
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · 漫画同人
38 Chs

Chapter 24! Mission Completion and the Sand Team!

Hi everyone, I'm Tilla Uzumaki again and this is my story.

After defeating Mizukage's spies, we went back to Tazuna's house. There we rested and regained our strength. Haku was put to bed and I treated her. Zabuza never left her bed.

-Why are you helping us? -Zabuza asked me.

-You see, I can see that you're good people. And I also know that you're on Mei Terumi's side. I want to be on friendly terms with the future Mizukage.

-I see. When will she wake up?

-In an hour. In the meantime, here's something to eat. You must be hungry. I gave her some noodles I made.

-I'm not hungry! -she said no.

-I'll leave her here! Eat." I said and walked out.

Zabuza stared at the noodles for a few minutes and then came over and tasted them.



I left the room and headed into the hall. They were already waiting for me there.

-How is she?

-She's fine. She'll wake up in an hour.

-Good. Now tell me how you got so strong! -Kakashi asked.

-I had a good teacher.

-You mean the man who killed Danzo?


-Well, all right then. Let's go get some lunch. I'm hungry as hell.

-All right, sensei!

An hour later we returned to the room, but it was empty. I knew they would leave without saying goodbye. Then I noticed a letter on the bed.

---Thank you for everything! I'll report to Mei about today's situation and let her know she can trust Konoha. See you later, cheeky boy! ---

-Too brief and she didn't even sign. -Said Kakashi-sensei.

-Well, the important thing is that they said goodbye! -I smiled.


-So you're going back? -Tazuna asked.

-Yes! Gato is safe now, and we have to go back to the village.

-Til's brother! I will protect my family! And I will be a hero like you! -Inari cried out.

-I believe in you Inari," I patted him on the head.


Everyone said goodbye and we hit the road.

-That's a race! Lee! I'll take Kakashi, you take Neiji! Kiba, you take Shino! Tila! You take Kurenai! Show me your Power of Youth!!!

-Yes! -Gai-sensei! I'm ready!

-So cool it, both of you! -I came out.

-What happened? -Guy asked.

-Grab your hands. I can take us from here to Konoha.

-What? The thunder god technique? -Queried Kurenai!

-Yes. With my chakra power I can transport you! -Smile answered.

-Whoa! Cool! -The thick-browed man's eyes lit up.

-Isn't that dangerous? -Curenay.

-No, I've done that many times before!

-Yes. -Let's hurry up! -Naruko pushed them.

Everyone held hands, and I focused on the marker placed near the village gate and moved them.

-Attention. This is the pilot speaking. We have landed on the outskirts of Leaf Village. Travel time is a few seconds. Thank you for choosing AS Airlines. We look forward to seeing you on future flights.

Immediately after my announcement, Lee, Kiba, and Ten Ten ran into the bushes where they threw up.

-Oh, I forgot to tell you, first-timers will get carsick.

-Why didn't you move to the land of the waves earlier? -Shino asked.

-Because there was no teleport tag.

-I see. So now let's go report to the Hokage.

We all went to my father's house.

When we walked in, we saw my father calmly drinking tea while wearing the glasses I had given him. And next to him there was a mountain of documents.

-Is that so? You did a good job. I will count the mission as A rank. And now you can go. -After we told him everything, he let us go.

-Till you stay! -He asked my father.

-All right! Go on, I'll catch up with you! -said I to the others. After the captains and their teams left, my father said.

-Good job, son. I see you've already improved your relationship with the fog.

-Thank you. I see you've been working, huh?

-Yeah! -The glasses are really helping.

-I'm glad.

-Now tell me more about it.


The members of Team 7 were walking down the street of Konoha.

-I wonder what father and brother are talking about? -she asked Naruko.

-They're probably discussing the mission. By the way, are those the speed glasses Lord Four wears? -Sakura.

-Yes! Thanks to them, Daddy's paying more time and attention to us now! And Mom's happy! They're going out on dates now, too. -Smiled Naruko.

-Mm. Is that so? That's good! You must be happy?

-Yes! Of course I am! My parents are back and I have a brother! That's really cool.

-We're happy for you! Aren't we, Satsuki? -Haruno looked at Satsuki.

