
No Idea What’s About To Hit Them

While Nyx was whinnying with elegance, Henry glanced over at the Mine's entrance and saw the miners start to poke their heads out now that the sounds of gunshots had stopped.

Charles followed his gaze and saw them too so he pulled out his revolver, pointed it with the click sound of the hammer being cocked as he said in a loud voice,

"Get back in there!"

Henry saw the hands of the miners tighten around their mining equipment like they were getting themselves ready to defend themselves. He pursed his lips at the very unlikely chance they could survive if he, Triss, and Charles decided to gun them down. 

"Don't even think about it," he told the Miner at the forefront in a dead serious voice and glowering eyes,

"Get back in there if you don't want to get hurt. We're not here for you."

The Miners stared at him with a deep frown and a look of fear in their eyes but slowly they slinked back into the mine.