
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · 奇幻言情
26 Chs

Chapter 13 ( "It's not ordinary here")

Darius followed her without hiding the fact that he is, he seemed timid. He was trembling and kept sliding his dark black hair away from his face In anxiety, and worry if anything, he was walking towards the room even faster than Aunt Laurance, but aunt Laurance quelled him and said.

You can't enter. -Aunt Laurance

And why is that? I'm the prince, and this is my castle. -Darius

Fortunately, this is "your father's castle" and positively not yours, so you abide here while I check on Violet. -Aunt Laurance

Politely I would like to see her. -Darius

Darius, you thoroughly can't do that by that I mean you can't throw the spotlight of evil at Violet, since we all know you did, and still want to speak with her to peeve her. -Aunt Laurance

No I- I seriously do want to see her. -Darius

And you seriously are prohibited from witnessing her, what occurred to you and Garridan I don't recall any of you acting this way to each other or to her. -Aunt Laurance

It's the same as what happened to you and the others. It's not like I and him didn't anticipate it to happen it was pretty obvious since the day we met her, anyway just go already not like I'm unburdened as her. -Darius

Darius left for the garden upset. Aunt Laurance opened the door and flew up high with her wings. She saw Violet on the floor ripping her puffy dress using her extensive nails that were very unnatural. She looked to Aunt Laurance and said

I would be better off dead and not alive wouldn't I? -Violet

Get up, GET UP AND STAND ON YOUR FEET AND STOP MOANING! Give me your hands. -Aunt Laurance

Aunt Laurance took a close look at Violet's nails within aunt Laurance's thoughts one sentence had been repeated. "She- she- it's like she has her blood flowing no she has her blood"

Stop scaring and stressing yourself. -Aunt Laurance

I- I'm not *silence* I'll always require unnecessary support that I don't need isn't that right? I made them feel like nothing will be the same as before. -Violet

I told you, we all are in different worlds, didn't I? -Aunt Laurance

"I don't know" Violet replied, aunt Laurance had a questioned face expression Violet completed her sentence

What if they were just having a wretched day, I'm sure their words meant something to them, I'm convinced there is something I did to earn them treating me in that manner. -Violet

Violet pulled away Aunt Laurance's hand and isolated herself in a small corner covering her head with a piece of cloth she found next to her. Aunt Laurance then leaned down on the dirty ground and by Violet's cell and told her

I should've told you this earlier so you aren't as lost. My name isn't "aunt Laurance" it's Alice, but there on earth, I'm known as Laurance. Am I your aunt? no, I'm nowhere as close, even so, I would be, just think of me as an older sister who is basically always willing to oblige you. -Alice

Fine Alice, can you please depart? -Violet

I understand, the knights will later open the cell and help you go to your room, so by then rest, sleep, or just go to the garden when that is your wanting, inform the maids. -Alice

Aunt Laurance now confirmed by Violet is now Alice, Alice left in a hurry scurrying the halls and leaving the castle right afterward. Violet removed the cloth that she used to cover her face and removed it, she then heard footsteps, and she hurried to the bars of the cell only to figure out it was Darius.

You're the last person I would like to see. -Violet

Now I feel pity for you because you'll be seeing me far more often. Now how was your visit? -Darius

Amazing, it was very entertaining we did many humorous things. -Violet

To Violet telling the actuality was much more disheartening than anyone witnessing the truth within their own eyes.

Liar liar pants on klifer *laughs slightly while in unknown disappointment*

That sounds utterly familiar, can you repeat it? -Violet

Darius said quietly "No uh that's not-" he had been hesitantly speaking to himself in regret of what he said accidentally, quickly he changed the subject to something else to provoke Violet, and try to make her neglect that he even said anything.

Did you seriously hand my sister the book again? If you want to hide something think more smartly. -Darius

Believe it or not, your sister was the one swiping the book. Right when I opened my eyes yesterday I found her speaking to me about the cruel things surrounding the book, what sort of brother are you? -Violet

The type of brother who is trying to evolve his sister, Leanor is one of the most vulnerable people there is in the family, if I always need to support her to pass a step in fliaksist then when will she ever learn to? I know I am her older brother, but that just makes me more knowledgeable about who she is. You've glimpsed at Leanor and you surely know how extremely nosy she is, and that makes everyone agitated, so we all must draw lines to where they have to be drawn. -Darius

I get it, but she is still a child after all someone will need to teach her how to " pass a step in fliaksist" if she isn't guided then she will probably teach herself the incorrect way and trust me that's the worst situation a kid can ever go through. -Violet

Something struck her mind, she recalled sad memories she didn't determinate flooded her mind, drying her tears with tissues or sleeping in bed while her body was sunk shivering in the cold temperature, a headache straight away set in which made Violet apply force onto her head.

