
A Demon Lords Ambition

Mason, a criminal in his last life, came to a decision to live on with no other choice but within the domain of an entire new world. Believing just far and human evil will grow to be, his sole mission and drive is to commit mass genocide against an entire race. Suffering a great deal of pain in his last life: losing his family, a wife his two daughters as well a cop who attempted to help him and reform him. All in front of his very eyes, as they were so brutally killed, God listened to the words of his family in the afterlife, and spoke with Mason. His deads as a crimal cannot be ignored and even God didn't want to send him to Hell, for he blamed himself for not guiding him and even noticing his existence when his lived, the opportunity came to let him live on again. Although Mason was reluctant, angered with the God, he choose to live again, in another world. This new world was going to face a change, an anomaly like no other to challenge it. Humans in this world however, were far more cruel and unforgiving, Human at war with God's, great devils existed and all sort of life bared fruit to exist. As Mason set foot on this world, he would not be so forgiving and kind anymore. he no longer was human, but among demons. The world was in for a change and danger that needed to be corrected. whether it be Mason himself or the elimination of the corrupted humans like Mason believes. He would meet many, human, elf, merkfolk and al alike. To help him on his mission, while they may also offer up there body and soul to his cause and power. he had to know if his family was truly alive or dead as well in this new world with him. Gods last momemt with him, he asked his family if they should join him. if there was anyone who calm his anger, after someone broke his soul and spirt, they were out, for he wasn't going to be easily destroyed and do all he could to find them.

AkaneZero · 奇幻
22 Chs

Ch.9 - Difficulties

"no one should be at the plaza... everyone gatgered there so easily, and it seems like no one could deny the bells ringing... it rang around 3 times... or five... screen it, as long as it gets people here... and bring out those two... I'll get started... and I'll expose what the church here has been doing..." he was thinking and talking to himself as he walked to the plaza. Where he then rang the bell loudly and for some time, assuring that it would the attention of everyone gathered.

Mason had let his overwhelming power flow out of him, this altered the towns lord and mayor as well, his Demonic nature and malicious intention reached those marching to his direction.

when people were gathered confused and worried as the towns guards were ready with spears and shields. A lieutenant in the forces demanded.

"who are you? you'll be hanged for disrupting the peace and ringing the bell?"

"What are you going to do about it..." Mason said grinning and stating down at the gaurd who spoke up. "You got some fancy studs on... your a higher ranked officer? doesn't matter... just get your mayor and ditract lord... you all need to know what they've been keeping hiding from you" Mason announced. even as he grinned, there such an ominous aura around him as he kept a threatening presence.

More guards came, and some did ruch in a group to gather the mayor and the lord, with now Mason having there attention of all the people, and soon the two important of status were here and in the middle of the crowd and guards. Mason looked over to them and spoke up. "good... you both finally arrived!"

"whats the meaning of this... I'll have-"

"your gaurd already said that line my friend... I'll be hanged right... do you really think you can? any of you...?" Mason spoke up against him.

"If you were warned... and now seek to disrupt our town, then we have no choice but to kill you... demon" the lord said getting his flame magic ready.

"I'm only a demon in nature... you two are you demons here... sick... twisted... greedy and lustful monsters... your missing your Archbishop... if you hands noticed... and before you check his church I'll have you know... I kill him. and the old fat men who played preists... I slaughter them... and... I saw what you been letting them do..." his voice got grim and dark as well his eyes glowed fiercely.

The mayor and lord before looked to Mason as the lord then spoke up attempting to cover them. "what are you on about...? other than admiting to killing those under the cloth..."

"oh you know exactly what I mean..." Mason said, dashing and stabbing the mayor through his chest with his palm right through him. "You both have been selling, gutting, killing, prostiting all those that come to the church... the lost lambs of this world... children who have been casted out by families who never wanted them... you've abused the church's influence... and greedily as well selfishly abused your power and influence to run it and allow it to run as you see fit... why else would a stubby fat short mayor need a druid for... other than to heal those near death in the church..."

they all listened. intently after the performance he made. with his bare hand cutting through the mayor who was coughing up plenty of blood and bleeding out. Mason didn't move an inch and then stared at the lord.

he was staggered, and stunned. thinking of what to do to get out of the situation. the people were frightened and in awe. there new strange visitor was speaking nonsense to them, but also they felt his words of power. and collectively they thought. 'what reason does this man have to lie for?' the guards gatgered quickly in front of the people and this only put a larger smile on Masons face. "the druid no longer has ties to you rats... she's is mine. there will be no healing... no savior... or a devil to pray to once I'm done with killing all of you sinners..." Mason said loudly and at the very same moment dropped the mayor on the floor. "let me show you..." he began healing the mayor, after his chest was pierced it looked like a miracle as his bones, lungs and heart began to become replaces healing him back to health. however the fatigue and pain he felt was very real.

the lord watched as this stranger, made a demonstration of the mayor. his power was absolute and he would use it. with no real options left for hi. he asked. "if... if I confess.... can you... let me live, you'll have the town..."

