
Diagon Alley.

4 years later

Mael never managed to find anything on the protection potion, he asked Snape about it but Snape said he'd never heard of it. Snape wasn't exactly warming up to Mael, for the most part they'd practically ignore each other, only eating silent dinners together.

Mael was fine with Snape ignoring him because it allowed him to work through all his visions and write down any important information he found. When he's older, he plans on testing out all the ancient spells and potions he's collected. He wanted to try them out now, but Snape refused to help him saying that he doesn't want to waste his time playing with a child.

Today however was different instead of being ignored Mael was summoned by Snape.

Mael walks into Snapes potion lab, curiousity etched on his face. He wondered why he was summoned, is it possible Snape had a change of heart and was willing to teach him magic.

"Good morning sir." Mael greets respectfully.

Snape who was stirring a liquid concoction in his cauldron, looks at Mael sharply. "Your hogwarts letter came in, we'll be going to Diagon Alley later this afternoon." Snape says in a commanding voice.

Mael knowing better then to ask any questions just nods. "Alright." And agrees to Snapes orders.

"Here." Snape throws him an opened white envelope. "Now get out, I'm busy." Snape orders.

"Thank you." Is all Mael says before leaving the lab.

Mael pulls the letter out of the envelope, the first thing he notices is the school badge. It's an H surrounded by a lion, snake, eagle and a honey badger. Mael reads the rest of the letter, it just tells him that he's been accepted at Hogwarts and when term starts, which is on the 1st of December.

Mael puts the letter away and goes into the lounge, with nothing much else to do, Mael picks up a random book from Snapes shelves and starts reading.

About an hour later, Snape emerges from his lab. "We're leaving boy. We'll be meeting up with the Malfoys, so I want you to be on your best behavior, is that understood?" Snape asks with a raised eyebrow and a stern glare.

"Yes sir." Mael nods, inwardly he's actually quite annoyed. Mael doesn't like the Malfoy family because they're a family of braggarts and bigots. Lucius the father flaunts his wealth ever second he can, Draco is the same always bragging about his daddies money, Narcissa, well actually Mael likes Narcissa, she's a really kind women if you can look past the fact that like her family she's a bigot. Mind you Mael was raised by muggles who treated him really well, so whenever he hears them disrespect muggles a fierce anger builds inside him but Mael isn't stupid, he knows that in order to survive this terrifying world, he needs to blend in. That's why he shows no reaction whenever they make fun of muggles and muggle-born wizards even though he's fuming inside.

"We'll travel by floo." Snape informs Mael.

Mael doesn't particularly like floo travel, it always leaves him dirty.

"Yes sir." Mael nods and walks towards the fireplace.

Mael steps inside the fire place, Snape hands him some floo powder.

Mael takes a deep breath. "Diagon Alley!!!" Mael yells then throws the powder at his feet.

Mael is suddenly engulfed in beautiful emerald green flames, after the flames die down Mael is nowhere in sight.

Mael steps out of the fireplace into what looks like a pub, if he isn't wrong this is the leaky cauldron. Mael knows because he had seen it in his visions, the place hasn't changed one bit it was dark and shabby looking just like it was all those years ago. The people within the leaky cauldron looked sketchy, they eyed Mael with curiousity, most likely due to his unique appearance. Even for wizards Mael's appearance stood out, they haven't seen a wizard with two different colored eyes since the powerful dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, some of the older wizards were even wondering if the young wizard is possibly related to Grindelwald in some way but they quickly dismissed that idea, if Grindewald had a child the entire Wizarding world would know about it or there'd atleast be rumors but no such rumor exists.

A few seconds later Snape appears within the fireplace in a flash of green flames.

Snape climbs out of the fireplace and dusts the soot off his robes. "Let's go." He orders Mael and walks towards a wall near the bar of the pub.

Mael follows behind him.

Snape takes out his wand using it to tap a particular pattern on the wall. After he finishes the wall suddenly opens.

Mael had already seen this quite a few times so it didn't faze him seeing again but Mael won't deny that it's an interesting bit of magic.

Mael and Snape make their way through the wall into diagon Alley.

Mael can't help but marvel at all the oddly shaped buildings within diagon alley, even though he's seen it alot, he still finds diagon alley oddly fascinating.

After a few minutes of walking Snape and Mael finally spot the Malfoys. Father and son are both dressed in rich black robes and have an air of arrogance around them. Lucius has long platinum blonde hair similar to Mael's though Mael's hair is a shade darker then his. Lucius's hair is also straight while Mael's is slightly curly. Draco's hair is the same color as his father's though it is styled differently, Dracos hair is slicked backwards. The last of the family is Narcissa hair was golden like the sun, she was a tall for a women and her body was slim. She had the arrogant good looks befitting a noble but it was somewhat marred by the awful expression on her face that made it seem like there was a terrible smell in the air. That was Narcissa's expression whenever they were in public but the few times Mael had visited the Malfoy manor she had received him with a gentle expression on her face and was very kind to him, like a mother was to their children.