-Yes. We're glad! -She smiled.

-And you've changed. -Said Sakura.

-What do you mean?

-Well, before, you'd have said something like, "It's none of my business! Leave me alone!" - and finally Sakura snorted then smiled.

-Is this my brother's influence? -Giggled Naruko.

-N-not true! -Satsuki started to get indignant.

-Yes, yes. -Whatever you say! -The girls laughed.

Then they saw a boy run in front of them and turn to the right. When they also turned, they saw the boy being held by the collar and lifted off the ground. The one who lifted the boy was dressed in black pajamas with ears and a painted face. And behind his back was something bandaged with bandages. Next to her stood a blond girl with a huge fan behind her back.

-Hey, you're hurting me! Can't you see where you're going, kid? -shouted the genie in his pajamas.

-Excuse me.

-You think an apology is enough?

-Hey! Let him go! He said he was sorry! -shouted Sakura.

-Go on your way. I'll teach him a lesson! -he muttered.

-Are you too brazen in a strange village? -Satsuki asked, activating her sharyngan.

-These eyes! So you're a Uchiha! How did you know we were from another village? -she asked the blonde.

-You have Sand Village protectors. -Satsuki answered.

-Now let the boy go, he's small.-Sought Naruko.

-Kankuro let him go! You're a disgrace to our village. The girls looked up to the tree, there on the branch was a guy with red hair and a large pumpkin behind his back.

-G-G-Gaara! Okay. It's just a misunderstanding.

The boy jumped to the ground and looked at the girls.

-What's your name? -His eyes flashed to Satsuki.

-Uchiha Satsuki.

-I'll remember.

-You have to introduce yourself. -Satsuki looked at him demandingly.

-I..." But he was interrupted.

-The dog, but Gaara. Demon of Sand. -Heard a cheerful voice behind the boy's back.

Gaara's eyes widened, and sand burst out of the gourd and hit where Thiel had been standing before. But he wasn't there anymore.


-Who are you?

-How rude. So you're meeting your brother? Shuukaku." I said the last word quietly, so only Gaara could hear it.

-Who are you? -Gaara began to let out a bloodlust.

-I'm Uzumaki Teal.

-Uzumaki. I'm going to kill you." He said and turned to walk away.

-I'll save you, Gaara." I said, glaring at them.

Gaara stopped for a moment, but then he started walking again.

-Konohamaru, are you okay?

-Yes. -Thil's brother, thank you. He and I have met many times. He thinks I'm his boss and wants to surpass me. Konohamaru wants to become Hokage and my apprentice. In a few years, I will train him.

-Then go. Train, kid, if you want to surpass me and become a Hokage. -I rubbed his head and smiled.

-I can beat you! By the way, I was looking for you to show you a technique.

-What technique? -I asked.

-The Seduction Technique! -He folded the seals and turned into a beautiful girl. She was naked, but the mist covered her private parts. She sent me an air kiss. The girls standing nearby blushed and became angry.

-Tilek!!! -shouted them.

-And what about me? I'm all right. It wasn't my fault. I didn't know what technique he was gonna show me. So just calm down. I'll take care of it. Then he turned to the kid and started telling him off.

-Konohamaru, you're not supposed to use that technique.

-Why? I'm not pretty? -He asked.

-The technique is perfect! But it's too early for you to use such techniques.

-Okay. -He dispelled the technique.

-Bye brother, see you later!

-Bye.-He ran off, and after he turned the corner, the girls interrogated me.

-Tila, who was that? -Satsuki asked.

-It was the genies from the Sand Village.

-What are they doing here?

-They're here on a mission. But that's none of our business. Let's go home and eat. Alice said she would make a nice dish.

-Don't change the subject. He said he was going to kill you, little brother."-Naruko looked at me seriously.

-Girls, don't worry. I'm strong.

-We believe in you. But we're still worried. Promise me you'll be careful. Sakura.

-I promise I'll be careful. Let's go now. We're having barbecue for dinner!

-Let's go! -Naruko.

-Let's go. Sakura.

-Satsuki, let's go! Alice cooks like a god! And you'll get to know each other.

-All right, let's go. -Satsuki came with us, too.