Mason spoke up calmly. "of course... if you can admit to you sins... I won't harm you..." his voice felt honest. a ray of hope for the lord as his life wouldn't be taken. getting on his feet and standing in front of Mason, he took a look at the collapsed mayor who just escaped death. he spoke, to the people, and clear for them all to listen.

"What he said... is sadly true... the church... was housing those woman and children... for the purpose of trafficking them.... and myself as well the mayor... would take part, as well as many among you... and those in the slums..." he kept his head down, and felt the anger of the people. people who believed in the church and what they believed. in. a completely stranger, unveiled a sad and dark to them. but one they soon saw easily fade away, they screamed to hang him, they pushed the guards. as they now tried to form a barrier, but they now lost sight of Mason, at least in the moment.

it was suddenly quiet. as they heard a loud sound. a beating heart. loudly pounding and only trying harder. when there gaze was fixed, they saw the lord chest ripped open, by the very stranger who started it all. with his chest exposed he opened his body further pushing apart with both of his palms. his ribs and lungs all exposed as Mason reached in grabbing his heart thrusting his arm forward to show the people, as he slowly squeezed crushing it.

the lord in agonizing pain he turned slowly bleeding out in tears as he pleaded and begged. "you.... said... you weren't"

"and you thought I'd keep my word.... this was coming... one way or another... I was going to kill you... but I can only imagine the humiliating feeling you must have right now... did you think some god was going help you? that by a miracle by confusing your sin would go away? you robbed the youth of a normal life... you do not desire the very air we breath. let alone the life in this word... you will rot in hell, with your mayor... with the Archbishop... and every member of your filthy church... what ever God you believed in... noonger exsit... I do" crushing his heart, Mason finished him as he let the people watch his body fall over. Mason grabbed the mayor as he crushed his head slowly and brutally quick with no resistance. he displayed his power, to the people and to the guards.

fear resonated with all them.

"I'm gonna rule this town... if you can't faithfully follow... leave... I will not tolerate slavery either. and I will kill any of you holding any... I despise humans... even if I use to be one... I lived a hemm far unimaginable than any of you can fathom. you all have one week... and if you think those knight coming the day after tomorrow will arrive. I promise they will die a fate worse than this... I seek a world rid of evil. rid of humans. this is a human extermination... however I'm not so brutal... if you can follow under me... without resistance then you may live as you please. like nothing ever even happened. I won't rule over fear. and I'm giving you all a choice. act accordingly. this my first demond as lord. provide resources... food, clothing, and material to rebuild that church. one that will help those who have suffered for so long. this also mean you will your slaves there as to what I said ealier. I will not tolerate it"

the people listened, but they also couldn't be feel like they could diplomatic. this Demon that was giving time to leave, and proclaimed to be the new lord, was making demands almost unreasonable to them. so it wasn't long before a drunkard spoke up. "screw that... we need those demi humans...! they ain't cheap and don't sell for much!" he went on and it didn't a second after for Mason to grab him by his throat.

"I can smell the piss and liqueur on you... im taking a guess but I bet you also visited that church huh... I don't give a damn about your opinion... or any of you people. I'm gave one demand... not a fucking request. there is option for any of you vermin... if I need to remind you all of that" pissed off, Mason grabbed the man's leg and arm as he began to pull him apart. "then I'll do it!" organs... intesting few out to the ground with blood reaching far to the civilians.

"I'm not making things to fucking difficult am I? just leave any slaves there... and provide food, clothes and resources. or do non of you care for anyone but your damn selfish selves...? this fat bastered wasted your one and ONLY warning. next one of you to speak out of line... I won't hesitate to paint this dammed town red... I'm already pissed beyond what any of you can imagine... do not test me any longer..." there was a mustering headache building up, as he was only getting annoyed. the people who though were going to be safe only saw a tyrant. but also saw a demon they couldn't imagine battering. he just also killed three of there people. two who did commit crimes behind the scenes and just a drunkard for speaking up.

who could defy his power? who would save them? many and many more thought in there terror swelled. it was unanimous to them all, to leave, while they can. but out of fear of angering him, they did like he asked. they left any slaves at the church. children or adult in pure rages and bare were left with the church, other brought food and laid them over blankets and clothes. they treated the church still a place to worship. even with all the terrible things done within. they hoped there god would strike the Demon who was harassing there way of life.