As we got closer the Malfoy family seemed to notice our approach.

"Ahh Severus, Mael it's good to see you again." Lucius greets with a small smile on his face.

Snape nods. "You aswell Lucius." Snapes voice and expression hold no emotions in them, which might lead you to think he's lying but Lucius and Narcissa know that is just how Snape acts.

"Uncle Lucius you look well." Mael greets.

"As do you young Mael." Lucious smiles and nods at Mael.

"Narcissa." Snape nods in acknowledgement at Narcissa.

"Severus, I hope you've been well." She returns his greeting.

"I have." Snape replies curtly.

Narcissa turns to Mael and a hint of a smile appears on her cold expression. "And what about you Mael, have you been well?" She asks with the tiniest hint of warmth in her cool voice.

Mael smiles brightly at her. "I've been well aunt Narcissa thank you for asking." Mael replies politely.

Narcissa smiles in response.

Mael turns to Draco who's currently smirking as always. "It's good to see you again Draco." Mael greets with a nod.

Draco's smirk turns into a smile. "It's been too long Mael, you still owe me a rematch."

Mael rolls his eyes, Draco's talking about quidditch. When Mael first visited the Malfoy manor, Draco wanting to outshine Mael challenged him to quidditch. Mael of course lost miserably because it was his first time flying but he improved quickly and after his third visit to the Malfoy manor, Mael had beat Malfoy. The gap between them would grow each time Mael visited the Malfoys. Draco was a decent, no it'd be more accurate to say he was a good flyer, especially for someone his age but Mael was more skilled.

"I'd be happy to beat you any time Draco." Mael smirks.

Draco glares at Mael. "You got lucky last time, next time will be different." Draco promises with fire in his eyes.

Mael chuckles. "I'm sure it will." Mael teases.

Before Draco can retort Lucius interrupts their conversation. "Come children, let us go buy your supplies."

It took about two hours to collect almost everything they needed, they just needed their wand and a pet. Draco didn't want a pet but Mael decided to get one hoping it would diminish some of the loneliness he felt at home.

Their first stop was Olivanders, the place all young wizards in England go to get their first and to most their only wand. The shop was narrow and shabby looking. It had gold letters on the front door that read {Olivanders: Makers of fine wands since 382bc.} Mael remembers this shop he saw it in his visions, except back then it wasn't only a wand shop, they used to create staffs aswell, staffs were only used by the most powerful wizards, these wizards had the power to level mountains with a swing of their staffs. However as the years went on wizards became weaker and weaker until not a single wizard was capable of using a staff, that's when Ollivanders stopped producing any staffs and started focusing solely on wands. Even the quality of wands were poorer compared to the quality back then. Mael can't help but wonder why wizards had grown weaker instead of growing stronger with each generation, unfortunately his visions didn't give him the answer.

As soon as Lucius opens the door Mael hears the ring of a bell within the shop.

Mael examines the shop finding it really small, dust covered almost everything within the shop. It looks like the place hasn't been cleaned in years. Mael thought to himself.

Even though the shop itself was nothing to look at, Mael was impressed with the amount of magic inside. Mael was able to sense magic and he felt this place was steeped in all sorts of magic, light magic, dark magic and everything in between. It was an overwhelming experience for Mael but not in a bad way.

Behind the counter was an old man, that looked almost as ancient as Dumbledore. He had pale blue eyes which reminded Mael of the moon.

"Hello Olivander." Lucius greets.

"Ahh Lucius, I suppose you've come to get young Draco's wand correct?" Olivander asks with excitement.

"That is correct Olivander, come Draco." Lucius orders.

Draco walks over to the counter.

"Alright hold out your wand arm young Draco."

Draco does as he's told. Olivander then pulls out a tape Olivander measure that had silver markings on it. He quickly measures Dracos arm before putting the tape measure down, he then turns around and walks towards shelves filled with narrow black boxes.

He pulls out a few of the boxes after which he places them on the counter in front of Draco.

He pulls out a black wand that has a shine to it but as soon as he puts it in Draco's hand he immeadiately pulls it back.

"No, no not that one." Olivander murmurs to himself.

After about 3 wands Draco finally finds his, 10' made of Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core.

It was Maels turn next. Mael walks up to the counter.

Ollivanders eyes widen in shock when he lays eyes on Mael. Those eyes, Olivander could never forget those eyes when he first saw them many, many years ago. Those eyes belonged to the man who terrorized the Wizarding world for many years. Olivander believes that the child must be related to him in some way

"Ollivander this is my son Mael Rosier." Snape says quickly noticing Olivanders shock. Snape realizes that with Ollivanders sharp memory he'd surely be able to make the connection between Mael with Grindewald, the eyes are a dead giveaway.

