
A Hyūga’s Reincarnation

In all variations of fanfics Team 7 has consisted of the vengeful, Sasuke Uchiha, the undermined, Naruto Uzumaki, and the love-struck, Sakura Haruno, led by their grief torn sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Explore the Narutoverse and its ripples the replacement of the love-struck has upon its denizens. ——————————————————————————— Heyo! I am NOT a professional writer! This is purely for my own entertainment as I haven’t seen a story written as such…I will enjoy! I hope you will as well! MC is a 21st-century Naruto Fan, suddenly reincarnated into the Narutoverse. Read as he scales the ranks of shinobi while pinning after a certain silver haired shinobi and using chakra in ways never imagined. One-sided romance (As of now - no schedule release date) ENJOOOY :)

Anonrite · 奇幻
6 Chs

Affirmation to Move Forward

Walking around the branch family compound, Akari was taken aback by the degree at which the Hyūga clan was stuck in traditional Japanese architecture. It created a weird conflicting image. From the minka buildings in which the members lived in to the casual pagodas scattered throughout. As members with bizarre white eyes and varying hair colors of brown, black, and navy blue not conforming to Japanese's typical jet black hair.

On his way out of the compound he overheard many of the side conversations as branch members continued to wake.

"Did you hear about the princess?"

"That waste! How could she ever compare to our young genius." A middle-aged man snorted.

"How can such a wuss be our future heiress." Another sneered.

'A princess and heiress to Hyūga…hmm that should be Hinata. While "our young genius" should be Neji.' Quickly Akari figured he had been reborn during Naruto and Sasuke's era, however their age were still unknown.

He continued to eavesdrop as he strolled the compound, the information he gathered confirmed he was born during canon Naruto part one. These thoughts comforted him as he now had a guideline to the following events.

'Konoha 12…Uchiha Massacre…Wave Mission…Chūnin Exams'

Many major plot points entered his mind as he skimmed through them. However he did not have any plans to changed them, at least drastically. He definitely knew not to intervene with the Uchiha Massacre as that was the focal point to the entire plotline. As well as Sasuke's eventual desertion of Konoha in search of power. Akari knew none of these events should be changed.

The only change he was willing and HAD to make was Team 7's composition.

'Someway, somehow, I must ended up on team 7…whether I take Sakura's spot or join as an addition, I must be one of Kakashi's genins'

He smiled in deep thought. Many clansmen and neighbors smiled at his innocent expression.

"It's good to see that child has gotten over his grief." One clamored.

"Yes. It was a tragic what befallen Hiroto and Akko." They collectively sighed in resignation.

Oblivious to the sympathetic looks around him, Akira paced to a near bush and started plucking leaves.

'There's no need to find the Hokage Rock, these gossiping Hyūgas have some usefulness. I can move forward with my plans then.'

Around an hour and a half had passed since Akari took his first steps outside his house, and he was already returning, with a armful of leaves in tow'


He sat down in the middle of his room in a meditative pose, looking deep within himself. Immediately he felt a warm, airy presence nuzzled at the top of his stomach. He gently tugged at this presence and immediately the warmth gushed throughout his whole body, his arms, legs, to the top of his head as well.

He had unlocked his Chakra.

With no pause, Akari ran through the hand seals to unlock his Byakugan.

'Horse - Tiger - Boar - Rabbit - Rat - Dog - Boar - Rabbit - Rat - Dog - Ram'

A stream of chakra burn through his pathways up towards his eyes. The world around him grayed, instantly he could see 360 degrees 35 meters around him. No direction or object was out of his sight. The sky above, the ground below, and all the space surrounding was within his spherical vision.

In fanfictions, main characters are always wishing for the power and finesse of the Sharingan, with what it's precognition, ability to copy jutsu, lesser chakra vision, and whatever abilities comes when it evolves into the Mangekyou Sharingan, and sometimes its evolution into Rinnegan. Simply because of Indra blood and a dōjutsu.

However, is the Byakugan not the same. Hagromo's twin brother, Hamura, does he not hold the same Ōtsutsuki blood. Akari knew this, and hypothesized the Byakugan's abilities were overshadowed. With his plans, he believed that the Byakugan could be pushed to the extent of the Mangekyou Sharingan with polished chakra control.

Akira looked at himself. He could see his chakra flow, although slowly, flow throughout himself. He saw his bones, veins, arteries, his heart. He had a complete 3-dimensional x-ray of his body. The chakra pathways pulsed a light cyan color, as his cyan chakra lightly escaped through his 361 tenketsu points.

He smiled. 'Ahhh~…the hard part is over'

He placed one of his recently plucked leaves on his palm and gently pushed chakra towards the tenketsu points in his hand. He watched on as the chakra flow increased down his arm, into the relative tenketsu points. Akari flipped his hand over and grin mischievously as the leaf stuck to his hand.


The leaf gently floated to the ground, leaving Akari sweating and breathing profusely.


He had forgotten that he just unlocked his chakra how could his reserves withstand a practice requiring an academy-level chakra pool.

Not at all disappointed, he stood up and stretched lightly for 30 minutes until his minuscule chakra pool was full again.

'Leaf concentration exercise….chakra depletion…meditation…and stretches'

Akira knew that the next couple of months would be filled solely with training to establish a large, sturdy foundation for his future. He would need fine chakra control and a large reserve of it, if he wished to do anything he wanted in Shippūden.

'Alright…preservation starts now!'

He left his meditative state as his chakra refilled and place the leaf, again, on his palm. He would train continuously until he could hold a leaf on every 361 tenketsu point, simultaneously for up to an hour.