Mason was in the church, in the back room where the druid Liz was now surrounded by children and the only other adult woman. Mason knew these humans, did nothing wrong, and saw no reason to send them away. but they know blood when they saw it. and as Mason was covered in it. they were frightened. Liz got in and walked toward to him as she spoke.

"I've been hearing lots of people moving up front... what have you done mason?"

"I'm changing there way of life... and I'm fixing the mess humane made... for one, they are bring offering for all of you hear... food, clothes... actually things you all need... I know there changing or undoing what has been done but I swear it will not happen again..." he told her and loudly for all the victims. he wasn't playing Saint or a hero. but they were overjoyed. no more abuse, no more being tortured and no more where they going to be sold around and raped.

"as of this moment... your all under my protection. the humans here will leave... so this entire town will my domain... and. I will only expand it. I won't be a selfish lord. or a tyrant... just be nice, and help one another all of you..."

liz smiled as there was a change happening. whether it was good or bad was great based on sides and perspective. "things will only get more difficult you know that..."

"I know... and I'll deal with it when the time comes... for now help them eat and teach them all you know... and now to declare my second demand. Druid... all of the nearby forest. will be yours to command and use as you see fit... your also welcome to rule this domain with me."

"ah, wait... no... this is sudden"

"kings orders... and it's rude to not accept a gift so gracious" he told her

she was flushed, but nodded bowing. "Of course..." raising her head. she spoke again. "I'll develop your domain well for all the other races and better humans if they seek the knowledge and experience."

"good... but kill humans... not these... just those you feel won't help keep the peace or act so selfishly. do not over think it... or hesitate. you can do it, and you've got my permission." he told her as she had all the freedom she needed. and gave her all the forest rights she liked.

"I've got work to still do... and if you have time, bring my goddess over here and settle her down... the rest of you... gather up front to eat... same for you ladies... you can also pick out new clothes..." Mason said now speaking to the children and woman. he walled up front leading them all to the front hall that was destroyed but now also across the floor were neatly placed foods, clothes and many more objects as offerisng for them. the slaves who were in chains were set free as Mason went over breaking the metal that still was left on them. "all of you... eat, change and take care of one another... but please stay here a while longer... we will reconstruction and build homes to house you all..." he told told, so they wouldn't have worry. 'even if I need to do it all my damn self...' he told himself as he had a brutal task for himself. he had no faith in the human race, and didn't think any other person would be around by tomorrow. but he still had to make sure no one was leaving sneaking away slaves or still captured and abused orphans from the church.

for the next hours left in the day Mason spent guarding the gates himself stopping anyone leaving checking every bit of luggage and personal possessions they had. it was a harsh task for one individual, even if he was using abilities to quickly step and rush one end of the town to the next, there were four gates and people were slipping without his notice. as he did his best, he then went to the slums, using magic to sense for every person left. finding those in cages like animals or even woman being tortured and abused. he helped them and guided then to the church, any one a threat was killed without mercy.

it wasn't until the sun set and now the place, allies the entire town was quiet and dark. all but one area. the church. he was tired and fatigue, the entire building pact he had to manage them, and now an empty town.

"all of you, please get rest" Liz said as she acted as a care taker for them. they all listened as she had a warmth around her that made them all look up to her. they kindly listened and soon Mason entered as he was stood tired and fatigued. Liz walked over grabbing him. "You should rest too... go on find a spot..." she told him, but gently he got off.

"not yet... there won't be food not that the other people are gone... maybe in the empty houses... but we need a farm... I need to find and gather seeds... you just make sure they're okay... good news, they can stay at the empty houses... bad is I won't get rest... so you just focuse on what you need too... I'll keep going."

Mason knew very well the economy was fucked, if he wanted a stable way of life for the children's and those under him, he needed to get a farm for food and manage currency for trades and barters. there was so much he needed to do and fast. but he had to also prepare for the army arriving in a days time.

"shit..." he had suddenly collapsed falling over Liz as he was out cold.

"Mason! Hey! dammit..." she watched him sleep and used some of her mana left to at least disperse his fatigue and let him rest on the floor. she laid him against the wall corner and once she was left all alone and awake, she slept as well.

trouble was only rising and growing for them. the people who once lived there spread far spreading the word a devil, demon, monster a tyrant that took over Rizgard, to neighboring towns, villages and cities, and even traders. as those who left the side near the army of church knights, they speard word to them, and made there trip all the more faster as they were eager with bloodlust to see what this monster of rizgard was.