and said with sarcasm, "Don't tell me you cultivate to! Haha", "Hm? How could you tell?", Ray said with honesty, "Yeah, yeah, carry on...", Maseo didn't take him seriously which made him shrug his shoulders in helplessness and Oliver was just confused and didn't even want an explanation with the nonsense he just heard and said, "We need to leave now", which made the atmosphere return back into the more serious one, Oliver picked up what looked like a smartphone and they left through the vents and then Ray turned off his area freeze ability once they were out, the soldiers who stormed in finding no sign of anyone being in the room.

The returned back to Li Ling's home where they took the serum apart from Ray as it couldn't affect him and then Oliver said he was going to go after Shrieve through the knowledge he obtained through the device he picked up, Maseo wasn't sure if they should go but then Ray said, "I mean it's not like it's going to be difficult, you have me", "I thought you said you were only going to help when you needed to", "You make yourself sound kinda dumb, your telling me that I don't need to help you when it involves multiple armed men and a bioweapon that could kill hundreds of thousands, scratch that millions?!", "Ok, ok, I get your point", Oliver raised his hands in loss and agreed along with Maseo who was more so optimistic knowing they having something of legend following them, a mythological dragon, well...half-dragon.

The trio went to where General Shrieve was through the device Oliver took from the lab full of vaccines and then followed it to where they spotted a bunch of giant storage containers with a bunch of soldiers and General Shrieve who was loading the bioweapon, Oliver noted that there was a food cart, Ray felt Oliver sneak away to get a car but Ray gave him a weird look which he noted, "What is it?", "You know its not in the truck right? It's in the food cart you saw?", "What? How?", "I have special eyes and again magic", "Magic sure is convenient", "Meh, it can be", they then followed the soldiers to a shopping area full of people where Oliver saw the bioweapon loaded in its container and on impulse shouted 'STOP!' when he saw the cook for the food cart about to pick it up and open it, the A.R.G.U.S agents they saw Oliver with a gun but before any of them could fire, Ray had set earth traps everywhere in front of them which buried the majority of their bodies in the ground and made them all fall unconscious, Ray pocketed the virus which Oliver noted, "It's too crowded to destroy it here, it can spread easily", Oliver nodded and then when they walking away they saw people in panic, going towards trucks were it was advertised as a vaccine, the trio saw this and Maseo said, "That's not the vaccine, there handing out-", "It's the virus", Oliver ended it and then Maseo said, "Shrieve's not giving anyone a chance, he's going to try and infect as many people as possible!"

Oliver went ahead and shouted out at the people and shot his gun up in the air to make people leave, the soldiers stationed here as guards started to take cover and fire their weapons, Oliver and Maseo took cover and started firing and then Ray walked past the soldiers who started firing at him but the bullets were ineffective, this gave Oliver and Maseo a chance to shoot the soldiers who were busy trying and heavily failing to attack Ray, soon enough the soldiers were taken care of and Ray had subdued all men in the truck giving out the virus, Oliver and Maseo soon enough came over, Maseo asking what they should do with it and Oliver quickly saying without any doubt said, "Destroy it. All of it."

Once they destroyed the virus in the truck through an explosion Oliver and Maseo were about to walk away but then they saw Ray stop, "You coming?", "Hm? Yeah, One second", "Oliver what's he doing?", "I don't know, you think I understand any of the things he does?", Ray's hands turned silver and then had a yellowish gold tint along with a green light in the middle, 'Combination magic [Time Healing]! Targets locked on!', Ray clapped his hands in the air and a burst of yellow and green light went around everywhere, it kept growing and growing until it reached around a giant area and stayed like that for a while Oliver and Maseo looked at it in wonder and felt the healing effect from it, soon enough though the field of light faded and Ray gave a big inhale and exhale of air, he turned around a gave a faint smile walking towards Oliver and Maseo, "Come on let's go!", "Uh, what did you do?", "Hm? Well in simple terms, I healed the people who were given the virus through reversing the time it was given to them, I just thought of it, pretty good right, right", "Uh, yeah, you know that could've been handy earlier", "Well I didn't think of it earlier", Oliver and Maseo smiled but then Ray said, "What about Shrieve, the guy has a massive hate for the place, and he's not gonna stop with his antics you know?", "Yeah, you're right", they then decided to give General Shrieve a visit.

They fought their way in as there was a small number of guards in the area anyway and saw Shrieve sitting there as if nothing happened Maseo looked at him in disgust and said, "What should we do with him?", Oliver didn't say anything and pulled an arrow out of his quiver and shot Shrieve in the shoulder, "Uh, Maseo you may want to head outside", "...Sure...", Maseo walked outside and waited for them to do what they had to do.

Ray watched Oliver begin to torture Shrieve from shooting him with multiple arrows to cutting his skin leaving him with scars soon enough the pain go to much for Shrieve and he fell unconscious, Oliver sad down with bloodied hands and looked at what he had done, Ray sat down next to him, "He deserved what was coming to him, he failed this city", Oliver said to Ray, "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know...you got it all out Oliver but it's me who's going to finish it", "What?", Ray didn't say anything, he coughed and his throat glowed ever so slightly, "FAAS RU MAAR!", a rest gust of energy came shooting out like a round gust of wind towards Shrieve who now had his eyes open in terror, Ray carried on and said, "KRII LUN AUS!", a purple twirl giving off a ghastly aura now came out from his mouth shooting towards Shrieve who was now screaming in pain as a purple light began to corrode him as he turned paler and paler, "I guess it's time to end his torture...", Ray went up to Shrieve and stabbed him in the throat with his dragon claw, with the skin ripping open, the strike was so fierce that the head comes right off his head with a crimson puddle following on with it.", "W-what was that", "Dragon tongue...a power of immense strength, if I used the right words I could turn someone into mush, quite fun", Oliver didn't want to hear anymore and walked out the room.