Olivander looks at Snape with a unsure expression, but seeing Snape's glare, Olivander knows that playing along with Snape's obvious lie is something he must do. Olivander decides that he will contact Albus later and ask about the child because this has to be Dumbledore's doing.

"Alright Mr Rosier, hold out your wand arm." Olivander instructs.

Mael doesn't move seemingly ignoring Olivanders instructions, atleast that's how it seems to everyone else but in reality Mael's actually listening to this faint whisper saying "Claim me, claim me master."

"Ahh Mr Rosier can you hold out your wand arm for me?" Olivander asks a little bit confused at being ignored.

"Boy, do as your asked!" Snape says impatiently.

"Don't... don't you hear that?" Mael asks confused as to why no one's reacting to the whispers.

The whisper is like a soft lullaby in Mael's ears, but instead of tempting sleep, it's drawing him towards the source of the whisper.

Mael can feel the source of the whisper coming from the back of Olivanders shop.

"Hear what young Mr Rosier?" Olivander asks confused.

In fact everyone apart from Olivander is looking at Mael like he's insane because they do not hear the whispers of which he speaks.

"It's like a feint whisper, it's saying 'Claim me master' Over and over again." Mael explains.

Olivader is bewildered by this, never in all his years has he heard of something like this happening.

"Do you know know where the whispers are coming from?" Olivander asks deciding to play along hoping to see something amazing occur.

"It's coming from the back of your shop, in the storage area." Mael points towards the right corner of the shop.

Olivander looks at Mael with confusion, he doesn't have any wands stored back there. Suddenly he remembers that there is a wand back there, an ancient wand created by his great, great, great grandfather hundreds of years ago.

From what his father told him, the wand had never chosen an owner and would kill all those who dared to even touch it without being chosen.

Olivanders expression becomes grave, he cannot decide whether he should allow this young man to attempt to take ownership of the wand or deny him the chance. After a few minutes go by, Olivander's curiousity wins over his concern for the boy. He reasons to himself that the wand must truly have a strong bond with the boy because how else would he be able to hear it. He doesn't believe the boy's lying because no one besides Olivander himself knew about this wand.

"Wait a moment, I'll go retrieve the wand." Olivander says then hurriedly walks into the back room of his shop.

A few moments later he returns with an intricate black wooden box in hand. The box has unique gold symbol carved on each side of the box.

Mael was shocked by the potency of the magical power leaking from the box. He could tell that whatever was in there was extreamly powerful but filled with a terrible bloodlust that would make anyone shriek in fear but Mael felt oddly calm because he could feel the bloodlust wasn't aimed at him, in fact he felt drawn to the wand he wanted badly to claim it already.

"This wand was created many, many years ago by my great, great, great grandfather but in the hundreds of years since then it did not once chose an owner, that is until now." Olivander says with awe. "The wand is made of yew and has a manticore stinger as its core." Olivander explains in a mysterious tone filled.

The Malfoys and Snape cannot believe that such a wand exists because it was almost impossible to kill a manticore in order to get the ingredients to create it but they also know Olivander would never lie when it comes wands, his reputation would be ruined if he did.

Olivander opens the box in slow careful manor as if the box might contain a bomb instead of a wand. After it's opened, he gently slides the wand over to Mael.

"I must warn you young master Rosier, anyone who is not the true master of this wand will die a quick but painful death if they lay their hands on it." Olivander warns in a grave tone. "If you are not the owner, only death awaits you."

"Don't touch the wand boy." Snape orders Mael sternly. If the boy dies on his watch, Snape would occur the wrath of not only Dumbledore but Gellert Grindewald aswell. Dumbledore might 'forgive' him but Grindewald surely wouldn't and as skilled as Snape is, he doesn't believe he'd survive someone as powerful as Grindewald.

Before Snape can even move, Mael doesn't hesitate and reaches into the box grabbing the light brown wand. As soon as he touches it, a warm sensation spreads throughout his body, starting from his left hand with which he grabbed the wand before traveling through out his whole body, the experience was euphoric. Mael felt an incredible surge of power coursing through him, he felt like was unbeatable, he felt it possible to defeat anyone even the strongest wizard alive, Dumbledore. Of course he didn't truly believe that, he was just high on power.

"This...this feels incredible!" Mael utters completely enamored as he examines the wand in his hand. The wand is sooth to the touch, but at the bottle of the handle there is a somewhat throne like protrusion sticking out.

A massive smile spreads across Olivanders face as he had witnessed something he never thought possible. There was no doubt in Olivanders mind that young master Rosier would go on to achieve many great things with this wand, whether it would be good or bad, Olivander wouldn't be able to say but he will achieve greatness of that Olivander has no doubt.