Don't compare Leanor's life to yours, one is worse than the other. Anyways are you coming back to the academy? because Maria will be the reason for my soon-to-be murder. She has been checking on you nonstop lately and she wants you to come back to the academy, I have to leave since I'm nowhere as free as you so I'm going goodbye. -Darius

"Wait an instant" embarrassed she felt asking him, she continued

I have a question. May you stay with me just for a few more minutes? -Violet

more lirs? keep dreaming-

It took only one look at Violet's stinging face to apprehend her sentiments, her miserable face brought him to take a seat on the mucky smudged floor.

Yes? what do you want? just make this fast to get this over with. -prince Darius

Violet moved closer to him but remaining in her seating position, it was hard for her to see him clearly since the cell's bars were covering him.

I do know I am very late to ask but why did you save me? -Violet

From what exactly? -Darius

The balcony situation. -Violet

Oh that- that was- that was jus- I- I DIDN'T SAVE YOU- listen I dislike you, but I won't allow a child to self-harm themselves. -Darius

I- I wasn't, and I'm fifteen, as old as you. -Violet

First, it was obvious that you were trying to. Second, it's not "fifteen" it's Axedseen you imbecile, and third, I'm Fizseen so I am older. -Darius

"Fizseen"? what even is that? -Violet

It's sixteen in normal English, this is the basic kahili language, you need to be educated about it or you'll start speaking the human language for the rest of your life. -Darius

Well sorry, that I was living on a normal planet and also sorry that I just entered a weird abnormal academy. -Violet

It isn't a weird academy, it is a prestigious and one of the most expensive academies located in Aquene, aren't you a flieck? -Darius

What is with that name? you and Garridan should knock it off. -Violet

Garridan is still calling you that? wow, you really are something unbearable. -Darius

Still? Has he been saying whatever that is to me, and then laughing it off with you?! -Violet

what? no- no it isn't like that- just forget about it, it means nothing. -Darius

So you know him? not a surprise you both are typical duplicates with everything regarding your appearances being different. You both are like apathetic people who toss "stunts" on anyone you find as prey. -Violet

Darius stood up and left the room while Violet was still rending up her dress while still thinking about everything, she rubbed her eyes and rose. She once again felt agonizing pain in her head. she held the bars to gain only an ounce of support.

"I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!! I WANT TO STAY HERE!!" the sound that Violet heard once had been playing once too in her head, Violet had no idea who that little girl was. Her tantrums in Violet's mind were persistently there "I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! JUST ALLOW ME TO STAY HERE!" Violet began hitting her head thinking that those voices in her head were trying to drive her insane, drive her out of her mind. She stood firmly and tried to alleviate herself.

"Get out, leave my head, JUST LEAVE me alone" she collapsed on the ground with a feeling of rage and hassle. Four knights Approached and opened the cell's door.

Ms. Violet, would you please stand up so we can escort you to your room? -Knight one

Violet contained her anger, and disarray and stood up and gained a stronger grip on their shoulders, her legs felt almost wobbly whereas just standing feels like a challenge. "The sounds? they stopped am I going ridiculous? should I notify someone?" Violet thought to herself, as they walked her to the room she heard a sound coming close by her "pshh" it then stopped "pshh" then went off once again, looking by the guards to just check from where the sound was coming it sounded more like electricity wires pulling or a television playing a channel. She looked above her to find some sort of emerald-colored creature with teeth and fangs as sharp as blades and eyes as dark as the sky night. Crawling and crawling in a very unusual way setting its eyes on Violet, Violet gulped in fear and worry she thought to herself "Is- is this even normal." her thoughts were very heavy and her heart was dashing as she saw the wicked creature still above on the high ceiling. no one, not the knights NOT EVEN THE MAIDS! had seen this unimaginable creature.

There is something on the ceiling, a- a creature, please look above you. -Violet

Violet told the knight that was on her left, but he just didn't react at all. He expressed to himself "She is probably going through some terrible illusions, she has something up her sleeves, I- I can't lay off my vigil." Violet went on to tell the knight on her right " You must listen to me, there is a very very huge hideous creature above on the ceiling." this time the knight stopped in his position and selected to look up only to find no beast and no evidence of any being above, he angrily completed marching slowly. "Where the above can hear the sounds marching musically down the mountain by the water by the river, the sounds are dripping by the waters.-" a lullaby was playing in harmony soo relative to something Violet heard, it intimidated her and also touched a valuable chord within her heart. Violet spotted the creature once again, it was smiling creepily, and it produced a lullaby for the second time. "The creatures singing by the ocean waiting for the sirens to arrive *hums*, waiting for their prey to arrive *hums*" the verse sounded very incomplete and made no purpose at all, the peaceful verse that played nicely was now revolving around sirens? but dinged more disturbing than the first verse. Her mind blocked all the ideas from running through her head and recreated a lullaby more innocent and enchanting that Violet somehow was able to sing along with "Your wings are taking off, they move along the birds, the clouds, the rainbow that extends to the south of Railetey, your wings are colored Violet to explore the freedom like a pilot on a sunny day!" the woman's voice sounded blooming and determined. The woman began chuckling in delight which brought Violet a delicate smile on her face, exactly what she needed.