The trio where at the docks, Oliver saying his goodbyes to Maseo who gave Oliver warning to stay on the right path and left to meet his wife and kid, Oliver watched him leave and turned to Ray who he thought was next to him, "Uh, where did he go?", Oliver looked around but didn't see him, "Hm...probably decided to stay but...", Oliver looked at his shadow behind him and then sighed carrying by going onto a ship he saw going to Coast City.




Ray watched Oliver pursue a man on a roof as a hooded vigilante, the man he was chasing had killed five people, four of whom were children, but Oliver kind of messed up as he attacked the man and fell off the roof landing onto a bunch of wires, the man escaped and Oliver was lying upside down in anger but saw someone approach him, a women...it was Amanda Waller, Oliver got out of the wires and changed into his civilian clothing then meeting Amanda at a bar where she began to talk with him about what he did to Shrieve and how she was impressed, she also mentioned how he should be using his talents for other things instead of hunting down street thugs and the like, Oliver said he was content with what he was doing and said he couldn't go back to Starling City because of what he did, Oliver finished his drink and then got up but then he felt odd, his vision got blurry and hearing fuzzy, he saw a bunch of people get up and he said, "Where...did all the agents...come from...?", and he fell unconscous.

Oliver woke up hearing the sounds of wind crashing against something, the loud noise making his already confused and groggy mind even worse, he got up feeling the cold metal floor below him and saw a man dressed in a suit with another in bulletproof armour with a rifle in his hand, "Where's waller!", "Back in Coast City, sleeping off the scotch", "Well wake her up, I don't know what I'm doing here?!", "Director Waller has asked me to thank you for agreeing to take on this mission", "I didn't agree to take on any-", Oliver couldn't finish his words as the man in the suit pulled out a gun and said, "Sorry we're on a bit of a clock here, now your getting off this plane, you do that with a shute on your back or a bullet in your head, your call?", Oliver didn't say anything and picked up the parachute from the floor and put it on, "Why's Waller doing this?", "I guess she likes ya' and I thought Waller didn't like anybody plus you know the terrain", "What terrain?!", "Your job is to infiltrate the area, assess the threat and report back you have communication gear in your pack", the man in the suit told Oliver some more things as he Oliver got close to the drop door of the plane and when Oliver looked down he recognised the island below and when he was about to ask he got punched in the face sending him back and falling out of the plane but Oliver quickly got used to it and glided down more smoothly, granted at a still fast speed, he eventually got close enough to release the shute and glided down slowly and got to the ground, touching the ground and falling over, he slowly got up and when he was about to turn around he got hit in the face again, "Who are you? Answer me?", Oliver got on his knees and acted like he was giving up but that made the man lower his guard giving Oliver a chance to restrain him and knock him to the ground, taking his gun off of him, the man quickly got up and then tried to attack with a knife which also got grabbed by Oliver and redirected back into the man's heart quickly ending him.

Oliver dragged the man against the grass into a more harder to see area and then began to message the people who sent him here, again seeing that he had to infiltrate the area and had to find a way to make them trust him, Oliver journeyed further in seeing a small base with crops, Oliver seeing people getting treated like slaves got annoyed not just from the fact that he was seeing this but from the fact that he was again back on the island, Oliver then went back to the dead body of the guard from before and took off some of his clothes, ripping his shirt making it look messy and covering himself in dirt, Oliver then picked up the dead body of the guard and carried him to a land mine and throwing his body over it, detonating it, seconds later, multiple men with guns showed up in the same fatigues as the guard from before and pointed their guns at Oliver and said, "Hey you there, stay down!", they ran other surrounding Oliver and said, "I guess you know what happened to Kenny?!", "Down't move, don't move!, Oliver said, and another of the guards said, "Just shut up!", but was ignored with Oliver saying, "The mine field, that's what killed your friend", "Who the hell are you?", "My name is Oliver Queen, three years ago, the ship I was on went down in a storm, I washed up here, I survived", the guards looked at each other and one of them said, "Let's take him to Reiter, he'll know what to do with him", the guards showed Oliver the way to their camp and with guns behind his back, Oliver acting like he was confused asked what this place was and then the guards just told him to go into one of the huts in front of him.

Oliver walked in with the guards and one of them saying, "Reiter this guy says he's-", but he was cut off because of the dark-skinned man sitting down at the table named Baron Reiter knowing who Oliver is, "Oliver Queen, you don't recognise him? This man is a minor celebrity on the other side of the world", he then pints for Oliver to sit and carries on, "You're supposed to be dead", "I nearly was, thank you for rescuing me", Baron smirked and said, "I'm sorry but we're not rescuing you because the moment you get home your going to tell people what we're doing here", "I-I don't know what your doing here", "Be that as it may, I can't let you be sent home, not right now, good news though, I have no reason to kill you", "So what are you going to do to me?", "Good question, you survived three years here, that requires fortitude, intelligence, qualities that are of use to me, as it happens one of my men stepped on a land mine, how would you like his job?", In Oliver's shadow was Ray who had his own little room of which he had a comfy chair whilst eating popcorn and thought, 'It so much better in real life!'

Here is another chap people!

As always hope you enjoy!

Also, I made a P.A.T.R.E.O.N support me if you like-


LORD_LUMIcreators' thoughts