"Young master Rosier, you should do well to head my words." Olivander says grabbing Mael's attention away from his new wand.

Mael looks up at Olivander intensively, he's quite curious about what the old wandmaker is about to say. The others aswell have tuned in, curious about this rare unseen wand.

"As I said before any who touch your wand apart from you will suffer a quick painful death but... there is a cure only the wielder can produce. At the tip of the wand is a stinger, only the liquid produced by that stinger can cure the manticore venom and only you, young master Rosier would be able to command the wand to produce it no one else. Unfortunately aswell due to the poisonous nature of your wand, you will not be able to produce any potions unless they are of the poisonous kind." Olivanders words strike Mael to his core, he had so much potions he planned on bringing back to this era but it seems now his plans are all but destroyed.

"Is there not away around it? can I not perhaps have a spare wand to use for potions?" Mael asks desperately but as soon as he finished his words his wand becomes scorching hot buring Mael's hand. "Ahhhhh!!!!" Mael quickly drops his wand sending it clattering onto the counter.

"Unfortunately there is no way around it young master Rosier. As you can see your wand is very possessive of its owner, if you even dare to use another wand I fear that this one wouldn't hesitate to kill you for your disloyalty." Olivander explains a sorrowful expression on his face as he looks at Mael. Olivander could tell Mael might have had some ambitions for potions, unfortunately that could never happen.

Mael sighs in frustration but a solution quickly pops into his mind. Mael could easily just teach people he finds trustworthy the potions and get them to create it for him.

Mael smiles up at Olivander as if the frustration he felt before was a lie. "It's a pity but this amazing wand is worth the sacrifice." Lars says as casually as a light summer breeze.

Olivander's a little surprised at his instant mood change but not surprised considering Yew wands favor unpredictable wizards.

"Oh very well young master Rosier that'll be 7 galleons." Olivander could've charged more based on the quality and power of the wand but he doesn't care for profit, he's just happy that, that stubborn wand finally found a home.

Mael reaches into his bottomless pouch and produces 7 Galleons from it. "Here we go." He passed them to Olivander.

Olivander takes the money with a pleasant smile on his wrinkled face. "I look forward to hearing of your achievements young master Rosier." Olivander says with barely contained excitement.

Mael bows in response before turning around and walking towards the exit.

While the exchange between Mael and Olivander was happening their audience were all riddled with shock and some with awe. Snape was worried, he feared that with a wand as powerful as that, Mael had a good chance at surpassing his grandfather and if that happened even Dumbledore would find it hard to defeat him. Snape was in a hurry to get home, he had to inform Dumbledore of this news immeadiately.

Lucius on the other hand was gleeful at Mael's potential, the boy was from a prominent pureblood family, the Rosiers of France, they were the main household of the England Rosiers who were a branch family of theirs. Lucius could see it, he could see that this child might be the one to finish what the darklord started all those years ago. Lucius immeadiately decides he must ingraciate himself with the boy, incase he becomes the next dark lord, no not incase Lucius will make sure he becomes the next dark lord with Lucius as his advisor and right-hand man. Lucius's mind was already creating various plans to mold Mael into the next darklord, he was bursting with excitement at the thought.

Narcissa however wasn't thinking like her husband, she knew a boy with such a noble lineage as Mael would not be anything less then amazing, even though a part of Severus's tainted blood runs through his veins, she believed that the pureness of the main house Rosier bloodline easily overpowered the filthy muggle part of Severus's bloodline.

Draco however was stunned by how amazing his best friend was, yes Draco considered Mael his best friend, in fact his mother said they were distantly related because her mother was a Rosier, so Draco considered him family rather then just a friend.

Mael was struggling to contain his excitement, he couldn't wait to use his wand to practice all those amazing ancient spells he had jotted down, if not for the company he was in Mael would be jumping around like a happy idiot.

"Mael it's time for us to head home." Snape says in a serious tone leaving no room for argument. Snape's in a rush to report his findings to Dumbledore.

"But... I still wanted to get my pet." Mael protests. Normally Mael would just comply but he's still high off the surge of power the wand gave him.

"Severus, why not head on home, we were thinking of taking the boys for some ice-cream anyway, so we'll take him to get the pet he wants." Lucius offers with a sincere smile on his face.

"Please father." Mael begs using the famous puppy eyes.

Snape twitches at Mael calling him father but doesn't rebuke him since they are supposed to be father and son. "Fine." Snape relents.

"Perfect, we'll drop Mael at home afterwards." Lucius smiles pleased.

"Thank you Lucius." Snape gives Lucius an appreciative nod.

"My pleasure Severus." Lucius says with smug smirk on his face.

After Snape leaves the remaining four people head over to the Magical Menagerie.